.fit.nonparam.nocensoring <- function(processes, type.sojourn = c("fij", "fi", "fj", "f"), init.estim = init.estim, cens.beg = cens.beg) {
s <- processes$s
states <- processes$states
kmax <- processes$kmax
counting <- processes$counting
Nij <- counting$Nij
Ni <- counting$Ni
Nj <- counting$Nj
N <- counting$N
Nk <- counting$Nk
Nik <- counting$Nik
Njk <- counting$Njk
Nijk <- counting$Nijk
Nstart <- counting$Nstarti
# Estimation of the transition matrix
p <- Nij / matrix(data = Ni, nrow = s, ncol = s)
p[is.na(p) | (p < 0)] <- 0
# Renormalize p for potential numerical issues
p <- .normalizePtrans(p)
# Estimation of the sojourn time distribution and the kernel
if (type.sojourn == "fij") {
f <- Nijk / array(Nij, c(s, s, kmax))
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
f <- f / array(apply(f, c(1, 2), sum), c(s, s, kmax)) # Renormalize f
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
q <- Nijk / array(data = Ni, dim = dim(Nijk))
} else if (type.sojourn == "fi") {
f <- Nik / matrix(data = Ni, nrow = s, ncol = kmax)
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
f <- f / apply(f, 1, sum) # Renormalize f
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
# q <- aperm(a = array(data = Nik, dim = c(s, kmax, s)), perm = c(1, 3, 2)) * array(data = Nij, dim = c(s, s, kmax)) /
# array(data = Ni ^ 2, dim = c(s, s, kmax))
q <- array(p, c(s, s, kmax)) * aperm(array(f, c(s, kmax, s)), c(1, 3, 2))
} else if (type.sojourn == "fj") {
f <- Njk / matrix(data = Nj, nrow = s, ncol = kmax)
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
f <- f / apply(f, 1, sum) # Renormalize f
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
# q <- aperm(a = array(data = Njk, dim = c(s, kmax, s)), perm = c(3, 1, 2)) * array(data = Nij, dim = c(s, s, kmax)) /
# (aperm(a = array(data = Nj, dim = c(s, s, kmax)), perm = c(2, 1, 3)) * array(data = Ni, dim = c(s, s, kmax)))
q <- array(p, c(s, s, kmax)) * aperm(array(f, c(s, kmax, s)), c(3, 1, 2))
} else if (type.sojourn == "f") {
f <- Nk / N
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
f <- f / sum(f) # Renormalize f
f[is.na(f) | (f < 0)] <- 0
# q <- aperm(a = array(data = Nk, dim = c(kmax, s, s)), perm = c(2, 3, 1)) * array(data = Nij, dim = c(s, s, kmax)) /
# (N * array(data = Ni, dim = c(s, s, kmax)))
q <- array(p, c(s, s, kmax)) * aperm(array(f, c(kmax, s, s)), c(2, 3, 1))
# Initial distribution
if (is.vector(init.estim) & length(init.estim) == 1) {
if (init.estim == "mle") {
init <- Nstart / sum(Nstart)
} else if (init.estim == "limit") {
init <- .limitDistribution(q = q, ptrans = p)
} else if (init.estim == "freq") {
init <- counting$Ni / counting$N
} else if (init.estim == "unif") {
init <- rep.int(x = 1 / s, times = s)
} else {
stop("'init.estim' must be equal to \"mle\", \"limit\", \"freq\" or \"unif\".
'init.estim' can also be a vector of length s for custom initial distribution")
} else {
if (!(is.numeric(init.estim) & !anyNA(init.estim) & is.vector(init.estim) & length(init.estim) == s)) {
stop("'init.estim' is not a numeric vector of length s")
if (!(all(init.estim >= 0) & all(init.estim <= 1))) {
stop("Probabilities in 'init.estim' must be between [0, 1]")
if (!((sum(init.estim) >= 1 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) | (sum(init.estim) <= 1 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))) {
stop("The sum of 'init.estim' is not equal to one")
init <- init.estim
init <- as.vector(init / sum(init))
estimate <-
states = states,
init = init,
ptrans = p,
type.sojourn = type.sojourn,
distr = f,
cens.beg = cens.beg,
cens.end = FALSE
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