#' Return documentation of Earth Engine modules, methods and classes
#' @noRd
ee_help_addins <- function() {
context <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
selected_content <- context$selection[[1]]$text
# If press Ctrl + Enter
if (selected_content == "") {
try(ee_help(ee_get_eefunc()), silent = TRUE)
# If first select the text and after that Ctrl + Enter
} else {
selected_content_filtered <- gsub("\n|[[:space:]]","", selected_content)
try(ee_help(selected_content_filtered), silent = TRUE)
#' How many white space we deleted?
#' @noRd
ee_space_removed <- function(text, cursor) {
text <- strsplit(text,"")[[1]]
sum(grepl(" ",text[1:cursor]))
#' Merge forward and backward
#' @noRd
ee_get_funname <- function(text, cursor) {
text <- strsplit(text,"")[[1]]
if (length(text) < cursor) {
if (text[cursor] == "(") {
cursor <- cursor -1
if (cursor == 1) {
# the last word can not be a $
paste0(text[1:forward(text, cursor)], collapse = "")
} else {
# the last word can not be a $
paste0(text[backward(text, cursor):forward(text, cursor)], collapse = "")
#' Search words forward
#' @noRd
forward <- function(x, cursor) {
forward_range <- cursor:length(x)
for (index in forward_range) {
is_letter <- grepl("[a-zA-Z_]", x[index])
if (!is_letter) {
index <- index - 1
if (is_letter <- grepl("\\$", x[index])) {
index - 1
} else {
#' Search words backward
#' @noRd
backward <- function(x, cursor) {
index <- cursor
repeat {
if (index == 1) {
# Just pass the letter if is inside a ()
if (x[index] == ")") {
count_par <- 1
counter <- 0
while (count_par != 0) {
if (x[index] == "(") {
count_par <- count_par - 1
} else if(x[index] == ")" & counter != 0) {
count_par <- count_par + 1
index <- index - 1
counter <- counter + 1
if (index == 1) {
# print(sprintf("%s:%s",counter,count_par))
index <- index - 1
if (grepl("[a-zA-Z_]|\\$|\\)", x[index])) {
index <- index - 1
} else {
index <- index + 1
#' Aux function useful to know if a multiline (recursive)
#' Returns a logical vector.
#' @noRd
is_multilines_r <- function(context, line) {
if (is_multilines(context, line)) {
c(TRUE, is_multilines_r(context, line - 1))
} else {
#' Aux function useful to know if a multiline
#' Returns a logical value.
#' @noRd
is_multilines <- function(context, line) {
if (line == 1) {
} else {
line_of_code_1 <- context$contents[line]
text_1 <- strsplit(line_of_code_1, "")[[1]]
is_white_space <- text_1[1] == " "
line_of_code_2 <- context$contents[line - 1]
text_2 <- strsplit(line_of_code_2, "")[[1]]
is_dolar <- text_2[length(text_2)] == "$"
if (length(is_dolar ) == 0) {
is_dolar <- FALSE
if (is_dolar & is_white_space) {
} else {
#' Returns the EE function name
#' @noRd
ee_get_eefunc <- function() {
# get rstudio context
context <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
cursor <- context$selection[[1]]$range[[1]][2]
line <- context$selection[[1]]$range[[1]][1]
# is a multiple line?
if (any(is_multilines_r(context, line))) {
# lines above!
number_of_extra_lineas <- sum(is_multilines_r(context, line))
lines <- (line - number_of_extra_lineas):line
# merge lines text in one character
text_merge <- paste0(gsub(" ", "", context$contents[lines]), collapse = "")
# upgrade cursor
extra_lines <- lines[-length(lines)]
previous_len <- paste0(context$contents[extra_lines], collapse = "")
space_removed <- ee_space_removed(text = context$contents[line], cursor = cursor)
new_cursor <- nchar(previous_len) + cursor - space_removed
ee_get_funname(text = text_merge, cursor = new_cursor)
} else {
ee_get_funname(text = context$contents[line], cursor = cursor)
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