
Defines functions matchforpidms getpidmsonlastaddr getpidmsonlastfirst getpidmsoncatname getpidmsonemail createcounts creatematchingcolumns prephallp prepformatch findlocation

Documented in createcounts creatematchingcolumns findlocation getpidmsoncatname getpidmsonemail getpidmsonlastaddr getpidmsonlastfirst matchforpidms prepformatch prephallp

# find location function - support function -----------------------------------------------------
#' @title Find columns 
#' @description Finds, within a data frame's columns, the first match for a series of regexp. Also send messages to the user to let them know what we matched on. Used within prepformatch().
#' @param df a data frame that you want to find the location on
#' @param matchtext a regular expression to be matched against columns names
#' @keywords internal
#' @return returns a single integer value, the index of the first column that matches matchtext

findlocation  <- function(df, matchtext ) {
   alllocations  <- unlist(
      sapply(matchtext, function(x) grep(x, names(df),ignore.case = T))
   if ( sum(alllocations) == 0) {
      errortext = paste(deparse(substitute(matchtext)), 'matched no columns, using NA')
   } else {
      location  <- min(alllocations,na.rm=T)
      locationname  <- names(df)[location]
      matchtextname  <- deparse(substitute(matchtext))
      message(matchtextname, " matched to column named '", locationname,"'")

# prep the original data for matching function - support function ----------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Prep a data frame for matching.
#' @description Preps a data frame for matching by just grabbing the necessary columns. Currently does not handle missing columns/no matches very well. Needs to be improved.
#' @param x a data frame to be prepared
#' @param pidm a vector of regular expressions to try to match for pidm location
#' @param firstname a vector of regular expressions to try to match for firstname location 
#' @param lastname a vector of regular expressions to try to match for lastname location
#' @param addr a vector of regular expressions to try to match for address location
#' @param city a vector of regular expressions to try to match for city location
#' @param st a vector of regular expressions to try to match for state location
#' @param zip a vector of regular expressions to try to match for zip code location
#' @param email a vector of regular expressions to try to match for email location
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with the columns matched by the regular expressions.

prepformatch  <- function( x
                           , pidm = c('pidm','banner ID', 'bannerID')
                           , firstname = c('firstname','first name','^first$' )
                           , lastname = c('lastname','last name','^last$' )
                           , addr = c('address line 1','address','addr',"address1","address 1","addr1")
                           , city = c('city','town','hometown')
                           , st = c('state/province','state','^st$')
                           , zip = c('zip code', 'zipcode','zip')
                           , email = c('preferred email','preferred e-mail','pref email','pref e-mail','e-mail','email')) {
   pidmlocation = findlocation(x, pidm)
   firstnamelocation = findlocation(x, firstname)
   lastnamelocation = findlocation(x, lastname)
   addrlocation = findlocation(x, addr)
   citylocation = findlocation(x, city)
   stlocation = findlocation(x, st)
   ziplocation = findlocation(x, zip)
   emaillocation = findlocation(x, email)
   newdf  <- x[,c(pidmlocation,firstnamelocation,lastnamelocation,addrlocation,citylocation,stlocation,ziplocation,emaillocation)] %>% 
   newdf  %>% 
      mutate( id = seq_along(firstname))  %>% 
      select(id, everything())

# pull hallp data and prep it - support function ------------------------------------------------

#' @title Pull hallp
#' @description Pulls hallp and gets it ready for matching.
#' @param collectdata boolean value determing whether or not hallp data should be collected from the database. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return a data frame of hallp data. Note that data is only collected, not prepped in any way.

prephallp  <- function(collectdata=T) {
   # need a way to do this for folks that don't have the database
   # should also test to see if db is available and only initialize it if it's not
   hallp  <- hallptbl  %>% 
      #select(pidm, firstname, lastname, addr = `Address Line 1`, city = City, st = `State/Province`, zip = Zip, email = `PREF_E-mail`)  
      select(pidm, firstname, lastname, addr = addr1, city , st , zip , email = prefemail)  
   if(collectdata) {
   } else{

# function to create matching columns - support function ----------------------------------------

#' @title Create matching strings.
#' @description Builds the columns to do pidm matching on. Requires a df built from prepformatch() or prephallp().
#' @param x a data frame processed by prepformatch() or prephallp()
#' @return a data frame with concatenated name fields which will be used for matching.

creatematchingcolumns  <- function(x) {
            catname = gsub("[[:punct:]]|\\s", "", tolower(paste0(firstname,lastname)) )
          , lastfirstinitial = gsub("[[:punct:]]|\\s", "", paste0(lastname,substr(firstname,1,1)))
          , lastaddr = gsub("[[:punct:]]|\\s", "", tolower(paste0(lastname,substr(addr,1,nchar(addr)*.8)  )) )

# create counts for each matching column - support function -------------------------------------

#' @title Create count columns
#' @description Creates COUNTIF style counts to determine whether 1:1 matching can be done on a particular field.
#' @param x a data frame which needs pidms
#' @param y a data frame of reference data, usually hallp
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with count columns appended

createcounts  <- function(x,y) {
   x  %>% 
         y  %>% 
            count(catname)  %>% 
            rename(n_catname = n)
         , by = 'catname'
      )  %>% 
         y  %>% 
            count(lastfirstinitial)  %>% 
            rename(n_lastfirst = n)
         , by = 'lastfirstinitial'
      )  %>% 
         y  %>% 
            count(lastaddr)  %>% 
            rename(n_lastaddr = n)
         , by = 'lastaddr'
      )  %>% 
         y  %>% 
            count(email)  %>% 
            rename(n_email = n)
         , by = 'email'

# get pidms from email - support function -----------------------------------------------------

#' @title Get pidm based on email.
#' @description Returns a data frame with pidms based on email appended based on matching rules.
#' @param x a data frame which needs pidms
#' @param y a data frame of reference data, usually hallp
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with a new column, pidm_email, appended
getpidmsonemail <- function(x,y) {
   x  %>% 
      left_join(y  %>% 
                   filter(n_email == 1)  %>% 
                   select(pidm_email = pidm, email) 
                , by = 'email')  %>% 
      mutate(pidm_email = ifelse(n_email == 1, pidm_email , NA))

# get pidms from catname - support function -----------------------------------------------------

#' @title Get pidm based on name.
#' @description Returns a data frame with pidms based on catname appended.
#' @param x a data frame which needs pidms
#' @param y a data frame of reference data, usually hallp
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with a new column, pidm_catname, appended
getpidmsoncatname  <- function(x,y) {
   x  %>% 
      left_join(y  %>% 
                   filter(n_catname == 1)  %>% 
                   select(pidm_catname = pidm, catname) 
               , by = 'catname')  %>% 
      mutate(pidm_catname = ifelse(n_catname == 1, pidm_catname, NA))

# get pidms from lastfirst--------------------------------------------------

#' @title Get pidm based on lastname.
#' @description Returns a data frame with pidms based on lastname, first initial appended.
#' @param x a data frame which needs pidms
#' @param y a data frame of reference data, usually hallp
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with a new column, pidm_lastfirst, appended
getpidmsonlastfirst  <- function(x,y) {
   x  %>% 
      left_join(y  %>% 
                   filter(n_lastfirst == 1)  %>% 
                   select(pidm_lastfirst = pidm, lastfirstinitial)  
                , by = 'lastfirstinitial')  %>% 
      mutate(pidm_lastfirst = ifelse(n_lastfirst == 1, pidm_lastfirst, NA))

# get pidms from lastaddr --------------------------------------------------

#' @title Get pidm baesd on lastname, address.
#' @description Returns a data frame with pidms based on last nameand address appended.
#' @param x a data frame which needs pidms
#' @param y a data frame of reference data, usually hallp
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with a new column, pidm_lastaddr, appended
getpidmsonlastaddr  <- function(x,y) {
   x  %>% 
      left_join(y  %>% 
                   filter(n_lastaddr == 1)  %>% 
                   select(pidm_lastaddr = pidm, lastaddr) 
                , by = 'lastaddr')  %>% 
      mutate(pidm_lastaddr = ifelse(n_lastaddr == 1, pidm_lastaddr, NA))

# user-facing matching function ----------------------------------------------------

#' @title Get new pidms
#' @description Uses several matching functions to append new pidms to an existing data frame. Input should be a data frame with most (preferably all) of the columns you'd need to match on. Note, this is a time consuming function, as it pulls and maninpulates all constituent data. d
#' @param x a data frame with most (preferably all) the columns to match on
#' @return a data frame with nrows(x) with multiple columns appended, namely finalpidm, which has the function's best guess of what the pidms should be.
#' @details Matching is performed on the following fields, in this order:
#'    \enumerate{
#'       \item existing pidm column
#'       \item email
#'       \item lastname, firstname
#'       \item lastname, first initial
#'       \item lastname, address (only the first 70\% of the adddress is used)
#'    }
#'    In all cases, matches are only made when one match is possible. Also, all text fields are set to lowercase and punctuation is removed. Note that missing data currently throws an error--if any columns are missing, we recommend adding a column with all NA values.
#' @export 
matchforpidms <- function(x) {
   # pull together the hallp data to match against
   hallp  <- prephallp()    %>% 
   hallp  <- hallp  %>% 
      createcounts( hallp) 
   x  %>% 
      prepformatch()  %>% 
      creatematchingcolumns()  %>% 
      createcounts(hallp)   %>% 
      getpidmsonemail    ( hallp )  %>% 
      getpidmsoncatname  ( hallp )  %>% 
      getpidmsonlastfirst( hallp )  %>% 
      getpidmsonlastaddr ( hallp )  %>% 
      mutate(finalpidm = coalesce(pidm,pidm_email,pidm_catname,pidm_lastfirst,pidm_lastaddr) )
crazybilly/muadc documentation built on March 6, 2021, 4:15 p.m.