## Of course, what I am doing here should be discouraged. I am copying/pasting an
# entire section from simFunctions.R in order to make special changes rather than
# rewrite the functions to accomodate a broader range of possibilities. This unfortunately
# is necessary due to constraints on time
## Appending everything with _compare, but really the only change is to
## Run set of simulation on nsub subjects
#' Run simulation for multiple subjects
#' @param nsub numeric, number of subjects in simulation
#' @param fnct character vector indicatin curve type
#' @param ntrials number of vwp trials per subject
#' @param fbst use FBS+T assumption or not
#' @param omDelay alternative mechanism for eye delay, can be constant or active bound var
#' @param group name of group
#' @param alt TRUE/FALSE this determines if we use baseParams or baseParams2 for creating data
#' @returns This runs simluation for single subject, returns a list
#' containing information on subject, as well as trial data
#' @export
runSim_compare <- function(nsub = 10, ntrials = 300,
fnct = "logistic", fbst = FALSE,
omDelay = 0, group = "A", alt = FALSE, cores = 4) {
## Probably ought to do in parallel
#subs <- replicate(nsub, runSub(fnct, ntrials, fbst), simplify = FALSE)
subs <- mclapply(seq_len(nsub), function(i) {
j <- i # dumb that this is necessary
tt <- runSub_compare(fnct, ntrials, fbst, omDelay = omDelay, alt = alt)
#set(tt, "trialData", i)
tt$trialData[, id := i]
nn <- ncol(tt$trialData)
nam <- colnames(tt$trialData)[c(nn, 1:(nn-1))]
tt$trialData <- tt$trialData[, ..nam]
}, mc.cores = cores)
trialData <- lapply(subs, aggregateSub)
trialData <- rbindlist(trialData)
trialData$group <- group # for bdots
fixations <- lapply(subs, buildSaccadeSub)
fixations <- rbindlist(fixations)
fixations$group <- group
subject <- lapply(subs, function(x) {
subInfo <- names(subject[[1]])
rr <- lapply(subInfo, function(x) {
tt <- lapply(subject, function(y) (as.data.table(t(y[[x]]))))
tt <- rbindlist(tt)
tt[, id := seq_len(nrow(tt))]
# stupid way to handle this
nn <- ncol(tt)
nam <- colnames(tt)[c(nn, 1:(nn-1))]
tt <- tt[, ..nam]
names(rr) <- subInfo
rr[['fn']] <- as.character(rr[['fn']][1, 2])
list(trialData = trialData,
fixations = fixations,
subPars = rr)
#' Create single subject for VWP trial
#' @param fnct character vector indicatin curve type
#' @param alt TRUE/FALSE this determines if we use baseParams or baseParams2 for creating data
#' @returns This creates parameters for an individual subject,
#' returning the fixation curve parameters, as well as eye movement
#' parameters for both standard and FBS+T
#' @export
makeSubject_compare <- function(fnct = "logistic", alt) {
## Which set of pars are used
if (!alt) {
if (fnct == "logistic") {
bb <- copy(baseParams[fn == 1, ])
fn <- logistic_f
} else if (fnct == "doubleGauss") {
bb <- copy(baseParams[fn == 2, ])
fn <- doubleGauss_f
} else if (fnct == "linear") {
bb <- copy(baseParams[fn == 3, ])
fn <- linear_f
} else {
if (fnct == "logistic") {
bb <- copy(baseParams2[fn == 1, ])
fn <- logistic_f
} else if (fnct == "doubleGauss") {
bb <- copy(baseParams2[fn == 2, ])
fn <- doubleGauss_f
} else if (fnct == "linear") {
bb <- copy(baseParams2[fn == 3, ])
fn <- linear_f
## Parameters for the curve, right now, just logistic
subPars <- vector("numeric", nrow(bb))
subPars[] <- Inf
maxFix <- 2
if (fnct == "logistic") {
while (maxFix > 1 | maxFix < 0.6) { # added minimum independent of mbob
subPars[] <- Inf
while (any(bb[, subPars <= min | subPars >= max ])) {
subPars <- bb[, rnorm(nrow(bb))*sd + mean]
maxFix <- max(fn(subPars, times))
} else {
while (maxFix > 1) { # for double gauss
subPars[] <- Inf
while (any(bb[, subPars <= min | subPars >= max ])) {
subPars <- bb[, rnorm(nrow(bb))*sd + mean]
maxFix <- max(fn(subPars, times))
names(subPars) <- bb$param
### This portion below independent of fixation curve
## Eye movement parameters
# bw subject mean / bw sub sd / mean trial x trial sd wn sub / sd of trial x sd of sub
baseEMparams <- matrix(c(204.73, 32.63, 96.55, 24.57,
360.28, 65.78, 195.11, 30.04),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)
## For eye movement, i.e., eyemovementSubject (missing FBS+T)
emSub <- vector("numeric", 2L)
emSub[1] <- rgamma(1, shape = baseEMparams[1,1]^2 / baseEMparams[1,2]^2,
scale = baseEMparams[1,2]^2/baseEMparams[1,1])
emSub[2] <- rgamma(1, shape = baseEMparams[1,3]^2 / baseEMparams[1,4]^2,
scale = baseEMparams[1,4]^2/baseEMparams[1,3])
## For FBS+T (i.e., these are target looks, which are slightly longer)
emSubT <- vector("numeric", 2L)
emSubT[1] <- rgamma(1, shape = baseEMparams[2,1]^2 / baseEMparams[2,2]^2,
scale = baseEMparams[2,2]^2/baseEMparams[2,1])
emSubT[2] <- rgamma(1, shape = baseEMparams[2,3]^2 / baseEMparams[2,4]^2,
scale = baseEMparams[2,4]^2/baseEMparams[2,3])
names(emSub) <- c("meanEM", "sdEM")
names(emSubT) <- c("meanEM_T", "sdEM_T")
return(list(pars = subPars, em = emSub, emT = emSubT, fn = fnct))
## Run set of simulation on single subject
#' Run simulation for single subject
#' @param fnct character vector indicatin curve type
#' @param ntrials number of vwp trials per subject
#' @param fbst use FBS+T assumption or not
#' @param window A time window to sample at different density
#' @param windowRate sampling rate within window
#' @param pars curve parameters
#' @param omDelay Alternative to using `lasttime` for saccade time -- instead
#' can take on a fixed value or bound RV
#' @param alt TRUE/FALSE this determines if we use baseParams or baseParams2 for creating data
#' @returns This runs simluation for single subject, returns a list
#' containing information on subject, as well as trial data
#' @export
runSub_compare <- function(fnct = "logistic", ntrials = 300, fbst = TRUE,
pars = NULL, omDelay = 0, alt) {
## Set up parameter stuff for subject
subInfo <- makeSubject_compare(fnct, alt)
if (is.null(pars)) {
pars <- subInfo$pars
} else {
subInfo$pars <- pars
em <- subInfo$em
emT <- subInfo$emT # for target
rg <- function() rgamma(1, em[1]^2/em[2]^2, scale = em[2]^2/em[1])
rgT <- function() rgamma(1, emT[1]^2/emT[2]^2, scale = emT[2]^2/emT[1])
# # Let's get rid of the short ones to exemplify the added observation bias
if (fbst) {
rg <- rgT
## Assign curve fitting function
if (fnct == "logistic") {
fn <- logistic_f
} else if (fnct == "doubleGauss") {
fn <- doubleGauss_f
} else if (fnct == "linear") {
fn <- linear_f
## Go through trials
trialDataList <- mclapply(seq_len(ntrials), function(i) {
trialdata <- data.table(trial = i,
times = times,
looks = 0L * times[],
saccadenum = 0L)
## Step 1 of looks (I'll leave this the same as an offset)
curtime <- min(times) - runif(1)*em[1] # current time
while (curtime < max(times)) {
## Make this assignment because omDelay could be bound RV
rho_delay <- omDelay
currProb <- fn(pars, curtime - rho_delay)
# am I looking at target?
targ <- runif(1) <= currProb
## Duration depends on looking at target or not
fixgamma <- ifelse(fbst & targ, rgT(), rg())
## update trial data
idx <- which(times >= curtime & times <= curtime + fixgamma + rho_delay)
if (length(idx) == 0) next
trialdata[idx, looks := targ]
trialdata[idx[1]:nrow(trialdata), saccadenum := saccadenum + 1L]
curtime <- curtime + fixgamma + rho_delay
}, mc.cores = 1L)
## Aggregate to single DT
tt <- rbindlist(trialDataList)
return(list(subInfo = subInfo, trialData = tt))
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