convert_animalcules_silva: Create a multi-assay experiment from MetaScope output for...

View source: R/convert_animalcules_silva.R

convert_animalcules_silvaR Documentation

Create a multi-assay experiment from MetaScope output for usage with animalcules with the SILVA 13_8 database


Upon completion of the MetaScope pipeline, users can analyze and visualize abundances in their samples using the animalcules package. This function allows interoperability of metascope_id output with both animalcules and QIIME. After running this function, the user should save the returned MAE to an RDS file using a function like saveRDS to upload the output into the animalcules package. NOTE: This function is for outputs that were generated with the SILVA 13_8 database.


  end_string = ".metascope_id.csv",
  qiime_biom_out = FALSE,
  path_to_write = ".",
  caching = TRUE



A vector of filepaths to the counts ID CSVs output by metascope_id() created with the SILVA database.


The filepath to the CSV annotation file for the samples. This CSV metadata/annotation file should contain at least two columns, one with names of all samples WITHOUT the extension listed in end_string, e.g. for output file "sample_x76.metascope_id.csv", the column specified in which_annot_col should contain the entry "sample_x76". Sample names containing characters "_", "-", and "." are fine, however sample names beginning with numbers should be renamed to have a prefix, e.g. "777897sample" should be renamed to "X777897sample" for both the output file name and the annotation name.


The name of the column of the annotation file containing the sample IDs. These should be the same as the meta_counts root filenames.


The end string used at the end of the metascope_id files. Default is ".metascope_id.csv".


Would you also like a qiime-compatible biom file output? If yes, two files will be saved: one is a biom file of the counts table, and the other is a specifically formatted mapping file of metadata information. Default is FALSE.


If qiime_biom_out = TRUE, where should output QIIME files be written? Should be a character string of the folder path. Default is '.', i.e. the current working directory.


Whether to use BiocFileCache when downloading genomes. Default is FALSE.


Returns a MultiAssay Experiment file of combined sample counts data and/or saved biom file and mapping file for analysis with QIIME. The MultiAssayExperiment will have a counts assay ("MGX").


tempfolder <- tempfile()

# Create three different samples
samp_names <- c("X123", "X456", "X789")
all_files <- file.path(tempfolder,
                       paste0(samp_names, ".csv"))

create_IDcsv <- function (out_file) {
  final_taxids <- c("AY846380.1.2583", "AY909584.1.2313", "HG531388.1.1375")
  final_genomes <- rep("Genome name", 3)
  best_hit <- sample(seq(100, 1050), 3)
  proportion <- best_hit/sum(best_hit) |> round(2)
  EMreads <- best_hit + round(runif(3), 1)
  EMprop <- proportion + 0.003
  dplyr::tibble("TaxonomyID" = final_taxids,
                "Genome" = final_genomes,
                "read_count" = best_hit, "Proportion" = proportion,
                "EMreads" = EMreads, "EMProportion" = EMprop) |>
    dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$read_count)) |>
    utils::write.csv(file = out_file, row.names = FALSE)
out_files <- vapply(all_files, create_IDcsv, FUN.VALUE = character(1))

# Create annotation data for samples
annot_dat <- file.path(tempfolder, "annot.csv")
dplyr::tibble(Sample = samp_names, RSV = c("pos", "neg", "pos"),
              month = c("March", "July", "Aug"),
              yrsold = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.2)) |>
  utils::write.csv(file = annot_dat,
                   row.names = FALSE)

# Convert samples to MAE
outMAE <- convert_animalcules_silva(meta_counts = out_files,
                              annot_path = annot_dat,
                              which_annot_col = "Sample",
                              end_string = ".metascope_id.csv",
                              qiime_biom_out = FALSE,
                              caching = TRUE)

unlink(tempfolder, recursive = TRUE)

compbiomed/MetaScope documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 8 p.m.