
#' 'Rebound' data from nba.com and wnba.com
#' @param first String specifying the date "YYYYMMDD" to start obtaining game codes.
#' @param last String specifying the date "YYYYMMDD" to stop obtaining game codes.
#' @param codes Character vector of game codes with league ID as a prefix
#' @param leagues Character vector with any combination of 'nba', 'wnba', and/or 'd' (for D-League).
#' @param suffix character vector with suffix of the XML files to be parsed. Currently supported options are: 'boxscore.xml', 'pbp_all.xml', 'shotchart_all.xml'
#' @import XML
#' @import XML2R
#' @import plyr
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #all available data between May 26th and June 1st of 2013
#' files <- c("boxscore.xml", "pbp_all.xml", "shotchart_all.xml")
#' dat <- rebound(first = "20130526", last = "20130601", suffix = files)

rebound <- function(first, last, codes, leagues = "nba", suffix="shotchart_all.xml") {
  #translate leagues to '00' for 'nba', '10' for 'wnba', and '20' for 'd'
  tmp <- sub("wnba", "10", leagues)
  tmp <- sub("nba", "00", tmp)
  leaguez <- sub("d", "20", tmp)
  if (missing(codes)) {
    if (length(first) != 1 || length(last) != 1) 
      stop("Please provide one 'first' & one 'last' date")
    scrape.env <- environment()
    data(codes, package = "bbscrapeR", envir = scrape.env)
    ids <- substr(codes, 0, 2)
    codes2 <- codes[ids %in% leaguez]            #keep only codes that match league(s) of interest
    codez <- sub("^[0-9]{2}/", "", codes2)        #get rid of league code
    #datez <- sub("/[A-Z]+", "", codez)          #not needed as as.POSIXct will ignore text
    datez <- as.POSIXct(codez, format = "%Y %m %d")
    firzt <- as.POSIXct(first, format = "%Y %m %d")
    lazt <- as.POSIXct(last, format = "%Y %m %d")
    # grab new codes if user specifies a more recent date then we have stored
    if (lazt >= max(datez)) {
      message("Obtaining new game codes.")
      codez <- unique(codez, get_codes(format(lazt, "%Y")))
      datez <- as.POSIXct(codez, format = "%Y %m %d")
    codex <- codez[firzt <= datez & datez <= lazt]
    if (length(codex) == 0) stop("Couldn't find any games during that period")
  } else {
    message("Since codes were supplied, the 'first', 'last', and 'leagues' option will be ignored.")
    codex <- codes
  ids <- substr(codex, 0, 2)
  game.codes <- sub("^[0-9]{2}/", "", codex)
  if (any(!ids %in% c("00", "10", "20"))) warning("The first two characters in each element of codes should be either '00', '10' or '20'.")
  NBAprefix <- game.codes[ids == "00"]
  if (length(NBAprefix) > 0) NBAprefix <- paste0("http://www.nba.com/games/game_component/dynamic/", NBAprefix)
  WNBAprefix <- game.codes[ids == "10"]
  if (length(WNBAprefix) > 0) WNBAprefix <- paste0("http://www.wnba.com/games/game_component/dynamic/", WNBAprefix)
  Dprefix <- game.codes[ids == "20"]
  if (length(Dprefix) > 0) Dprefix <- paste0("http://www.nba.com/games/game_component/dynamic/", Dprefix)
  prefixs <- c(NBAprefix, WNBAprefix, Dprefix)
  #check for valid inputs
  valid.suffix <- c("boxscore.xml", "pbp_all.xml", "shotchart_all.xml")
  if (!all(suffix %in% valid.suffix)) {
    warning("Currently supported file suffix are: 'boxscore.xml', 'pbp_all.xml', and 'shotchart_all.xml'")
    Sys.sleep(5) #time to read warning
  if (any(grepl("shotchart_all.xml", suffix))) {
    files <- paste0(prefixs, "/shotchart_all.xml")
    obs <- XML2Obs(files, as.equiv=TRUE)
    #as with "pbp_all.xml" files, there is no need to add_key since 'message' & 'message//game' observations occur once per file
    tables <- setNames(collapse_obs(obs), paste0("shotchart//", c("message", "game", "event")))
    tables[["shotchart//message"]] <- format_message(tables[["shotchart//message"]])
    tables[["shotchart//game"]] <- format_game(tables[["shotchart//game"]])
    tables[["shotchart//event"]] <- format_shotchart_event(tables[["shotchart//event"]])
  if (any(grepl("boxscore.xml", suffix))) {
    files <- paste0(prefixs, "/boxscore.xml")
    obs <- XML2Obs(files, as.equiv=TRUE)
    obs <- add_key(obs, parent="message//game//htm", recycle="tcd", quiet=TRUE)
    obs <- add_key(obs, parent="message//game//vtm", recycle="tcd", quiet=TRUE)
    obs <- re_name(obs, equiv = c("message//game//htm", "message//game//vtm"),
                   rename.as = "teams", diff.name="home_away", quiet=TRUE)
    obs <- re_name(obs, equiv = c("message//game//htm//pl", "message//game//vtm//pl"),
                    rename.as = "players", diff.name="home_away", quiet=TRUE)
    table.names <- paste0("boxscore//", c("message", "game", "teams", "officials", "players"))
    tables <- c(tables, setNames(collapse_obs(obs), table.names))
    tables[["boxscore//message"]] <- format_message(tables[["boxscore//message"]])
    tables[["boxscore//game"]] <- format_game(tables[["boxscore//game"]])

  if (any(grepl("pbp_all.xml", suffix))) {
    files <- paste0(prefixs, "/pbp_all.xml")
    #nba files are corrupt! Need a urlsToDocs() work-around
    female <- grepl("wnba", files)
    wnba.files <- files[female]
    nba.files <- files[!female]
    wnba.docs <- if (length(wnba.files)) urlsToDocs(wnba.files) else NULL
    nba.docs <- if (length(nba.files)) pbpToDocs(nba.files) else NULL
    docs <- c(nba.docs, wnba.docs)
    #This is essentially copy-pasted from the guts of XML2Obs
    valid.urls <- sapply(docs, function(x) attr(x, "XMLsource"))
    nodes <- docsToNodes(docs, xpath="/") 
    l <- nodesToList(nodes)
    obs <- listsToObs(l, urls=valid.urls, as.equiv=TRUE, url.map=FALSE)
    #message node is missing from names in nba obs...sigh
    #Also, note that there is only one message and one message//game observation per file (url can serve as key)
    nms <- names(obs) 
    nms[nms %in% "game//event"] <- "message//game//event"
    nms[nms %in% "game"] <- "message//game"
    nms[nms %in% "attrs"] <- "message"
    obs <- setNames(obs, nms)
    table.names <- paste0("pbp//", c("message", "game", "event"))
    tabs <- setNames(collapse_obs(obs), table.names)
    tabs[["pbp//message"]] <- format_message(tabs[["pbp//message"]])
    tabs[["pbp//game"]] <- format_game(tabs[["pbp//game"]])
    tabs[["pbp//event"]] <- format_pbp_event(tabs[["pbp//event"]])
    tables <- c(tables, tabs)

#' Obtain game codes needed to construct XML file names
#' @param init.date String specifying the date (MM/DD/YYYY) to start obtaining game codes.
#' @param id Character vector with any combination of '00', '10', and/or '20'. These codes stand for NBA, WNBA and D-League, respectively.
#' @param offset Character vector of non-negative integers. This will control how many days to go beyond the \code{init.date}
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' codes <- getCodes()
#' codes <- getCodes(id=c("00", "10"))
#' #Takes awhile
#' codes <- getCodes(init.date="09/01/2012", id=c("00", "10", "20"), offset=paste(0:500))
#' }

#Some of these ideas are adapted from https://github.com/knightsc/bbstats

getCodes <- function(init.date = "05/26/2013", id = "00", offset = paste(0:10)){
  codes <- NULL
  for (i in id){
    for (j in offset){
      url <- paste0("http://stats.nba.com/stats/scoreboard?LeagueID=", i, "&gameDate=", init.date, "&DayOffset=", j)
      scoreboards <- fromJSON(url)[[3]]
      idx <- which(scoreboards$name %in% "GameHeader")
      idx2 <- which(scoreboards$headers[[idx]] %in% "GAMECODE")
      sets <- scoreboards$rowSet[idx][[1]]
      code <- sapply(sets, function(x) x[idx2])
      if (length(code) > 0)  code <- paste0(i, "/", code)
      codes <- c(codes, code)

#Made with help from -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21084400/xmltolist-does-not-return-xmlvalue
#and -- https://gist.github.com/cpsievert/8412484
pbpToDocs <- function(urls, quiet=FALSE){
  docs <- NULL
  for (i in urls) {
    if (!quiet) cat(i, "\n")
    con <- url(i)
    corrupt <- suppressWarnings(readLines(con))
    #Have to check if the url is an actual xml file
    if (any(grepl("Sorry, Page Not Found", corrupt))) {
      doc <- NULL
    } else {
    #Now fix the corrupt part
      tmp <- gsub("<![CDATA[", "", corrupt, fixed=TRUE) 
      file <- gsub("]]>", "", tmp, fixed=TRUE)
      doc <- xmlParseString(xml(file))
    if (!is.null(doc)) {
      attr(doc, "XMLsource") <- i
      docs <- c(docs, doc) #Keep non-empty documents

# Series of formatting functions to coerce variables to their proper (numeric) types
format_table <- function(dat, nums) {
  dat <- data.frame(dat, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  numz <- nums[nums %in% names(dat)] #error handling (just in case one of the columns doesn't exist)
  for (i in numz) dat[, i] <- as.numeric(dat[, i])
  dat$gcd <- stringr::str_extract(dat$url, "[0-9]{8}/[A-Z]{6}")
  dat$date <- as.POSIXct(stringr::str_extract(dat$gcd, "[0-9]{8}"), format = "%Y %m %d")   
# message tables from boxscores and shotcharts seem to be similar
format_message <- function(dat) {
  message.nums <- "id"
  dat <- format_table(dat, nums=message.nums)
  dat <- dat[,!grepl("gdt", names(dat), fixed = TRUE)]
# game tables from boxscores and shotcharts seem to be similar
format_game <- function(dat) {
  message.nums <- c("id", "tie", "ldchg", "pord", "timh", "timloc", "timv",
                    "gtyp", "prd", "seq", "timet")
  dat <- format_table(dat, nums=message.nums)
  dat <- dat[,!grepl("gdt", names(dat), fixed = TRUE)]
format_shotchart_event <- function(dat) {
  sp <- strsplit(dat[,"pid"], "\\|")
  dat <- cbind(dat, 
               player_id = sapply(sp, "[[", 1),
               player_code = sapply(sp, "[[", 2))
  matchup <- stringr::str_extract(dat[, "url"], "[A-Z]{6}")
  dat <- cbind(dat, home_team = substr(matchup, 4, 6),
               away_team = substr(matchup, 0, 3))
  dat <- dat[, !grepl("pid", colnames(dat), fixed = TRUE)]
  event.nums <- c("x", "y", "pts", "time", "player_num")
  dat <- format_table(dat, nums=event.nums)
  # in order to match names with pbp event
  names(dat) <- sub("^id$", "eventid", names(dat))
format_pbp_event <- function(dat) {
  # strip the game clock since it's in another column
  desc <- sub("^\\([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}[.]?[0-9]*\\)", "", dat[,"XML_value"])
  # strip team/score info since that is also in other columns
  desc <- sub("^\\s+", "", (sub("^\\[.*\\]", "", desc)))
  # strip player name and msg_type for similar reasons
  #desc <- sub("^[A-Za-z]+\\s+[A-Za-z]+[\\s+]?:", "", desc)
  dat <- dat[, !grepl("XML_value", colnames(dat), fixed = TRUE)]
  dat <- cbind(dat, desc)
  pbp.nums <- c("htms", "vtms", "prd")
  dat <- format_table(dat, nums = pbp.nums)
  # translate message/action codes into english
  data(msgs, package = "bbscrapeR")
  data(actions, package = "bbscrapeR")
  dat <- plyr::join(dat, msgs, by = c("msg_type"))
  dat <- plyr::join(dat, actions, by = c("action_type", "msg_type"))
  dat <- dat[,!grepl("action_type", names(dat), fixed = TRUE)]
  dat <- dat[,!grepl("msg_type", names(dat), fixed = TRUE)]

# get game codes for a specific year
get_codes <- function(yr) {
  src <- paste0("http://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_", 
                yr, "_games.html") %>% html()
  games <- plyr::try_default({
                src %>% html_node("table#games") %>% html_table()
              }, NULL, quiet = TRUE)
  playoffs <- plyr::try_default({
                src %>% html_node("table#games_playoffs") %>% html_table()
              }, NULL, quiet = TRUE)
  games <- rbind(games, playoffs)
  dict <- src %>% html_nodes("td~ td+ td a")
  abbrev <- dict %>% html_attr("href") %>% stringr::str_extract("[A-Z]{3}")
  full <- dict %>% html_text()
  names(abbrev) <- full
  home <- abbrev[as.character(games[, grepl("^Home", names(games))])]
  away <- abbrev[as.character(games[, grepl("^Visitor", names(games))])]
  x <- sub("^[a-z]+, ", "", tolower(games$Date))
  dates <- gsub("-", "", as.character(as.Date(x, format = "%b %d, %Y")))
  paste(dates, paste0(away, home), sep = "/")
cpsievert/bbscrapeR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:54 p.m.