
Defines functions leaflet_default addTiles_batch ee_get_system_id ee_get_spatial_objects ee_get_boundary ee_add_legend get_ee_image_url ee_getZoom

#' Estimates the zoom level for a given bounds
#' Adapted from Python to R
#' https://github.com/fitoprincipe/ipygee/
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6048975/
#' @noRd
ee_getZoom <- function(eeObject, maxError = ee$ErrorMargin(1)) {
  bounds <- ee_get_boundary(eeObject, maxError)

  WORLD_DIM <- list(height = 256, width = 256)
  ZOOM_MAX <- 18

  latRad <- function(lat) {
    sin <- sin(lat * pi / 180)
    radX2 <- log((1 + sin) / (1 - sin)) / 2
    max(min(radX2, pi), -pi) / 2

  zoom <- function(mapPx, worldPx, fraction) {
    floor(log(mapPx / worldPx / fraction) / log(2))

  latFraction <- (latRad(bounds["ymax"]) - latRad(bounds["ymin"])) / pi
  lngDiff <- bounds["xmax"] - bounds["xmin"]
  lngFraction <- if (lngDiff < 0) lngDiff + 360 else lngDiff
  lngFraction <- lngFraction / 360

  latZoom <- zoom(400, WORLD_DIM[["height"]], latFraction)
  lngZoom <- zoom(970, WORLD_DIM[["width"]], lngFraction)

  min(latZoom, lngZoom, ZOOM_MAX)

#' Get the tile_fetcher to display into ee_map
#' @noRd
get_ee_image_url <- function(image) {
  map_id <- ee$data$getMapId(list(image = image))
  url <- map_id[["tile_fetcher"]]$url_format

#' Add legend to EarthEngineMap objects
#' @noRd
ee_add_legend <- function(m, eeObject, visParams, name) {
  ee_obj_class <- class(eeObject)
  type <- ee_obj_class[ee_obj_class %in%  ee_get_spatial_objects("All")]
  if (type == "ee.image.Image") {
    # add legend only to one-band images
    if (is.null(visParams$bands) | length(visParams$bands) == 1) {
      if (is.null(visParams$max) | is.null(visParams$min)) {
        eeimage_type <- eeObject$bandTypes()$getInfo()
        eeimage_type_min <- eeimage_type[[1]]$min
        # Added to deal with PixelType Images
        if (is.null(eeimage_type_min)) {
          eeimage_type_min <- 0

        eeimage_type_max <- eeimage_type[[1]]$max
        if (is.null(eeimage_type_max)) {
          eeimage_type_max <- 1

        # This happens in constant images ee.Image(0) with no vizparams
        if (eeimage_type_min == eeimage_type_max) {
          eeimage_type_min <- eeimage_type_min
          eeimage_type_max <- eeimage_type_max*2
      if (is.null(visParams$max)) {
        visParams$max <- eeimage_type_max
      if (is.null(visParams$min)) {
        visParams$min <- eeimage_type_min
      if (is.null(visParams$palette)) {
        visParams$palette <- c("000000", "FFFFFF")
      visParams$palette <- sprintf("#%s", gsub("#", "",visParams$palette))
      pal <- leaflet::colorNumeric(visParams$palette, c(visParams$min, visParams$max))
      m <- m %>%
          position = "bottomright",
          pal = pal,
          values = c(visParams$min, visParams$max),
          opacity = 1,
          title = name

      # Extra parameters to EarthEngineMap objects that inherit from
      # one single-band ee$Image and active legend = TRUE
      m$rgee$min <- visParams$min
      m$rgee$max <- visParams$max
      m$rgee$palette <-  list(pal)
      m$rgee$legend <-  TRUE
    } else {
  } else {

#' Get boundary of a Earth Engine Object
#' @noRd
ee_get_boundary <- function(eeObject, maxError) {
  if (any(class(eeObject) %in% "ee.geometry.Geometry")) {
    eeObject <- ee$Feature(eeObject)
  eeObject$geometry()$bounds(maxError)$getInfo() %>%
    '[['('coordinates') %>%
    ee_utils_py_to_r() %>%
    unlist() %>%
    matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>%
    list() %>%
    sf::st_polygon() %>%

#' Return R classes for Earth Engine Spatial Objects
#' @noRd
ee_get_spatial_objects <- function(type = "All") {
  if (type == "Table") {
    ee_spatial_object <- c(
  if (type == "i+ic") {
    ee_spatial_object <- c(
      "ee.image.Image", "ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection")
  if (type == "Image") {
    ee_spatial_object <- "ee.image.Image"
  if (type == "ImageCollection") {
    ee_spatial_object <- "ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection"
  if (type == "Nongeom") {
    ee_spatial_object <- c(
  if (type == "justfeature") {
    ee_spatial_object <- c(
  if (type == "Simple") {
    ee_spatial_object <- c(
  if (type == "All") {
    ee_spatial_object <- c(

#' Get system id from an earth engine spatial object
#' @noRd
ee_get_system_id <- function(eeObject) {
  if (any(class(eeObject) %in% "ee.image.Image")) {
    eeObject %>%
      ee$Image$get("system:id") %>%
      ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%
  } else if (any(class(eeObject) %in% "ee.feature.Feature")) {
    eeObject %>%
      ee$Feature$get("system:id") %>%
      ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%
  } else if (any(class(eeObject) %in% "ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection")) {
    eeObject %>%
      ee$FeatureCollection$get("system:id") %>%
      ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%
  } else if (any(class(eeObject) %in% "ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection")) {
    eeObject %>%
      ee$ImageCollection$get("system:id") %>%
      ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%
  } else {
    stop("Impossible to get system:id")

#' leaflet::addTiles in a batch way
#' @noRd
addTiles_batch <- function(map_default, e2_token, e2_name, e2_opacity, position = "right") {
  for (index in seq_along(e2_token)) {
    map_default <- map_default %>% leaflet::addTiles(
      urlTemplate = e2_token[index],
      layerId = e2_name[index],
      group = e2_name[index],
      options = c(
        leaflet::pathOptions(pane = position),
        leaflet::tileOptions(opacity = e2_opacity[index])
    ) %>%
      ee_mapViewLayersControl(names = e2_name[index])

#' Create a default map
#' @noRd
leaflet_default <- function(lon = -76.942478, lat = -12.172116, zoom  = 18, default_maps = NULL) {
  if (is.null(default_maps)) {
    default_maps <- c(
      "CartoDB.Positron", "OpenStreetMap",
      "CartoDB.DarkMatter", "Esri.WorldImagery",
  m <- initBaseMaps(default_maps)
  m <- leaflet::setView(map = m, lon, lat, zoom)
  m <- leaflet::addLayersControl(
    map = m,
    baseGroups = default_maps,
    position = "topleft"
  m <- leaflet::addScaleBar(map = m, position = "bottomleft")
  m <- leafem::addMouseCoordinates(m)
  m <- leafem::addCopyExtent(m)
  class(m) <- append(class(m),"EarthEngineMap")

#' Create a default leaflet with initBaseMaps
#' @noRd
initBaseMaps <- function (map.types, canvas = FALSE, viewer.suppress = FALSE) {
  lid <- seq_along(map.types)
  m <- leaflet::leaflet(
    height = NULL,
    width = NULL,
    options = leaflet::leafletOptions(
      minZoom = 1, maxZoom = 52,
      bounceAtZoomLimits = FALSE,
      maxBounds = list(list(c(-90,-370)), list(c(90, 370))),
      preferCanvas = canvas),
    sizingPolicy = leaflet::leafletSizingPolicy(
      viewer.suppress = viewer.suppress,
      browser.external = viewer.suppress))
  # add Tiles
  m <- leaflet::addProviderTiles(
    map = m,
    provider = map.types[1],
    layerId = map.types[1],
    group = map.types[1],
    options = leaflet::providerTileOptions(pane = "tilePane")
  for (i in 2:length(map.types)) {
    m <- leaflet::addProviderTiles(
      map = m,
      provider = map.types[i],
      layerId = map.types[i],
      group = map.types[i],
      options = leaflet::providerTileOptions(pane = "tilePane"))
csaybar/rgee documentation built on March 11, 2021, 5:48 a.m.