project_elecs: Electrode projection

View source: R/channel_management.R

project_elecsR Documentation

Electrode projection


Project a set of 3D Cartesian co-ordinates to a 2D plane for plotting. The projection can be orthographic or stereographic. Orthographic is closer to how the scalp would look from above, since it does not compensate for height/distance from the xy plane. This causes bunching up of electrodes near the limits of the head. Stereographic preserves more of the general shape of the features by "unrolling" the electrode positions.


project_elecs(chan_info, method = "stereographic")



Channel information from an eegUtils object


Method of projection. "stereographic" or "orthographic". Defaults to sterographic.

craddm/eegUtils documentation built on March 24, 2022, 9:17 a.m.