#'@name get_unbiased_lengths
#'@description A function that takes a dataset and an age-length sample size matrix and returns unbiased mean lenghts at age
#'@param dataset__ a dataset containing age and length data
#'@param age_lengths a 3 dimensional array matrix with the rows corresponding to the number of length categories,
#'@param l.bin the size of the length bins used to stratify - 0 means 1 cm, -1 means 10 cm
#' columns corresponding to number of ages+1, and depth corresponding to years. The last column is the number of unaged fish.
#'@return a matrix of mean ages per year
get_unbiased_lengths <- function(dataset__, age.name, length.name, year.name, lat.name, lon.name, l.bin = 0){
#initialize dimension scalars
l <- round(select(dataset__,length.name),0)
length_groups <- min(l):max(l)
ages <- min(select(dataset__,age.name), na.rm=T):max(select(dataset__,age.name), na.rm=T)
#aggregate data by station & year
bystation_yr<- dataset__ %>%
mutate(lat = round(!!sym(lat.name),2),
lon=round(!!sym(lon.name),2)) %>%
mutate("ID"=paste(!!sym(year.name), lat, lon,
sep="_")) %>%
group_by(ID, !!sym(age.name), "r.length" = round(!!sym(length.name),digits = l.bin), add=T) %>%
summarise("sample.size"=n(), "mean.l"=mean(!!sym(length.name)))
#Function to get unbiased lengths for each station and year
get_each_station_yr <- function(station_yr_df){
size_at_age <- rep(0,length(ages))
#Do mathpol.l
#sample size of all length measurements in each 1cm length bin
LengthSums <- station_yr_df %>% group_by(r.length) %>% summarise("l.sum"=sum(sample.size))
#sample size of length measurements in each 1cm length bin for lengths of fish subsampled for ageing
Subsampled <- station_yr_df %>% filter(!is.na(age.name)) %>% group_by(r.length) %>%
for(i in 1:length(ages)){
size_at_age[i] <- get_each_age(station_yr_df, ages[i], age.name, LengthSums, Subsampled)
#Each age data frame
#Apply unbiased length calculation to each station:year stratum
x <- split(bystation_yr, bystation_yr$ID) %>%
purrr::map(~get_each_station_yr(.x)) %>%
#Add names
row.names(x) <- unique(bystation_yr$ID)
colnames(x) <- ages
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