
Defines functions pesq_download_2020 pesq_download_2018 pesq_download_2020_uf pesq_download_2018_uf vs pesq_download_cities pesq_download pesq_download_day pesq_download_details pesq_download_city

Documented in pesq_download_cities

pesq_download_city <- function(uf, muni, path) {
  u <- u_tse()
  arq <- sprintf('%s/%s_%s.html', path, uf, muni)
  f <- purrr::possibly(function(item) {
    arq_detalhe <- sprintf('%s/%s_%s_%03d.html', path, uf, muni, item + 1)
    if (!file.exists(arq_detalhe)) {
      wd <- httr::write_disk(arq_detalhe, overwrite = TRUE)
      body <- form_detalhar(item, uf, muni, vs(r0))
      r_detalhe <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = 'form')
      httr::GET(u_detalhar(), wd)
    } else {
      'ja foi'
  }, 'erro')
  res <- 'ja foi'
  r_pags <- ""
  if (!file.exists(arq)) {
    r0 <- httr::GET(u)
    r_muni <- httr::POST(u, body = form_tse_estado(uf, vs(r0)), encode = 'form')
    ftm <- form_tse_muni(uf, muni, vs(r0))
    wd <- httr::write_disk(arq, overwrite = TRUE)
    r <- httr::POST(u, body = ftm, encode = 'form', wd)
    d_results <- parse_arq(arq)
    r_pags <- sapply(0:(nrow(d_results) - 1), f)
    res <- 'OK'
  tibble::tibble(result = res, pags = list(r_pags))

pesq_download_details <- function(item, path, date, uf, r0) {
  u <- u_tse()
  fmt <- format(as.Date(date), "%Y%m%d")
  .file_detail <- sprintf('%s/details%s_%s_%03d.html', path, uf, fmt, item + 1)
  result <- 'already exists'
  if (!file.exists(.file_detail)) {
    wd <- httr::write_disk(.file_detail, overwrite = TRUE)
    body <- form_detalhar_date(item, as.Date(date), vs(r0))
    r_details <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = 'form')
    httr::GET(u_detalhar(), wd)
    result <- 'OK'

pesq_download_day <- function(date, path, uf = "") {
  fmt <- format(as.Date(date), "%Y%m%d")
  .file <- sprintf("%s/pesqEle%s_%s.html", path, uf, fmt)
  .f <- purrr::possibly(pesq_download_details, 'error')
  res <- "existe"
  r_pags <- ""
  if (!file.exists(.file)) {
    u <- u_tse()
    r0 <- httr::GET(u)
    wd <- httr::write_disk(.file, overwrite = TRUE)
    body <- form_tse_date(date, vs(r0), uf)
    r <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = "form", wd)
    d_results <- parse_arq(.file)
    # if more than 100 results, breaks download in UFs
    if (nrow(d_results) == 100L) {
      results <- purrr::map_dfr(ufs(), ~pesq_download_day(date, path, .x))
    } else {
      r_pags <- purrr::map_chr(seq_len(nrow(d_results)) - 1,
                               .f, path = path, date = date,
                               uf = uf, r0 = r0)
    res <- "OK"
  tibble::tibble(result = res, pags = list(r_pags))

pesq_download <- function(date = Sys.Date() - 1, path = "data-raw/html") {
  dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE)
  purrr::map_dfr(date, ~{
    pesq_download_day(.x, path)
  }, .id = "date")

#' Downloads pesqEle files
#' Downloads HTML files from
#' \href{http://inter01.tse.jus.br/pesqele-publico/app/pesquisa/listarEstatisticos.xhtml}{TSE pesqEle platform}.
#' Receives a \code{tibble} containing cities and saves HTML files for each city.
#' When the search for one city returns one or more results,
#' this function will save one HTML file for each result plus the list of results.
#' Otherwise, it will save just one HTML file showing zero results.
#' @param cities \code{tibble} returned from \code{pesq_download_cities} or \code{cities}.
#' @param path directory to save HTML files.
#' For example, consider the city of Rio de Janeiro (code 60011).
#' If one searches this city in pesqEle platform,
#' she will get 47 results. This function will save 48 files,
#' where the first one is \code{RJ_60011.html} and the others are
#' \code{RJ_60011_xxx}, \code{xxx} from 001 to 047 indicating
#' each individual result.
#' @return \code{tibble} containing download status: 'OK' if it ran well,
#' 'ja foi' if the file already exists and 'erro' if there was an error.
pesq_download_cities <- function(cities, path = 'data-raw/html') {
  dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE)
  .f <- purrr::possibly(pesq_download_city, tibble::tibble(result = 'error'))
  ..f <- function(...) {
  fmt <- "downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta"
  nm <- paste(cities[["uf"]], cities[["muni"]], sep = "_")
  purrr::map2_dfr(purrr::set_names(cities[["uf"]], nm),
                  cities[["muni"]], ..f,
                  path = path, .id = ".id")

vs <- function(r) {
  r %>%
    httr::content('text') %>%
    xml2::read_html() %>%
    rvest::html_node(xpath = '//input[@id="javax.faces.ViewState"]') %>%

pesq_download_2018_uf <- function(sigla, path) {
  # funcao que baixa detalhes
  f <- function(id, item, dt) {
    id <- stringr::str_replace_all(id, "[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "-")
    arq_detalhe <- sprintf('%s/pesq_details_%s_%s.html', path, sigla, id)
    if (!file.exists(arq_detalhe)) {
      wd <- httr::write_disk(arq_detalhe, overwrite = TRUE)
      body <- form_detalhar(item - 1L, sigla, "", vs(r0), dt)
      r_detalhe <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = 'form')
      httr::GET(u_detalhar(), wd)
    } else {
      'ja foi'
  f <- purrr::possibly(f, "erro")
  # acessa a pagina
  message("Downloading ", sigla, "...")
  # pega resultados por UF
  # quebra pesquisas para nao dar mais de 100 results
  datas <- list(c("01/01/2016", "30/06/2018"), 
                c("01/07/2018", "31/07/2018"),
                c("01/08/2018", "15/08/2018"),
                c("16/08/2018", "31/08/2018"),
                c("01/09/2018", "10/09/2018"),
                c("11/09/2018", "20/09/2018"),
                c("21/09/2018", "28/09/2018"),
                c("29/09/2018", "10/10/2018"),
                c("10/10/2018", "18/10/2018"),
                c("18/10/2018", "27/10/2018"),
                c("27/10/2018", "31/12/2019"))
  u <- u_tse()
  r0 <- httr::GET(u)
  d_results <- purrr::imap_dfr(datas, ~{
    body_uf <- form_tse_estado(sigla, vs(r0), .x)
    r_muni <- httr::POST(u, body = body_uf, encode = 'form')
    message("Data", .y, "...")
    .file <- stringr::str_glue("{path}/pesq_main_{sigla}_{.y}.html")
    wd <- httr::write_disk(.file, overwrite = TRUE)
    body <- form_tse_uf_2018(sigla, vs(r0), .x)
    r <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = "form", wd)
    res <- parse_arq(.file)
    r_pags <- purrr::imap_chr(res$numero_de_identificacao, f, dt = .x)
    tibble::tibble(pags = list(r_pags))
  # baixa detalhes
  # if (length(d_results$numero_de_identificacao) == 100L) {
  #   warning("More than 100 results. We need to break the search.")
  # }

pesq_download_2020_uf <- function(sigla, path) {
  # funcao que baixa detalhes
  f <- function(id, item, dt) {
    id <- stringr::str_replace_all(id, "[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "-")
    arq_detalhe <- sprintf('%s/pesq_details_%s_%s.html', path, sigla, id)
    if (!file.exists(arq_detalhe)) {
      wd <- httr::write_disk(arq_detalhe, overwrite = TRUE)
      body <- form_detalhar(item - 1L, sigla, "", vs(r0), dt)
      r_detalhe <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = 'form')
      httr::GET(u_detalhar(), wd)
    } else {
      'ja foi'
  f <- purrr::possibly(f, "erro")
  # acessa a pagina
  message("Downloading ", sigla, "...")
  # pega resultados por UF
  # quebra pesquisas para nao dar mais de 100 results
  datas <- list(c("01/01/2020", "19/06/2020"))
  u <- u_tse()
  r0 <- httr::GET(u)
  d_results <- purrr::imap_dfr(datas, ~{
    body_uf <- form_tse_estado(sigla, vs(r0), .x, pesquisa = "6")
    r_muni <- httr::POST(u, body = body_uf, encode = 'form')
    message("Data", .y, "...")
    .file <- stringr::str_glue("{path}/pesq_main_{sigla}_{.y}.html")
    wd <- httr::write_disk(.file, overwrite = TRUE)
    body <- form_tse_uf_2020(sigla, vs(r0), .x, pesquisa = "6")
    r <- httr::POST(u, body = body, encode = "form", wd)
    res <- parse_arq(.file)
    r_pags <- purrr::imap_chr(res$numero_de_identificacao, f, dt = .x)
    tibble::tibble(pags = list(r_pags))
  # baixa detalhes
  # if (length(d_results$numero_de_identificacao) == 100L) {
  #   warning("More than 100 results. We need to break the search.")
  # }

pesq_download_2018 <- function(path = "data-raw/html_2018") {
  dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE)
  uf <- c(ufs(), "BR")
  names(uf) <- uf
  purrr::map_dfr(uf, pesq_download_2018_uf, path = path, .id = "uf")

pesq_download_2020 <- function(path = "data-raw/html_2020") {
  dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE)
  uf <- c(ufs(), "BR")
  names(uf) <- uf
  purrr::map_dfr(uf, pesq_download_2020_uf, path = path, .id = "uf")
conre3/pesqEle documentation built on June 25, 2020, 5:28 a.m.