## __________________________________________________________
## Function checking if q is a kernel
## __________________________________________________________
.is.kernel <- function(q) {
if (anyNA(q)) {
stop("NA values in 'q'")
if (!(is.numeric(q) & is.array(q) & !is.matrix(q) & dim(q)[1] == dim(q)[2])) {
stop("'q' must be a numeric array of dimension (s, s, kmax)")
if (!all(apply(q, 1, sum) <= 1 + .Machine$double.eps)) {
stop("'q' is not a stochastic matrix")
if (!all(apply(q, 3, diag) == 0)) {
stop("'q' is not a stochastic matrix")
if (!all(q >= -.Machine$double.eps, q <= 1 + .Machine$double.eps)) {
stop("Probabilities in 'q' must be between [0, 1]")
## __________________________________________________________
## Function checking the parameters of the specified distributions
## __________________________________________________________
.checkParameters <- function(distr, param) {
out <- NULL
if (distr == "unif") {
if (is.na(param[1]) | !(is.na(param[2]))) {
out <- "For Uniform distributions, only the first parameter must be specified"
if (!((param[1] > 0) & ((param[1] %% 1) == 0))) {
out <- "For Uniform distributions, the value of the parameter must be a positive integer"
} else if (distr == "geom") {
if (is.na(param[1]) | !(is.na(param[2]))) {
out <- "For Geometric distributions, only the first parameter must be specified"
if (param[1] <= 0 | param[1] >= 1) {
out <- "For Geometric distributions, the value of the parameter must be
between ]0, 1[ (the parameter is the probability of success)"
} else if (distr == "pois") {
if (is.na(param[1]) | !(is.na(param[2]))) {
out <- "For Poisson distributions, only the first parameter must be specified"
if (param[1] <= 0) {
out <- "For Poisson distributions, the parameter must be a positive number"
} else if (distr == "dweibull") {
if (anyNA(param)) {
out <- "For Discrete Weibull distributions, two parameters must be specified"
if (param[1] <= 0 | param[1] >= 1) {
out <- "For Discrete Weibull distributions, the value of the first parameter must be between ]0, 1["
if (param[2] <= 0) {
out <- "For Discrete Weibull distributions, the second parameter must be a positive number"
} else if (distr == "nbinom") {
if (anyNA(param)) {
out <- "For Negative Binomial distributions, two parameters must be specified"
if (param[1] <= 0) {
out <- "For Negative Binomial distributions, the first parameter must be a
positive number (parameter of overdispersion)"
if (param[2] <= 0 | param[2] >= 1) {
out <- "For Negative Binomial distributions, the value of the second parameter must
be between ]0, 1[ (the parameter is the probability of success)"
## __________________________________________________________
## Functions giving the value of the densities
## __________________________________________________________
.dunif <- function(x, b, void) {
return(sapply(x, function(k) ifelse(k <= b, 1 / b, 0)))
.dgeom <- function(x, prob, void) {
return(dgeom(x = x - 1, prob = prob))
.dpois <- function(x, lambda, void) {
return(dpois(x = x - 1, lambda = lambda))
.dnbinom <- function(x, size, prob) {
return(dnbinom(x = x - 1, size = size, prob = prob))
.ddweibull <- function(x, q, beta) {
return(ddweibull(x = x, q = q, beta = beta, zero = FALSE))
## __________________________________________________________
## Functions giving the quantiles of the densities
## __________________________________________________________
.qunif <- function(p, b, void) {
return(ceiling((b - 1) * p + 1))
.qgeom <- function(p, prob, void) {
return(qgeom(p = p, prob = prob) + 1)
.qpois <- function(p, lambda, void) {
return(qpois(p = p, lambda = lambda) + 1)
.qnbinom <- function(p, size, prob) {
return(qnbinom(p = p, size = size, prob = prob) + 1)
.qdweibull <- function(p, q, beta) {
return(qdweibull(p = p, q = q, beta = beta, zero = FALSE))
## __________________________________________________________
## .stationaryDistribution
## __________________________________________________________
.stationaryDistribution <- function(ptrans) {
m <- dim(ptrans)[1] # Number of states
A <- t(ptrans) - diag(1, m, m)
A[m, ] <- 1
b <- c(rep(0, (m - 1)), 1)
statdistr <- solve(A, b)
## __________________________________________________________
## .limitDistribution
## __________________________________________________________
.limitDistribution <- function(q = q, ptrans = ptrans) {
kmax <- dim(q)[3]
fik <- apply(q, c(1, 3), sum)
mi <- apply(fik, 1, function(x) sum((1:kmax) * x))
statdistr <- .stationaryDistribution(ptrans)
out <- statdistr * mi / sum(statdistr * mi)
## __________________________________________________________
## .productProb: Useful to compute the initial distribution when init.estim == "prod"
## __________________________________________________________
.productProb <- function(length = 2, prob) {
if (length == 1) {
} else {
return(kronecker(prob, .productProb(length - 1, prob)))
## __________________________________________________________
## Normalize transition matrix
## __________________________________________________________
.normalizePtrans <- function(p) {
p <- p / apply(p, 1, sum)
# s <- nrow(p)
# ind <- 1:s
# for (i in 1:s) {
# col <- sample(x = ind[-i], size = 1)
# p[i, col] <- 1 - sum(p[i, -col])
# }
## __________________________________________________________
## Functions used to estimate the stationary distribution of
## a Markov chain higher than 1
## __________________________________________________________
.addZeros <- function(vector, alphaSize, n, index) {
modulo <- index %% n # Get line modulo
if (modulo == 0) {
modulo <- n # Set modulo to |A|^order-1 if equal to 0
return(c(rep(0, alphaSize * (modulo - 1)), vector, rep(0, alphaSize * (n - modulo)))) # Add zeros to vector
.blockMatrix <- function(ptrans) {
rwnms <- rownames(ptrans) # Get rownames
alphaSize <- ncol(ptrans) # Get states size |ptrans|
n <- nrow(ptrans) / alphaSize # Get |ptrans|^order-1
# Overlap states in matrix
block <- sapply(1:nrow(ptrans), function(i, n, alphaSize, ptrans){
.addZeros(vector = ptrans[i,], n = n, alphaSize = alphaSize, index = i)
}, n = n, alphaSize = alphaSize, ptrans = ptrans)
# Set dim names
rownames(block) <- rwnms
colnames(block) <- rwnms
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