
Defines functions vca

Documented in vca

#' Title
#' @param R matrix describing points (possibly lying in a simplex) in high dimensional space
#' @param p number endpoints to find
#' @param SNR signal to noise ratio, NULL by default
#' @param verbose verbosity, deafult value is FALSE
#' @return matrix of columns from R which are considered to be endpoints
#' @examples
vca <- function(R, p, SNR=NULL, verbose=F) {
    L <- nrow(R)
    N <- ncol(R)

    if (p < 0 || p > L) {
        stop("p is out of range (negative or too big)")
    SNRth <- 15 + 10 * log10(p)

    if (!is.null(SNR) && (SNR < SNRth)) {
        if (verbose) message("Select the projective projection")
        d <- p - 1

        if (exists("xp")) {
            Ud <- Ud[, 1:d]
        } else {
            rm <- apply(R, 1, mean)
            R0 <- R - rm
            svdObj <- svd(R0 %*% t(R0), nu = p, nv = p)
            Ud <- svdObj$u
            xp <- t(Ud) %*% R0

        Rp <- Ud %*% xp[1:d, ] + rm
        x <- xp[1:d, ]
        c <- sqrt(max(colSums(x^2)))
        y <- rbind(x, rep(c, N))
    } else {
        if (verbose) message("Select projection to p-1")
        d <- p
        Ud <- svd(R %*% t(R) / N, nu = d, nv = d)$u

        xp <- t(Ud) %*% R
        Rp <- Ud %*% xp[1:d, ]

        x <- xp
        u <- rowMeans(x)
        y <- x / matrix(kronecker(colSums(x * u), rep(1, d)), nrow=d)

    ## VCA itself

    indice <- rep(0, p)
    A <- matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=p)
    A[p, 1] <- 1

    for (i in 1:p) {
        w <- matrix(runif(p), ncol=1)
        f <- w - A %*% pseudoinverse(A) %*% w;
        f <- f / sqrt(sum(f^2))

        v <- t(f) %*% y
        indice[i] <- which.max(abs(v))
        A[, i] <- y[, indice[i]]
    Ae = Rp[, indice]

#' #' Signal To Noise estimation
#' #'
#' #' @param R matrix containing points in high dimensional space
#' #' @param rM vector of feature means
#' #' @param x projection of R (shifted to zero) to lower dimensional space produced by SVD
#' #'
#' #' @return numeric, signal to noise ratio
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' estimateSnr <- function(R, rM, x) {
#'     L <- nrow(R)
#'     N <- ncol(R)
#'     p <- nrow(x)
#'     py <- sum(R^2) / N
#'     px <- sum(x^2) / N + crossprod(rM)
#'     # message(sprintf("Technical: L = %d, N = %d, p = %d, py = %f, px = %f, py - px = %f",
#'     #                 L, N, p, py, px, py -px))
#'     # message(sprintf("SNR estimated = %f", 10 * log10( (px - p * py / L) / (py - px) )))
#'     return(10 * log10( (px - p * py / L) / (py - px) ))
#' }
ctlab/LinSeed documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 4:33 p.m.