
Defines functions summary.generator getPump.generator reconstitute.generator getStartSet.generator make_generator yieldFrom_cps yieldFrom yield_cps yield gen

Documented in gen summary.generator yield yieldFrom

#' Create an iterator using sequential code.
#' `gen({...})` with an expression written in its argument, creates a
#' generator, an object which computes an indefinite sequence.
#' On the "inside", that is the point of view of code you write in
#' `{...}`, is ordinary sequential code using conditionals, branches,
#' loops and such, outputting one value after another with `yield()`.
#' For example, this code creates a generator that computes a random
#' walk:
#' ```r
#' rwalk <- gen({
#'   x <- 0;
#'   repeat {
#'     x <- x + rnorm(1)
#'     yield(x)
#'   }
#' })
#' ```
#' On the "outside," that is, the object returned by `gen()`, a
#' generator behaves like an iterator over an indefinite
#' collection. So we can collect the first 100 values from the above
#' generator and compute their mean:
#'     rwalk |> itertools2::take(100) |> as.numeric() |> mean()
#' When `nextOr(rwalk, ...)` is called, the generator executes its
#' "inside" expression, in a local environment, until it reaches a
#' call to `yield().` THe generator 'pauses', preserving its execution
#' state, and `nextElem` then returns what was passed to `yield`. The
#' next time `nextElem(rwalk)` is called, the generator resumes
#' executing its inside expression starting after the `yield()`.
#' If you call `gen` with a function expression, as in:
#'     gseq <- gen(function(x) for (i in 1:x) yield(i))
#' then instead of returning a single generator it will return a
#' _generator function_ (i.e. a function that constructs and returns a
#' generator.) The above is morally equivalent to:
#'     gseq <- function(x) {force(x); gen(for (i in 1:x) yield(i))}
#' so the generator function syntax just saves you writing the [force]
#' call.
#' A generator expression can use any R functions, but a call to
#' `yield` may only appear in the arguments of a "pausable" function.
#' The `async` package has several built-in pausable functions corresponding
#' to base R's control flow functions, such as `if`, `while`, `tryCatch`,
#' `<-`, `{}`, `||` and so on (see [pausables] for more details.)  A call
#' to `yield` may only appear in an argument of one of these pausable
#' functions. So this random walk generator:
#' ```r
#' rwalk <- gen({x <- 0; repeat {x <- yield(x + rnorm(1))}})
#' ```
#' is legal, because `yield` appears within arguments to `{}`,
#' `repeat`, and `<-`, for which this package has pausable
#' definitions. However, this:
#' ```r
#' rwalk <- gen({x <- rnorm(1); repeat {x <- rnorm(1) + yield(x)}})
#' ```
#' is not legal, because `yield` appears in an argument to `+`, which
#' does not have a pausable definition.
#' @param expr An expression, to be turned into an iterator.
#' @param ... Undocumented.
#' @param split_pipes Silently rewrite expressions where "yield"
#'   appears in chained calls. See [async].
#' @return `gen({...}) returns an [iteror].
#' @param compileLevel Current levels are 0 (no compilation) or
#' -1 (name munging only).
#' @importFrom iterors nextOr
#' @export
gen <- function(expr, ..., split_pipes=FALSE,
                compileLevel=getOption("async.compileLevel")) {
  expr_ <- arg(expr); expr <- NULL
  if (identical(expr(expr_)[[1]], quote(`function`))) {
    defn <- coroutine_function(expr_,
                               split_pipes = split_pipes,
                               compileLevel = compileLevel)
  .contextName <- "wrapper"
  envir <- env(expr_)
  args_ <- c(cps_translate(expr_,
  set_dots(environment(), args_)
  gen <- make_generator(..., callingEnv=envir)
  if (compileLevel != 0) gen <- compile(gen, compileLevel)

#' @description
#' When written inside a generator expression, `yield(expr)` causes the
#' generator to return the given value, then pause until the next value is
#' requested.
#' @return `yield(x)` returns the same value x.
#' @rdname gen
#' @export
yield <- function(expr) {
  stop("yield() called outside a generator")

yield_cps <- function(.contextName, expr) {
  list(.contextName, expr)
  function(cont, ..., yield, registerYield) {
    if (missing_(arg(yield))) stop("yield used but this is not a generator")
    if (!missing(registerYield)) registerYield()
    list(cont, yield)
    node(yield_ <- function(val) {
      yield(cont, val)
    expr(yield_, ..., yield=yield, registerYield=registerYield)

#' @export
#' @rdname gen
#' @description
#' When running in a generator expression, `yieldFrom(it))`, given
#' a list or [iteror] in its argument, will yield successive values from that
#' iteror until it is exhausted, then continue.
#' @param it A list, [iteror] or compatible object.
#' @param err An error handler
#' @return yieldFrom returns NULL, invisibly.
#' @examples
#' i_chain <- function(...) {
#'   iterators <- list(...)
#'   gen(for (it in iterators) yieldFrom(it))
#' }
yieldFrom <- function(it, err) {
  stop("yieldFrom() called outside a generator")

#' @importFrom iterors iteror
yieldFrom_cps <- function(.contextName, it) {
  list(.contextName, it)
  function(cont, ..., stp, yield, registerYield, awaitNext) {
    list(cont, yield, maybe(registerYield), maybe(awaitNext))
    if (!is_missing(registerYield)) registerYield()

    result <- "xxx"
    value <- NULL
    node(received <- function() {
             success={ val <- value; value <<- NULL; yield(streamFrom_, val) },
             error={ stp(value) },
             stp(paste("Unexpected result from awaitNext", result))) # nocov

    node(streamFrom_ <- function(val) {
      val <- NULL
      result <<- "xxx"
                \(val) {result <<- "success"; value <<- val},
                \(val) {result <<- "error"; value <<- val},
                \() {result <<- "close"; value <<- NULL})

    node(yieldFrom_ <- function(val) {
      stopping <- FALSE
      val <- iter(or=stopping <- TRUE)
      if (stopping) {
      } else {
        yield(yieldFrom_, val) #FIXME: under a "run" this winds up the stack

    iter <- NULL
    if(is_missing(awaitNext)) {
      node(iter_ <- function(val) {
        iter <<- iteror(val)
    } else {
      node(iter_ <- function(val) {
        iter <<- iteror(val)
        if (is.channel(iter)) {
        } else {

    it(iter_, ..., yield=yield, stp=stp, registerYield=registerYield, awaitNext=awaitNext)

make_generator <- function(expr, orig=substitute(expr), ...,
                           local=TRUE, callingEnv) {
  list(expr, ..., orig)
  .contextName <- "gen"
  targetEnv <- if(local) new.env(parent=callingEnv) else callingEnv
  nonce <- function() NULL
  yielded <- nonce
  err <- NULL
  state <- "yielded"

  node(getState <- function() list(state=state, err=err))

  node(return_ <- function(val) {
    state <<- "finished"

  node(stop_ <- function(val) {
    err <<- val
    state <<- "stopped"
    NULL # nocov (so the above does not look like a tailcall)

  node(yield_ <- function(cont, val) {
    state <<- "yielded"
    yielded <<- val
    pause_val(cont, val)

  globalNode(nextOr_ <- function(or, ...) {
    val <- switch(state,
                  "stopped" =,
                  "finished" = or,
                  "running" = stop("Generator already running (or finished unexpectedly?)"),
                  "yielded" = {
                    state <<- "running"
                      if (state == "running") {
                        state <<- "finished"
                        #we're probably on our way out with a more
                        #detailed error
                    # silly compiler, that's not a "utility" call
                    (function() pump())()
                           running = {
                             state <<- "finished"
                             stop("Generator finished unexpectedly")
                           stopped = stop(err),
                           finished = or,
                           yielded = {
                             if (identical(yielded, nonce)) {
                               stop("Generator yielded but no value?")
                             tmp <- yielded
                             yielded <<- nonce
                           stop("Generator in an unknown state"))
                  stop("Generator in an unknown state"))

  pump <- make_pump(expr, ..., catch=FALSE,
                    stp = stop_, yield = yield_, rtn = return_,
                    targetEnv = targetEnv)
  expr <- NULL
  pause_val <- get("pause_val_", envir = environment(pump))
  targetEnv <- emptyenv()
  callingEnv <- emptyenv()
  g <- add_class(iteror(nextOr_), "generator", "coroutine")

#' @exportS3Method
getStartSet.generator <- function(x) {
  c(NextMethod(x), list(
    #note that this can be different from "x" because
    #"x" had extra classes/attributes tacked on
    nextOr_ =  environment(x)$nextOr_,
    #doWindup = environment(getPump(x))$doWindup),
    getState = environment(x)$getState))

#' @exportS3Method
reconstitute.generator <- function(orig, munged) {
  environment(munged$nextOr_)$orig <- environment(orig)$orig
  new <- add_class(iteror(munged$nextOr_), "generator", "coroutine")

#' @exportS3Method
getPump.generator <- function(x) {
  get("pump", environment(x))

#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname format
#' @description `summary(g)$state` for a [generator][gen] `g` might be  "yielded",
#' "running" (if nextElem is _currently_ being called,) "stopped" (for
#' generators that have stopped with an error,) or "finished" (for
#' generators that have finished normally.)
#' @exportS3Method
summary.generator <- function(object, ...) {
  c(list(code=get("orig", envir=environment(object))),
crowding/generators documentation built on June 28, 2023, 6:14 a.m.