

`%is%` <- expect_equal

test_that("do_", {
  expect_identical(do(emptyenv), emptyenv())
  do_(dots(`-`, 1)) %is% -1
  f <- function(y) {
    delayedAssign("x", foo+bar)
    substitute(thing(x, y))
  do_(quo(f), quo(x+y)) %is% quote(thing(foo+bar, x+y))
  do(f, quo(x+y)) %is% quote(thing(foo+bar, x+y))

test_that("do_ with primitives", {
  # case study of using `do` with `<-`
  # One would of course rather use 'assign' in real life
  x <- 2
  do(`<-`, dots(x, x+1))
  x %is% 3

  # `<-` fails, because calling env doesn't match left-hand-side env
  e <- new.env()
  x <- 1
  e$x <- 10
  # with the `...` injection approach, no
  if(getRversion() >= '4.0.0')
    expect_error(do(`<-`, quo(x, e), quo(x+2)), "number of arguments")
  # forcing the direct PROMSXP calling approach, still no
  e2 <- new.env(e)
  expect_error(do_(quo(`<-`, e2), quo(x, e), quo(x+2)), "left-hand")

  # but if calling env and LHS are same, can RHS can be in another env?
  e <- new.env()
  x <- 1
  e$x <- 10
  if(getRversion() >= '4.0.0')
    expect_error(do(`<-`, quo(x), quo(x+2, e)), "\\.\\.\\.")
  #no, but when forcing promsxp injection, yes:
  e2 <- new.env(e)
  e2$x <- 7
  do_(quo(`<-`, e2), quo(x, e2), quo(x+2, e))
  e2$x %is% 12
  e$x %is% 10

  # and we can do the assign in another env?
  e <- new.env()
  x <- 1
  e$x <- 10
  if(getRversion() >= '4.0.0')
    expect_error(do_(quo(`<-`, e), quo(x, e), quo(x+2)), "incorrect context")
  #no, but when forcing promsxp injection, we can.
  do_(quo(`<-`, e), quo(x, e), quo(x+2))
  e$x %is% 3
  x %is% 1

  # and we can assign in detached env, trickily. Note that the
  # primitive itself is going into the call, not the name `<-`
  e <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  e$x <- NULL
  x <- 10
  expect_error( do_(quo(`<-`, e), quo(x, e), quo(x+1)), "could not find")
  do_(quo_(`<-`, e), quo(x, e), quo(x+1))
  x %is% 10
  e$x %is% 11

  # however `+` is copacetic with `...` and being called from emptyenv
  x <- 3
  do_(forced_quo_(`+`), dots(x+1, x+2)) %is% 9
  do_(quo(`+`, force=TRUE), dots(x+1, x+2)) %is% 9

  # and alist knows how to unpack `...`
  if(getRversion() >= '4.0.0') {
    e2 <- new.env(); e2$x <- 1
    mode(do(alist, quo(x, e2))[[1]]) %is% "name"
    mode(do(alist, forced_quo_(as.name("x")))[[1]]) %is% "name"
  # but if promsxp injection is forced, alist leaks naked promsxps
  e <- new.env()
  e2 <- new.env(); e2$x <- 1
  mode(do_(quo(alist, e), forced_quo_(as.name("x")))[[1]]) %is% "promise"
  mode(do_(quo(alist, e), quo(x, e2))[[1]]) %is% "promise"
  #f <- function(...) .Internal(inspect(tail(sys.calls(), 1)[[1]]))
  #x <- do_(quo(f, e), quo("foo"+1), forced_quo(2+2))

test_that("set_", {
  e0 <- new.env(parent=emptyenv()) # does not have `<-` bound
  e1 <- new.env()
  e2 <- new.env(parent=e1)
  set_(quo(x, e2), "two")
  set_(quo(x, e1), "one")
  set_(quo(x, e0), "zero")
  e0$x %is% "zero"
  e1$x %is% "one"
  e2$x %is% "two"
  # set_enclos_ behaves like <<-
  set_enclos_(quo(x, e2), "ONE!")
  e2$x %is% "two"
  e1$x %is% "ONE!"
  # subassignment
  set_(quo(x[2], e1), list(2))
  e1$x %is% list("ONE!", 2)
  expect_error(set_(quo(x[2], e0), "two"), "find function")
  # assign_ does not behave like <<- here
  assign("x", "two?", envir=e2, inherits=TRUE)
  e2$x %is% "two?"

test_that("`do` allows different args to come from different environments, just like ...", {
  f <- function(...) {
    here <- "f"
    g(here, ...)
  g <- function(...) {
    here <- "g"
    h(here, ...)
  here <- "top"

  h <- c
  f(here) %is% c("g", "f", "top")

  h <- function(...) {
    match.call() %is% quote(h(here, ..1, ..2)) #huh?
  f(here) %is% c("g", "f", "top")

  # and our "do" can cope with different arguments having different
  # arguments.
  h <- function(...) {
    do(c, dots(...))
  f(here) %is% c("g", "f", "top")

  # even doing the call from a fourth env
  e <- list2env(list(here="no"))
  h <- function(...) {
    do_(quo(c, e), dots(...))
  f(here) %is% c("g", "f", "top")

test_that("Do passes along args", {
  f <- function(...) {
    here <- "f"
    g(here, ...)
  g <- function(...) {
    here <- "g"
    h(here, ...)
  here <- "top"
  e <- list2env(list(here="no"))
  h <- function(...) do_(quo(c, e), dots(...))

  f(here) %is% c("g", "f", "top")

test_that("calling from somewhere up the stack", {
  fenv <- NULL
  genv <- NULL
  get <- function(expected) {
    parent.frame()$where %is% expected
    caller()$where %is% expected
  f <- function() {
    fenv <<- environment()
    where <- "f"
    get <- "nope"
  g <- function() {
    genv <<- environment()
    where <- "g"
    get <- "nope"
  h <- function() {
    do_(quo(get, fenv), quo("f"))
    do_(quo(get, genv), quo("g"))

test_that("do by name finds in target env", {
  fenv <- NULL
  genv <- NULL
  f <- function(x) {
    fenv <<- environment()
    this <- "x"
    that <- "a"
    get <- function() this
  g <- function(x) {
    genv <<- environment()
    this <- "y"
    that <- "b"
    get <- function() that
  h <- function(x) {
    get <- "nope"
    do_(quo(get, fenv)) %is% "x"
    do_(quo(get, genv)) %is% "b"

test_that("what is function called?", {
  fenv <- NULL
  f <- function(f) {
    fenv <<- environment()
  g <- function() {
    foo <- get
    expect_error(do_(quo(foo, fenv)))
    expect_equal(do_(quo(get, fenv)), quote(get))
  get <- function() {

test_that("do down the stack in closed env", {
  where <- "0"
  qq <- NULL
  f <- function() {
    where <- "f"
    henv <- g()
    qq <<- quo(get, henv)
  g <- function() {
    where <- "g"
  h <- function() {
    where <- "h"
  get <- function() {
    parent.frame()$where %is% "h"
    caller(environment())$where %is% "h"
    caller()$where %is% "h"
    x <- get_call()
    x[[1]] %is% qq


test_that("do from de novo env.", {
  f <- function() {
    where <- "f"
    e <- new.env()
    e$where <- "e"
    do_(quo(get, e), quo("e"))
  get <- function(expected) {
    parent.frame()$where %is% expected
    caller()$where %is% expected

test_that("arg_envs propagate through do()", {
  where <- "0"
  eenv <- NULL
  e <- function() {
    where <- "e"
    eenv <<- environment()
  f <- function(...) {
    where <- "f"
    g(where, ...)
  g <- function(...) {
    where <- "g"
    h(where, ...)
  h <- function(...) {
    x <- do_(quo(get, eenv), dots(...))
  get <- function(x, y, z) {
    caller()$where %is% "e"
    arg_env(x)$where %is% "g"
    arg_env(y)$where %is% "f"
    arg_env(z)$where %is% "e"

test_that("errors occurring under do_ should have printable sys.calls", {
  concat <- function(...) list(...)
  doodo <- function(...) {
    d <- dots(...)
    d <- do_(quo(concat), d) # error thrown when "concat" forces is args
  st <- NULL
  ee <- function(object) {
    }, error = function(cnd) {
      s <- sys.calls()
      capture.output(print(s))   # this should not throw
  if(getRversion() >= '4.0.0')
    expect_error( ee(doodo(stop("expected_error"))), "expected_error")
crowding/nse documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 12:14 a.m.