
Defines functions fortify.tbl_ord glance.tbl_ord tidy.tbl_ord

Documented in fortify.tbl_ord glance.tbl_ord tidy.tbl_ord

#' @title Tidiers for 'tbl_ord' objects
#' @description These functions return [tibbles][tibble::tibble] that summarize
#'   an object of class '[tbl_ord]'. `tidy()` output contains one row per
#'   artificial coordinate and `glance()` output contains one row for the whole
#'   ordination.

#' @details
#' Three generics popularized by the **ggplot2** and **broom** packages make use
#' of the [augmentation] methods:

#' * The [generics::tidy()] method

#'   summarizes information about model components, which here are the
#'   artificial coordinates created by ordinations. The output can be passed to
#'   [ggplot2::ggplot()] to generate scree plots.
#'   The returned columns are

#'   - `name`: (the name of) the coordinate
#'   - other columns extracted from the model,
#'     usually a single additional column of the singular or eigen values
#'   - `inertia`: the multidimensional variance
#'   - `prop_var`: the proportion of inertia
#'   - `quality`: the cumulative proportion of variance

#' * The [generics::glance()] method

#'   reports information about the entire model, here always treated as one of a
#'   broader class of ordination models.
#'   The returned columns are

#'   - `rank`: the rank of the ordination model, i.e. the number of ordinates
#'   - `n.row`,`n.col`: the dimensions of the decomposed matrix
#'   - `inertia`: the total inertia in the ordination
#'   - `prop.var.*`: the proportion of variance in the first 2 ordinates
#'   - `class`: the class of the wrapped model object

#' * The [ggplot2::fortify()] method

#'   augments and collapses row and/or column data, depending on `.matrix` and
#'   `.element`, into a single tibble, in preparation for [ggplot2::ggplot()].
#'   Its output resembles that of [generics::augment()], though rows in the
#'   output may correspond to rows, columns, or both of the original data. If
#'   `.matrix` is passed `"rows"`, `"cols"`, or `"dims"` (for both), then
#'   `fortify()` returns a tibble whose fields are obtained, in order, via
#'   `get_*()`, `recover_aug_*()`, and `annotation_*()`.

#' The tibble is assigned a `"coordinates"` attribute whose value is obtained
#' via [get_coord()]. This facilitates some downstream functionality that relies
#' on more than those coordinates used as position aesthetics in a biplot, in
#' particular [stat_spantree()].

#' @name tidiers
#' @include ord-recoverers.r
#' @param x,model An object of class '[tbl_ord]'.
#' @param data Passed to generic methods; currently ignored.
#' @param ... Additional arguments allowed by generics; currently ignored.
#' @template param-matrix
#' @template param-elements
#' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble].
#' @example inst/examples/ex-ord-tidiers.r
#' @seealso [augmentation] methods that must interface with tidiers.

#' @importFrom generics tidy
#' @export

#' @rdname tidiers
#' @export
tidy.tbl_ord <- function(x, ...) {
  res <- recover_aug_coord(x)
  res$inertia <- recover_inertia(x)
  res$prop_var <- res$inertia / sum(res$inertia)
  res$quality <- cumsum(res$prop_var)

#' @importFrom generics glance
#' @export

#' @rdname tidiers
#' @export
glance.tbl_ord <- function(x, ...) {
  all.var <- recover_inertia(as_tbl_ord(x))
  tot.var <- sum(all.var)
  var.na <- identical(all.var, NA_real_)
    # number of artificial coordinates
    rank = length(recover_inertia(x)),
    # numbers of rows and of columns of original data
    # -+- these should indicate dimensions of decomposed matrix -+-
    n.row = nrow(x),
    n.col = ncol(x),
    # -+- clarify whether this is original inertia or decomposed inertia -+-
    inertia = tot.var,
    # proportions of variance/inertia in first and second artificial dimensions
    prop.var.1 = if (var.na) NA else all.var[[1L]] / tot.var,
    prop.var.2 = if (var.na) NA else all.var[[2L]] / tot.var,
    # original ordination object (first) class
    class = setdiff(class(x), "tbl_ord")[[1L]]

#' @rdname tidiers
#' @export
fortify.tbl_ord <- function(
  model, data, ...,
  .matrix = "dims", elements = "all"
) {
  .matrix <- match_factor(.matrix)
  # ensure that `elements` is a character singleton
    length(elements) == 1L
  if (.matrix == "dims" || .matrix == "rows") {
    u <- as_tibble(get_rows(model))
    u <- dplyr::bind_cols(u, annotation_factor(model, "rows"))
    # introduce '.element' columns if missing
    if (! ".element" %in% names(u)) u$.element <- "active"
    # subset accordingly
    if (elements != "all") {
      u <- u[u$.element == elements, , drop = FALSE]
    # introduce reference columns if necessary
    u$.matrix <- "rows"
  if (.matrix == "dims" || .matrix == "cols") {
    v <- as_tibble(get_cols(model))
    v <- dplyr::bind_cols(v, annotation_factor(model, "cols"))
    # introduce '.element' columns if missing
    if (! ".element" %in% names(v)) v$.element <- "active"
    # subset accordingly
    if (elements != "all") {
      v <- v[v$.element == elements, , drop = FALSE]
    # introduce reference columns if necessary
    v$.matrix <- "cols"
  tbl <- switch(
    rows = u,
    cols = v,
    dims = as_tibble(as.data.frame(dplyr::bind_rows(u, v)))
  attr(tbl, "coordinates") <- get_coord(model)
corybrunson/ordr documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 9:56 a.m.