
Defines functions eq.corr print.eq.corr

Documented in eq.corr print.eq.corr

#' Test for Lack of Association between Two Continuous Normally Distributed Variables: Equivalence-based correlation tests
#' Function performs a traditional Pearson correlation test, an equivalence based test of lack
#' of association, an equivalence based test of lack of association using a Fisher's z 
#' transformation, and an equivalence based test of lack of association with resampling. 
#' @aliases eq.corr
#' @param dat a data.frame or matrix containing only 2 variables
#' @param ei equivalence interval, in terms of the magnitude of a correlation
#' @param alpha desired alpha level
#' @param na.rm logical; remove missing values?
#' @param plot whether or not to print graphics of the results
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed
#' @return returns a \code{list} containing each analysis and their respective statistics
#'   and decision
#' @author Rob Cribbie \email{cribbie@@yorku.ca} and 
#'   Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @export eq.corr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #equivalence correlation test between v1 and v2 
#' with an interval of ei=(-.2.2)
#' v1 <- rnorm(50)
#' v2 <- rnorm(50)
#' dat <- data.frame(v1, v2)
#' plot(dat)
#' cor(dat)
#' eq.corr(dat=dat, ei=.2)
#' }
eq.corr <- function(dat, ei, alpha = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, 
                    plot = TRUE, ...) {
    dat <- na.omit(dat)
    var1 <- x <- dat[, 1]
    var2 <- y <- dat[, 2]
    corxy <- cor(var1, var2)
    n <- length(var1)
    nresamples <- 10000
    #### Running a traditional t test to determine if
    #### the correlation is significant######
    t <- corxy/(sqrt((1 - corxy^2)/(n - 2)))
    pvalue_tradt <- 1 - pt(abs(t), n - 2)
    ifelse(pvalue_tradt <= alpha, decis_tradt <- "The null hypothesis that there is no correlation between x and y can be rejected.", 
        decis_tradt <- "The null hypothesis that there is no correlation between x and y cannot be rejected.")
    #### Running an original TOST procedure for
    #### equivalence #######
    equivt1 <- (corxy - ei)/sqrt((1 - corxy^2)/(n - 
    pvalue1_equivt <- pt(equivt1, n - 2)
    equivt2 <- (corxy + ei)/sqrt((1 - corxy^2)/(n - 
    pvalue2_equivt <- 1 - pt(equivt2, n - 2)
    ifelse(pvalue1_equivt <= alpha & pvalue2_equivt <= 
        alpha, decis_equivt <- "The null hypothesis that the correlation between var1 and var2 falls outside of the equivalence interval can be rejected.", 
        decis_equivt <- " The null hypothesis that the correlation between var1 and var2 falls outside of the equivalence interval cannot be rejected.")
    ##### Run a two t-test procedure for equivlance with
    ##### Fisher's z transformation ####
    zei <- log((1 + ei)/(1 - ei))/2
    zcorxy <- log((1 + corxy)/(1 - corxy))/2
    equivt1_fz <- (zcorxy - zei)/(1/sqrt(n - 3))
    pvalue1_fz <- pnorm(equivt1_fz)
    equivt2_fz <- (zcorxy + zei)/(1/sqrt(n - 3))
    pvalue2_fz <- 1 - pnorm(equivt2_fz)
    ifelse(pvalue1_fz <= alpha & pvalue2_fz <= alpha, 
        decis_fz <- "The null hypothesis that the correlation between var1 and var2 falls outside of the equivalence interval can be rejected.", 
        decis_fz <- "The null hypothesis that the correlation between var1 and var2 falls outside of the equivalence interval cannot be rejected.")
    #### Run the resampling version of the two t-test
    #### procedure for equivalence #####
    resamp <- function(x, m = 10000, theta, conf.level = 0.95, 
        ...) {
        n <- length(x)
        Data <- matrix(sample(x, size = n * m, replace = T), 
            nrow = m)
        thetastar <- apply(Data, 1, theta, ...)
        M <- mean(thetastar)
        S <- sd(thetastar)
        alpha <- 1 - conf.level
        CI <- quantile(thetastar, c(alpha/2, 1 - 
        return(list(ThetaStar = thetastar, Mean.ThetaStar = M, 
            S.E.ThetaStar = S, Percentile.CI = CI))
    matr <- cbind(var1, var2)
    mat <- as.matrix(matr)
    theta <- function(x, mat) {
        cor(mat[x, 1], mat[x, 2])
    results <- resamp(x = 1:n, m = nresamples, theta = theta, 
        mat = mat)
    q1 <- quantile(results$ThetaStar, 0.05)
    q2 <- quantile(results$ThetaStar, 0.95)
    q1negei <- q1 - ei
    q2negei <- q2 - ei
    q1posei <- q1 + ei
    q2posei <- q2 + ei
    ifelse(q2negei < 0 & q1posei > 0, decis_rs <- "The null hypothesis that the correlation between var1 and var2 falls outside of the equivalence interval can be rejected.", 
        decis_rs <- "The null hypothesis that the correlation between var1 and var2 falls outside of the equivalence interval cannot be rejected.")
    #### Plots ####
    if (plot==TRUE) {
      text(x=corxy,y=-.8,paste("r = ",round(corxy,3),sep=""),col="forestgreen")
      text(x=q1,y=-.7,paste("CI(l) = ",round(q1,3),sep=""),col="red")
      text(x=q2,y=-.7,paste("CI(u) = ",round(q2,3),sep=""),col="red")
      text(x=ei,y=.7,paste("EI(u) = ",ei,sep=""),col="blue")
      text(x=(-1)*ei,y=.7,paste("EI(l) = ",(-1)*ei,sep=""),col="blue")
      text(x=min(q1,-1*ei),y=-1.25,adj=c(0,NA),"The Bootrapped CI [CI(l), CI(u)] must be contained completely within 
  the Equivalence Interval [EI(l), EI(u)] to conclude a Lack of Correlation")
    #### Summary #####
    title1 <- "Traditional Test of Correlation, Ho: rho=0"
    title2 <- "Equivalence Based Test of Lack of Association"
    title3 <- "Equivalence Based Test of Lack of Association with Fisher's z transformation"
    title4 <- "Equivalence Based Test of Lack of Association with Resampling"
    stats_tradt <- c(corxy, t, n - 2, pvalue_tradt)
    names(stats_tradt) <- c("Pearson r", "t-statistic", 
        "df", "p-value")
    stats_equivt <- c(corxy, ei, equivt1, pvalue1_equivt, 
        equivt2, pvalue2_equivt, n - 2)
    names(stats_equivt) <- c("Pearson r", "Equivalence Interval", 
        "t-stat 1", "pval_t1", "t-stat 2", "pval_t2", 
    stats_fz <- c(corxy, ei, equivt1_fz, pvalue1_fz, 
        equivt2_fz, pvalue2_fz)
    names(stats_fz) <- c("Pearson r", "Equivalence Interval", 
        "z-stat 1", "pval_z1", "z-stat 2", "pval_z2")
    stats_rs <- c(corxy, ei, nresamples, q1, q2)
    names(stats_rs) <- c("Pearson r", "Equivalence Interval", 
        "# of Resamples", "5th Percentile", "95th Percentile")
    out <- list(list(title1, stats_tradt, decis_tradt), 
        list(title2, stats_equivt, decis_equivt), 
        list(title3, stats_fz, decis_fz), list(title4, 
            stats_rs, decis_rs))
    class(out) <- "eq.corr"

#' @rdname eq.corr
#' @param x object of class \code{eq.corr}
#' @export
print.eq.corr <- function(x, ...) {
    lapply(x, function(y) {
            y[[1]], "\n\n")
        cat("\n\n", y[[3]], "\n\n")
cribbie/equivalencetests documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:33 a.m.