# ## Replicating for logistic eyetrack (princess bride)
# times <- seq(0, 2000, by = 4)
# oculomotordelay <- 200
# test <- runSub(fbst = TRUE)
# plot(aggregateSub(test))
# ## Try to recover start times
# tt <- test$trialData
# tt[, test:= saccadenum - shift(saccadenum)]
# tt[, `:=`(starttime = min(times), endtime = max(times)), by = .(trial, saccadenum)]
# rr <- copy(tt)
# rr[, `:=`(times = NULL, looks = NULL, test = NULL)]
# rr <- unique(rr)
# dat <- aggregateSub(test)
# dat$subject <- 1
# dat$group <- "a"
# fit <- bdotsFit(dat, subject = "subject",
# time = "times",
# y = "looks",
# group = "group",
# curveType = logistic())
# orig_p <- test$subInfo$pars
# fit_p <- coef(fit)[c(1,2,4,3)]
# orig_l <- logistic(orig_p, times)
# fit_l <- logistic(fit_p, times)
# looks <- dat$looks
# plot(times, orig_l, col = 'red', lwd = 2, type = 'l', ylim = c(0, 1))
# lines(times, looks, col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
# lines(times, fit_l, col = 'green', lwd = 2)
# tt <- runSim(nsub = 1)
# fix <- tt$fixations
# td <- tt$trialData
# tt <- runSub()
# fix <- buildSaccadeSub(tt)
# td <- aggregateSub(tt)
# hist(fix$dur)
# histogram(~starttime | as.character(saccadenum), data = fix)
# sacs <- fix[, max(saccadenum), by = trial]$V1
# tt2 <- runSub(fbst = TRUE)
# fix2 <- buildSaccadeSub(tt2)
# td2 <- aggregateSub(tt2)
## Trying running simulation
## fbs, ntrials = 300, logitic
# about 53 minutes
#sim <- runSim(nsub = 1000L)
#sim_fbst <- runSim(nsub = 1000L, fbst = TRUE)
sim_co <- runSim(nsub = 1000L, fnct = "doubleGauss")
sim_co_fbst <- runSim(nsub = 1000L, fbst = TRUE, fnct = "doubleGauss")
sim_l <- runSim(nsub = 10L, fnct = "logistic", fbst = TRUE)
save.image(file = "trialSim_dg.RData")
# sim <- runSim(nsub = 750L)
ss <- copy(sim_l)
## Basically reproduce bob's table for each
pbcheck <- function(ss) {
ss <- copy(ss)
fnx <- ss$subPars$fn
if (fnx == "logistic") {
fn <- bdots::logistic
} else if (fnx == "doubleGauss") {
fn <- bdots::doubleGauss2
} else if (fnx == "linear") {
fn <- bdots::linear
dat <- copy(ss$trialData)
dat[, group := "grp"]
if (fnx == "doubleGauss") {
test <- split(dat, by = "id")
badid <- vector("numeric", length = 1L)
for (i in seq_along(test)) {
rr <- bdots:::dgaussPars(test[[i]], "looks", "times", TRUE)
if (length(rr) != 6) badid <- c(badid, i)
if (length(badid) > 1) {
bad <- TRUE
badid <- badid[2:length(badid)]
dat <- dat[!(id %in% badid), ]
fits <- bdotsFit(data = dat,
y = "looks",
time = "times",
subject = "id",
group = "group",
curveType = fn(),
cores = detectCores() - 1L)
hmm <- sapply(split(fits, by = "id"), function(x) {
if (x$fitCode == 6) return(FALSE)
obj <- x[["fit"]][[1]]
fv <- fitted(obj)
res <- residuals(obj)
cor(fv, fv+res) > 0.8
fits <- fits[hmm, ]
# fits <- bdotsFit(df,
# y = "looks",
# time = "time",
# subject = "id",
# group = "group",
# curveType = cc(),
# cores = 1L)
fits <- fits[fitCode %in% c(0,1,3), ]
fit_coef <- coef(fits)
sim_coef <- ss$subPars$pars
sim_coef <- sim_coef[id %in% fits$id, ]
## Clean up
sim_coef[, id := NULL]
sim_coef <- as.matrix(sim_coef)
## This is just to match what is presented in the paper
# if (fnx == "logistic") {
# bob_idx <- c("mini", "peak", "cross", "slope")
# sim_coef <- sim_coef[, bob_idx]
# fit_coef <- fit_coef[, bob_idx]
# }
diag(cor(sim_coef, fit_coef))
return(list(simcoef = sim_coef, fitcoef = fit_coef, fits = fits,
nvalid = sum(hmm)))
sims <- list(sim, sim_fbst, sim_co, sim_co_fbst)
sims <- vector("list", 4)
sims[[1]] <- pbcheck(sim)
sims[[2]] <- pbcheck(sim_co)
sims[[3]] <- pbcheck(sim_co)
tt <- runSim_fixed()
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