

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
app_name <-  "FungiExpresZ"

About this page

This page is all about notifying users regarding new features, bug fixing, any other important changes or announcements made on r app_name over the time.

r lubridate::date(x = "2023/12/01")

Release version 2.2.0

r lubridate::date(x = "2023/07/21")

Release version 2.1.0

r lubridate::date(x = "2023/05/26")

Release version 2.0.0

In this release FungiExpresZ has been upgraded to R 4.2.2

r lubridate::date(x = "2023/04/04")

New SRA data

From the species Aspergillus terreus.

r lubridate::date(x = "2022/10/21")

Release v1.3

It includes..

r lubridate::date(x = "2022/10/10")

New SRA data

We have now added more than 3,000 SRA samples from 10 new fungal species. In total, FungiExpresZ contains \~16,000 SRA data data from 18 different fungal species. Full list of the available species and corresponding datasets can be found under the tab Downloads -> Gene expression data.

r lubridate::date(x = "2022/01/30")

Introducing Step-by-step guide page.

This is a user manual describing all options given in the r app_name.

r lubridate::date(x = "2020/02/25")

Introducing citation page.

Under the page Citations, you can see publications citing FungiExpresZ.

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/11/7")

GO analysis updates

Three new options are added in GO analysis.

1. Background Genes to GO mapping

It allows user to select type of background data (Genes to GO mapping) to use for GO enrichment analysis. It has two options.

2. # of minimum genes in a GO term

Using this option user can restrict the GO enrichment output. Only those GO terms will be displayed, which has minimum number of genes more than cutoff value.

3. # of maximum genes in a GO term

Using this option user can restrict the GO enrichment output. Only those GO terms will be displayed, which has maximum number of genes less than cutoff value.

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/11/1")

Overview page introduced

Under the tab About --> Overview page is created. As name suggests, it gives an overview and functionality of the r app_name. In addition, we provided example plots generated from cartoon data. Users can take ideas from example plots and replicate them for their own data.

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/10/14")

New logo introduced

r app_name has its identity now. Introducing new logo 🎉🎉🎉🎉

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/10/10")

Available as a docker image

r app_name is now available as a docker image and can be run as a container on any local computer where docker hub is installed. Follow instructions given on Github{target="_blank"} to install and run locally.

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/10/08")

Available as an R package (v0.0.1)

r app_name can be installed as an R package and run on local computer. For local installation, please follow instruction on Github{target="_blank"}

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/09/23")

New SRA data added for Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger

Number of samples increased to 242 from 133 and 253 from 28 for Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger respectively.

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/09/18")

Download data

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/09/16")

Improved line plot

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/09/14")

Video tutorials

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/09/09")

Display active groups

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/08/30")

New GO visualizations: UpSet plot and Bar plot

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/08/27")

Use NCBI BioProject as sample groups

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/08/09")

Access SRA sample information for heatmap column clusters

  knitr::kable(tibble::tibble("Heatmap column label", "NCBI Bio project ID", "Library Name", "Strain", "Genotype", "Study title", "Study abstract"), col.names = NULL) %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T, position = "center")

Visualize heatmap column cluster sample information in the word cloud plot

r lubridate::date(x = "2019/08/01")

Newz and update page introduced

cparsania/FungiExpresZ documentation built on March 15, 2024, 5:48 p.m.