# method to convert xts and data.frame objects to InfluxDB specific line protocol
# function is not exported
#' @keywords internal
convert_to_line_protocol <- function(x,
use_integers = FALSE,
...) {
UseMethod("convert_to_line_protocol", x)
#' @keywords internal
convert_to_line_protocol.xts <- function(x,
use_integers = FALSE,
...) {
# catch error no XTS object
if (!xts::is.xts(x))
stop("Object is not an xts-object.")
# catch error NULL colnames
if (any(is.null(colnames(x))))
stop("colnames(xts) is NULL.")
# catch error nrow
if (nrow(x) == 0)
stop("nrow(xts) is 0.")
# remove rows with NA's only
x <- x[rowSums(is.na(x)) != ncol(x),]
# take only valid attributes
valid_attr <- which(xts::xtsAttributes(x) != "")
# extract tag keys and tag values
tag_keys <- names(xts::xtsAttributes(x)[valid_attr])
tag_values <- xts::xtsAttributes(x)[valid_attr]
# handle special characters
measurement <- replace_spec_char(measurement, do_equal = FALSE)
tag_keys <- replace_spec_char(tag_keys)
tag_values <- replace_spec_char(tag_values)
# handle empty values in keys
tag_values <- gsub(pattern = "numeric\\(0\\)|character\\(0\\)",
replacement = "NA",
x = tag_values)
# merge tag keys and values
tag_key_value <-
paste(tag_keys, tag_values, sep = "=", collapse = ",")
# create time vector
time <- format(as.numeric(zoo::index(x)) * get_precision_divisor(precision),
scientific = FALSE)
# default NA string
na_string <- "NA"
# make sure all integers end with "i", this also sets mode to "character"
# s. https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb/issues/3519
if ((use_integers == TRUE) & is.numeric(x)) {
if (all(x == floor(x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
x[, ] <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(y) paste(x[, y], "i", sep = ""))
# define na_string to substitute later
na_string <- "NAi"
} else {
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
# add quotes if matrix contains no numerics i.e. -> characters
# check Option useFancyQuotes
quotes <- getOption("useFancyQuotes")
on.exit(options("useFancyQuotes" = quotes))
options("useFancyQuotes" = FALSE)
x[, ] <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(y) base::dQuote(x[, y]))
# trim leading and trailing whitespaces
x <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
# define na_string to substitute later
na_string <- paste0("\"", "NA", sep = "\"")
# assign columnname to each element
values <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(x)),
zoo::coredata(x)[, y],
sep = "="))
# set R's NA values to a dummy string which can be removed easily
# -> influxdb doesn't handle NA values
# TODO: What if columnname contains "NA" ?
values[grepl(na_string, values, fixed = TRUE)] <- "NA_to_remove"
# If values have only one row, 'apply' will result in a dim error.
# This occurs if the previous 'sapply' result a character vector.
# Thus, check if a conversion is required:
if (is.null(dim(values))) {
dim(values) <- length(values)
# paste and collapse rows
values <- apply(values, 1, paste, collapse = ",")
# remove dummy strings
values <- gsub(",NA_to_remove|NA_to_remove,", "", values)
# no tags assigned
if (is.null(tag_values) | identical(character(0), tag_values)) {
influxdb_line_protocol <- paste(measurement,
collapse = "\n")
} else {
influxdb_line_protocol <- paste(
paste(",", tag_key_value, sep = ""),
" ",
" ",
sep = "",
collapse = "\n"
# invisibly return InfluxDB line protocol string
#' @keywords internal
convert_to_line_protocol.data.frame <- function(x,
measurement = NULL,
precision = NULL,
use_integers = FALSE,
measurement_col = NULL,
tag_cols = NULL,
time_col = NULL,
...) {
# stop if measurements contain NA's
val_cols <- setdiff(colnames(x), c(tag_cols, time_col))
for (nm in val_cols) {
if (!(is.character(x[[nm]]) || is.factor(x[[nm]]))) {
if (anyNA(x[[nm]])) {
stop(sprintf("Handling of NA's in data.frames is currently not supported (col: '%s').", nm))
the_measurement <-
if (!is.null(measurement_col)) {
validate_scalar_var(x, measurement_col)
list(replace_spec_char(x[[measurement_col]], FALSE))
} else if (!is.null(measurement)) {
validate_scalar_var(x, measurement, FALSE)
list(replace_spec_char(measurement, FALSE))
} else {
stop("`measurement` or `measurement_col` must be specified.")
# TAG SET (optional)
the_tags <- list()
for (nm in tag_cols) {
the_tags <- append(the_tags,
the_vals <- list()
for (nm in val_cols) {
the_vals <- append(the_vals,
replace_spec_char(nm), # name
double_quote(x[[nm]]), # value
if(use_integers && is.integer(x[[nm]])) "i"))
if (length(val_cols) > 0)
the_vals[[1]] <- " "
# TIME (optional; defaults to the server time)
the_time <- list()
if (!is.null(time_col)) {
validate_scalar_var(x, time_col)
the_time <- list(" ", format_time(x[[time_col]], precision))
invisible(do.call(paste0, c(the_measurement, the_tags, the_vals, the_time)))
# method to convert the line protocol to a data.frame
# function is not exported
#' @keywords internal
line_protocol_to_array <- function(x) {
# substitute [ ], [,] and [=]
x <- gsub("\\ ", replacement = " ", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\\,", replacement = ";;;ABC;;;", x, fixed = TRUE) # dummy
x <- gsub("\\=", replacement = "=", x, fixed = TRUE)
# split by ","
splitted_string <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = ","))
# subsitute dummy
splitted_string <- gsub(pattern = ";;;ABC;;;", replacement = ",",
splitted_string, fixed = TRUE)
# extract measurement name
measurement_df <- data.frame(measurement = splitted_string[1])
# extract tags and tag values
if (identical(splitted_string[-1], character(0))) {
warning(paste("measurement does not have any attributes:", x))
df <- strsplit(x = splitted_string[-1], split = "=")
df <- do.call(cbind, df)
# create result df with tag names as colnames
result <- data.frame(t(df[2, ]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(result) <- df[1, ]
# combine measurement name and tagkeys and tagvalues
result <- cbind(measurement_df, result)
replace_spec_char <- function(x, do_equal = TRUE) {
regexp <- if (do_equal) "([,= ])" else "([, ])"
if (is.factor(x)) {
# optimization for factors
levels(x) <- gsub(regexp, "\\\\\\1", levels(x))
} else if (is.character(x)) {
x <- gsub(regexp, "\\\\\\1", x)
double_quote <- function(x) {
if (is.factor(x)) {
levels(x) <- paste0("\"", levels(x), "\"")
} else if (is.character(x)) {
x <- paste0("\"", x, "\"")
validate_scalar_var <- function(x, name, must_contain = TRUE) {
var <- deparse(substitute(name))
if (length(name) > 1)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a scalar string.", var))
if (must_contain && is.null(x[[name]]))
stop(sprintf("'%s' is not in the data.frame (%s)", name, var))
format_time <- function(time, precision) {
time <- as.numeric(time) * get_precision_divisor(precision)
format(time, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE)
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