
Defines functions pureDaughters

Documented in pureDaughters

#' @title pureDaughters
#' @description This function works the same as the pureMS2 function, but is
#' slightly different for matching spectra across samples. This only means
#' that it has a few more error messages.
#' @param ms2Matches - a list of all ms2 matches that belong to features
#' within the error of the input curMz and curRt values.
#' @param mzDiff - absolute mz error required match spectra across scans.
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return a list of tables making up the linked scans within a sample.
pureDaughters <- function(ms2Matches, mzDiff) {

    # Merging Scans by Similarity ---------------------------------------------
    linkedScans <- list()
    curScan <- data.frame()
    i <- 1
    nextExist <- T
    uniqueMS2 <- 1
    scanGroups <- list()
    while(nextExist & length(ms2Matches) >= i) {

        # initializing scans, and checking for next -------------------------------
        curScan <- ms2Matches[[i]]
        curScan$curGroup <- 0
        curScan$id <- i
        curScan$parent <- names(ms2Matches)[i]
        if(i == 1) {

            curScan$curGroup <- uniqueMS2
            linkedScans[[uniqueMS2]] <- curScan
            uniqueMS2 <- uniqueMS2 + 1
            i <- i + 1


        ## checking scans accross groups
        nextGroup <- TRUE
        addedSpectra <- FALSE
        j <- 1
        while(nextGroup) {

            ### add another bool here to check for things that are already linked within data
            curMs2Group <- linkedScans[[j]]
            curScan$groupIndex <- NULL

            groupedSpectra <- rbind(curScan, curMs2Group) %>%
                .[order(.$mzMean),] %>%
                groupSpectra(massCol = "mzMean", mzDiff)

            curScan <- groupedSpectra[groupedSpectra$curGroup == 0,]
            curMs2Group <- groupedSpectra[groupedSpectra$curGroup > 0,]

            # finishing up first similarity check
            uniquePercent <- sum(curScan$intMean[curScan$groupIndex > 0]/sum(curScan$intMean))
            if(uniquePercent < 0.5) {

                if(j == length(linkedScans)) {

                    if(!addedSpectra) {
                        curScan$curGroup <- uniqueMS2
                        curScan$groupIndex <- NULL
                        linkedScans[[uniqueMS2]] <- curScan
                        uniqueMS2 <- uniqueMS2 + 1
                    i <- i + 1
                    nextGroup <- FALSE

                } else {
                    j <- j + 1

            checkGroups <- curScan$groupIndex[curScan$groupIndex != 0]
            newGroupedMzs <- curScan$mzMean[curScan$groupIndex %in% checkGroups]

            combinedSpectra <- curMs2Group[curMs2Group$groupIndex %in% checkGroups,]
            groupedMzs <- combinedSpectra %>%
                dplyr::group_by(.data$groupIndex) %>%
                dplyr::summarise(mzMean = mean(.data$mzMean)) %>%
            groupedMzs <- groupedMzs$mzMean

            if(length(groupedMzs) < length(newGroupedMzs)) {

                checkCurScan <- checkGroups[duplicated(checkGroups)]

                # fixing samples where multiple peaks belong to the same group
                for(k in seq_along(checkCurScan)) {

                    curMasses <- curScan$mzMean[curScan$groupIndex %in% checkCurScan[k]]
                    oldMasses <- curMs2Group$mzMean[curMs2Group$groupIndex %in% checkCurScan[k]]
                    minDistIndex <- which.min(abs(curMasses - mean(oldMasses)))
                    curScan$groupIndex[curScan$groupIndex %in% checkCurScan[k]][-minDistIndex] <- 0


                #combinedSpectra$[combinedSpectra$groupIndex %in% checkCurScan,]
                warning(paste("mzDiff may be too large.",
                              "You are grouping peaks that belong to the",
                              "same sample.\n Consider lowering mzDiff param."))

                newGroupedMzs <- curScan$mzMean[curScan$groupIndex %in% checkGroups]

            cosScore <- cos.sim(newGroupedMzs, groupedMzs)

            # checking similarity in peak intensity
            if(cosScore < 0.9) {

                if(j == length(linkedScans)) {

                    if(!addedSpectra) {
                        curScan$curGroup <- uniqueMS2
                        linkedScans[[uniqueMS2]] <- curScan
                        uniqueMS2 <- uniqueMS2 + 1
                    i <- i + 1
                    nextGroup <- FALSE

                } else {
                    j <- j + 1

            # adding old spectra to old features
            addedSpectra <- TRUE
            groupedSpectra$groupIndex <- NULL
            groupedSpectra$curGroup <- max(groupedSpectra$curGroup)
            linkedScans[[j]] <- groupedSpectra

            if(j < length(linkedScans)) {
                j <- j + 1
            } else {
                i <- i + 1
                nextGroup <- FALSE



    # Returning Clean scans ---------------------------------------------------
    ## I need some column connecting the scans to the parent
    matchScanCount <- linkedScans %>% sapply(function(x) {length(unique(x$id))})
    for(i in seq_along(linkedScans)) {

        if(matchScanCount[i] > 1) {

            groupedSpectra <- groupSpectra(linkedScans[[i]],
                                           massCol = "mzMean",

            groupedSpectra$curGroup <- NULL
            multObs <- groupedSpectra[groupedSpectra$groupIndex >0, ]
            noMatch <- groupedSpectra[groupedSpectra$groupIndex == 0,]
            mergedData <- multObs %>%
                dplyr::group_by(.data$groupIndex) %>%
                dplyr::summarize(parent = paste(unique(.data$id),
                                                collapse = ";"),
                                 mzMeanDau = mean(.data$mzMean),
                                 mzSdDau = sd(.data$mzMean),
                                 mzSdErr = sd(.data$mzSd),
                                 intMeanDau = mean(.data$intMean),
                                 intSdDau = sd(.data$intMean),
                                 intErrSd = sd(.data$intSd),
                                 rtMean = mean(.data$rtMean),
                                 rtMin = min(.data$rtMin),
                                 rtMax = max(.data$rtMax),
                                 slopeMean = mean(.data$slope),
                                 slopeSd = sd(.data$slope),
                                 size = sum(.data$size)) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(groupIndex = NULL) %>%

            noMatch <- returnScanDaughter(noMatch)
            linkedScans[[i]] <- rbind(mergedData, noMatch)

        } else {

            linkedScans[[i]] <- returnScanDaughter(linkedScans[[i]])


crmclean/ms2sweeper documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:44 p.m.