

`%is%` <- expect_equal

test_that("quasiquote", {
  #"qq" is intended to be a stronger version of backquote.

  a <- quote(a+b)
  b <- quote(b+c)
  c <- quote(c+d)
  default = quote(a+z)

  expect_equal(qq( .(a) + .(b)    + .(c)),
               quote(   a + b + (b + c) + (c + d)))

  expect_equal(qq( .(a) + b + .(qq( .(a) + b ) ) ),
               quote(   a + b + b + (a + b + b) ) )

  expect_equal( qq( function(a, b = .(default)) force(b) ),
                quote(    function(a, b = a + z     ) force(b) ))

test_that("qq interpolation in names", {
  achar <- "a"
  aname <- quote(a)
  bchar <- "b"

  expect_equal(qq( list(".(achar)"=foobar) ),
                  quote( list(         a=foobar) ))
  expect_equal(qq( list(`.(aname)`=baz   ) ),
                  quote( list(         a=baz   ) ))
  expect_equal(qq( list(`.(paste(achar, bchar, sep=""))` = foobar ) ),
                  quote( list(                              ab = foobar ) ))
  #also in formal argument lists.
  expect_equal(qq( function( `.(achar)`, `.(bchar)` = default) body ),
                  quote( function(          a,          b = default) body ))

  #thius also covers some situations where nothing other than a name
  #is allowed by the parser
                  quote( a$b ))
  expect_equal(qq( for(`.(aname)` in seq_len(10)) NULL),
               quote(    for(         a in seq_len(10)) NULL));

test_that("multiple element qq interpolation", {
  arglist <- alist(aa, bb, cc)
  namedlist <- alist(aa=a, bb=b, ccc=)

  expect_equal(qq( list(z, b, ...(arglist)) ),
                  quote( list(z, b, aa, bb, cc) ) )
  expect_equal(qq( list(z, ...(namedlist), q) ),
                  quote( list(z, aa=a, bb=b, ccc=, q) ))
  #and in argument lists. Note how ccc is on the name on the right side.
  #note that the name of the argument ... appears in is ignored.
  expect_equal(qq( function(q, .=...(namedlist), x) body ),
                  quote( function(q, aa=a, bb=b, ccc, x) body ))

test_that("qq interpolation in first argument", {
  #qq() wasn't hitting the first element of function arg lists?
  #turns out bquote() itself had this bug too. <- "x"
    qq(function(`.(`) {
      cat(.(, " is ", `.(`, "\n")
    quote( function(x) {cat("x", " is ", x, "\n")})

  argnames <- letters[1:4]
                .=...(setNames(missing_value(length(argnames)), argnames)))
             } )
    quote( function(a, b, c, d) { list(a, b, c, d) } )

test_that("qqs with ...(NULL)", {
  qq(list(1, 2, ...(NULL), 4)) %is% quote(list(1, 2, 4))

test_that("quasiquote descends into heads of calls,", local({
  qq( (.("list")))(1, 2, 3) ) %is% quote( (list)(1, 2, 3) )

  tempfun <- function() {
    qq((function() {...(list(1, 2, 3))})())

  #the real problem here was call objects of length 1
    quote( (function() {1; 2; 3})() ))


#test disabled -- I think it's reasonable to say quasiquote only operates on
#hings that can be the output of the parser
FALSE && test_that("quasiquote non-call, non-primitive lists", {
  expect_equal(, list(alist(a, b, .(paste("foo", "bar")), d))),
      alist(a, b, "foo bar", d))

  expect_equal(, list(alist(function(){test(quote(.(2+2)))}))),
      list(quote(function() {test(quote(4))})))

test_that("qe(x) is a shortcut for eval(qq(x))", {
  x <- 1; y <- 2; z <- 3;
  foo <- c("x", "y", "z")
  qe(sum(...(lapply(foo, %is% 6
  qe(function(.=...(list(a=1))) `.("a")`)() %is% 1

test_that("unquote strips srcrefs off 'function' ", {
  x <- qe(function(.=...(list(a=1))) `.("a")`)
  attr(x, "srcref") %is% NULL

test_that("qqply(expr)(args) substitutes args into expr", {
  f <- qe(function(
      .=...( qqply(`.(..1)`=.(..2))(letters, 1:26))) {
    ...(qqply(.( <- .([2:26], x=letters[1:25]))
  f() %is% 6

test_that("qeply() like qqply but evaluates each one", {
    xxx <- qeply(`.(x)` <- .(y))(x=letters, y=1:26)
    e %is% 5
    xxx[[6]] %is% 6

test_that("qqply computes names for its output", {
  x <- qqply(`.(x)` = .(y))(x=letters[1:3], y=1:3)
  x %is% list(a =1, b=2, c=3)

test_that("qqply and qeply scope of substitutor", {
  x <- 1
  f <- function(nm, vector) {
    qqply(`.(nm)` <- `.(nm)` + .(x))(x=vector)
  f("x", 1) %is% alist(x <- x + 1)
  x <- 2
  fe <- function(nm, vector) {
    g <- 5
    qeply(`.(nm)` <- `.(nm)` + x*.(x))(x=vector)
  fe("g", 1:10) %is% (5 + sum(2*(1:10)))
crowding/vadr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:33 a.m.