

## what are the pythagorean quadruples under 20?
##quads <- subset(expand.grid(x=1:20, y=1:20, z=1:20, w=1:20), x^2+y^2+z^2 == w^2)

path <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0,
                 0, 3, 4,
                 1, 1, 2,
                 2, 3, 3,
                 0, 0,-3,
                 0, 0, 0), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

check <- cumsum(sqrt(rowSums(apply(path, 2, diff)^2)))

test_that('chain without DWIM', {
   ch <- mkchain(apply(.,2,diff), .^2, rowSums(.), sqrt(.), cumsum(.))
   dist <- ch(path)
   expect_equal(dist, check)

test_that('chain with DWIM', {
  ch <- mkchain(apply(2,diff), .^2, rowSums, sqrt, cumsum)
  dist <- ch(path)
  expect_equal(dist, check)

test_that('chain immediate', {
  dist <- chain(path, apply(2,diff), .^2, rowSums, sqrt, cumsum)
  expect_equal(dist, check)

test_that('chain lexical scope', {
  dist <- "oops"
  pow <- 3
    pow <- 2
    dist <<- chain(path, apply(2,diff), .^pow, rowSums, sqrt, cumsum)
  expect_equal(dist, check)

test_that('chain remembers intermediate result', {
   test <- (function(.) {
    path <- .
    . <- apply(., 2, diff)
    . <- .^2
    . <- rowSums(.)
    . <- sqrt(.)
    . <- sum(.)
    . <- norm <- path/.
    . <- mean(.)
    . <- norm - .
  #should be equiv to:
  normpath <- chain(path=path, apply(2,diff), .^2,
                rowSums, sqrt, sum, norm=path/., mean, norm-.)
  expect_equal(normpath, test)

test_that('chain scope is local', {
    x <- 1
    y <- 100
    expect_equal(chain[x](x, x+1, y=exp), exp(2))
    expect_equal(x, 1)
    expect_equal(y, 100)

test_that('can use . as a function according to R pseudo-lisp-2 rules', {
  . <- function(x) 2*x
  check <- (function(.) {
    . <- . + 3
    . <- .(.)
    . <- .(. + 1)
  expect_equal(chain(2, .+3, .(.), .(.+1)), 22)

test_that('mkchain placeholder', {
  f <- mkchain[foo](apply(2, diff), foo^2, rowSums, sqrt, cumsum)
  expect_equal(f(path), check)

test_that('chain placeholder', {
  dist <- chain[foo](path, apply(2,diff), foo^2, rowSums, sqrt, cumsum)
  expect_equal(dist, check)

test_that('chain/mkchain arguments', {
  data <- c(13, 32, 54, 68, 12, 31, 14, 31,  5,  9)
  f <- mkchain[x, threshold=20](x>threshold, sum)
  expect_equal(f(data), sum(data > 20))
  expect_equal(f(data, 60), sum(data > 60))

  #and for mkchain
  expect_equal(chain[x, threshold=20](data, x>threshold, sum), sum(data > 20))
  #no way to change "threshold" in the chain form but that's ok

test_that('chain infix form', {
  data <- c(13, 32, 54, 68, 12, 31, 14, 31,  5,  9)
  expect_equal(5, data %|>% (.>20) %|>% sum)

test_that('empty arguments ignored', {
  data <- c(13, 32, 54, 68, 12, 31, 14, 31,  5,  9)
  expect_equal(chain(data, .>20,,sum,,), sum(data > 20))

test_that('chain output is visible', {
  expect_equal(withVisible(chain(1, `+`, `-`)),
               list(value=-1, visible=TRUE))
crowding/vadr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:33 a.m.