
Defines functions indequ_wedges indstr_wedges injact_wedges injequ_wedges injstr_wedges hallCriterion

Documented in indequ_wedges indstr_wedges injact_wedges injequ_wedges injstr_wedges

#' Affiliation network wedges
#' Each clustering coefficient can be defined as the proportion of "wedges" that
#' are "closed", for suitable definitions of both terms. These functions count
#' the "wedges", and among them the "closed" ones, centered at a given actor
#' node in a given affiliation network.
#' @rdname wedges
#' @family wedge functions
#' @param Q An actor node in the network.
#' @export
indequ_wedges <-
  function(graph, Q) {
    # Identify secondary neighbors of Q
    n1 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 1, Q)[[1]], Q)
    # If there aren't at least two, return zeroes
    if(length(n1) < 2) return(c(0, 0))
    # Identify primary neighborhoods of secondary neighbors of Q
    n1n1 <- lapply(neighborhood(graph, 1, n1), setdiff, c(Q, n1))
    # Array the 2-paths centered at Q
    # (Note that these are indices of n1, not vertex ids)
    p <- utils::combn(1:length(n1), 2)
    # Across the pairs (X, Y) list the numbers of wedges and closed wedges
    wedgelist <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(p), function(j) {
      # The first node X must have a nonempty neighborhood besides Q
      # and at least one neighbor not tied to Y (= n1[p[2, j]])
      Ps <- setdiff(n1n1[[p[1, j]]], n1n1[[p[2, j]]])
      if(length(Ps) == 0) return(c(0, 0))
      # Across all choices of P from the non-Q primary neighbors of X
      # that are not tied to Y
      do.call(cbind, lapply(Ps, function(P) {
        # Y must have a nonempty nbhd besides Q and P,
        # from which R, which cannot be tied to X, is to be drawn
        Rs <- setdiff(n1n1[[p[2, j]]], c(P, n1n1[[p[1, j]]]))
        if(length(Rs) == 0) return(c(0, 0))
        # Which Rs produce 4-paths (P, X, Q, Y, R) that are closed
        # by events Z that are not tied to Q?
        Rw <- which(sapply(Rs, function(R) {
            intersect(neighborhood(graph, 1, P)[[1]],
                      neighborhood(graph, 1, R)[[1]]),
            n1)) > 0
        c(length(Rs), length(Rw))

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
indequ.wedges <- indequ_wedges

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
indstr_wedges <-
  function(graph, Q) {
    # Identify nodes of separation (exactly) 1 and 2 from Q
    n1 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 1, Q)[[1]], Q)
    n2 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 2, Q)[[1]], c(n1, Q)) # rm Q?
    # Require at least two nodes of separation 2 for a wedge
    if(length(n2) < 2) return(c(0, 0))
    # Identify secondary neighbors of primary neighbors P of Q (excluding P)
    n2n1 <- lapply(n2,
                   function(P) setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 1, P)[[1]], P))
    # Identify indexes of pairs (P, R) of nodes in n2
    p <- utils::combn(1:length(n2), 2)
    # Remove pairs (P, R) with no pairwise exclusive secondary neighbors
    p <- as.matrix(p[, sapply(1:dim(p)[2], function(j) {
      (0 < length(setdiff(intersect(n2n1[[p[1, j]]], n1),
                          n2n1[[p[2, j]]])) *
         length(setdiff(intersect(n2n1[[p[2, j]]], n1),
                        n2n1[[p[1, j]]])))
    })], nr = 2)
    # Require at least two nodes of separation 2 for a wedge
    if(dim(p)[2] == 0) return(c(0, 0))
    # Identify which of these pairs share a neighbor not shared with Q
    cl <- sapply(1:dim(p)[2], function(j) {
      0 < length(setdiff(intersect(n2n1[[p[1, j]]], n2n1[[p[2, j]]]), n1))
    # Return the counts
    c(length(cl), sum(cl))

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
indstr.wedges <- indstr_wedges

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
injact_wedges <-
  function(graph, Q) {
    # Identify nodes of separation (exactly) 1 and 2 from Q
    n1 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 1, Q)[[1]], Q)
    n2 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 2, Q)[[1]], c(n1, Q))
    # Require at least two nodes of separation 2 for a wedge
    if(length(n2) < 2) return(c(0, 0))
    # Identify pairs (P, R) of nodes in n2
    p <- utils::combn(n2, 2)
    # Identify which of these pairs form wedges & which of these are closed
    wedgelist <- sapply(1:dim(p)[2], function(j) {
      # Secondary neighbors of P and of R
      pn1 <- neighborhood(graph, 1, p[1:2, j])
      # Common neighbors of P and R
      tn1 <- do.call(intersect, pn1)
      # If only one secondary links either to Q then no wedges exist
      if(length(intersect(n1, unique(unlist(pn1)))) == 1) c(0, 0) else
        # Otherwise one wedge, closed iff Hall criterion is met
        c(1, as.numeric(hallCriterion(list(intersect(n1, pn1[[1]]),
                                           intersect(n1, pn1[[2]]),

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
injact.wedges <- injact_wedges

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
injequ_wedges <-
  function(graph, Q) {
    # Identify secondary neighbors of Q
    n1 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 1, Q)[[1]], Q)
    # If there aren't at least two, return zeroes
    if(length(n1) < 2) return(c(0, 0))
    # Identify primary neighborhoods of secondary neighbors of Q
    n1n1 <- lapply(neighborhood(graph, 1, n1), setdiff, c(Q, n1))
    # Array the 2-paths centered at Q
    # (Note that these are indices of n1, not vertex ids)
    p <- utils::combn(1:length(n1), 2)
    # Across the pairs (X, Y) list the numbers of wedges and closed wedges
    wedgelist <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(p), function(j) {
      # The first node X must have a nonempty neighborhood besides Q
      if(length(n1n1[[p[1, j]]]) == 0) return(c(0, 0))
      # Across all choices of P from the non-Q primary neighbors of X
      do.call(cbind, lapply(n1n1[[p[1, j]]], function(P) {
        # The second node Y must have a nonempty nbhd besides Q and P
        Rs <- setdiff(n1n1[[p[2, j]]], P)
        if(length(Rs) == 0) return(c(0, 0))
        # Which Rs produce 4-paths (P, X, Q, Y, R) that are closed?
        Rw <- which(sapply(Rs, function(R) {
          length(setdiff(intersect(neighborhood(graph, 1, P)[[1]],
                                   neighborhood(graph, 1, R)[[1]]),
                         n1[p[, j]])) > 0
        return(c(length(Rs), length(Rw)))

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
injequ.wedges <- injequ_wedges

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
injstr_wedges <-
  function(graph, Q) {
    # Identify nodes of separation (exactly) 1 and 2 from Q
    n1 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 1, Q)[[1]], Q)
    n2 <- setdiff(neighborhood(graph, 2, Q)[[1]], c(n1, Q))
    # Identify events attended by these actors
    n2n1 <- lapply(neighborhood(graph, 1, n2), setdiff, y = n2)
    # Require at least two nodes of separation 2 for a wedge
    if(length(n2) < 2) return(c(0, 0))
    # Identify pairs (P, R) of nodes in n2
    p <- utils::combn(length(n2), 2)
    # Count the structurally distinct wedges (0 thru 4) for each pair (P, R)
    # and the number of these that are closed
    wedgelist <- sapply(1:ncol(p), function(j) {
      # Whether P and Q share an exclusive event
      pq <- length(setdiff(intersect(n1, n2n1[[p[1, j]]]),
                           n2n1[[p[2, j]]])) > 0
      # Whether Q and R share an exclusive event
      qr <- length(setdiff(intersect(n1, n2n1[[p[2, j]]]),
                           n2n1[[p[1, j]]])) > 0
      # How many events P, Q, and R share
      pqr <- length(intersect(intersect(n1, n2n1[[p[1, j]]]),
                              n2n1[[p[2, j]]]))
      # If revelant, whether P and R share an exclusive event
      pr <- if(pq + qr + pqr < 2) 0 else
        (length(setdiff(intersect(n2n1[[p[1, j]]], n2n1[[p[2, j]]]), n1)) >
      # Counts
      Ws <- c(pq * qr, c(pq, qr) * (pqr > 0), pqr > 1)
      Ts <- c(pr + pqr > 0, rep(pr | (pqr > 1), 2), pr | (pqr > 2))
      return(c(sum(Ws), sum(Ws * Ts)))

#' @rdname wedges
#' @export
injstr.wedges <- injstr_wedges

# Test for the existence of a system of distinct representatives for a finite 
# set. 
# \url{www.encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php/System_of_different_representatives}
hallCriterion <- function(lst) {
  all(sapply(0:(2 ^ length(lst) - 1),
             function(i) {
               w <- which(intToBits(i) == 1)
               length(unique(unlist(lst[w]))) >= length(w)
corybrunson/bitriad documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:51 p.m.