
Defines functions Pcal

Documented in Pcal

#' Prevalence Calibration
#' \code{Pcal} calculates several parameters describing the prevalence of a 
#' feature in incomplete skeletal material and returns a calibrated prevalence 
#' estimate.
#' The function calculates crude and sample-based prevalences and corrects
#' sample-based prevalence by applying a specified method. The output is a
#' range of approximations of true prevalence.
#' The frequency of a specific trait to occur in a population is expressed
#' by the number of affected individuals ('cases') divided by the number of
#' individuals in the population. If not all individuals in the population
#' could be examined for the trait, the number of known cases divided by
#' the total number of individuals in the population is called the 'crude
#' prevalence'. Sample-based prevalence (a.k.a. corrected prevalence) is
#' the number of observed cases divided by the number of individuals in the
#' sample ready for examination. The relation of sample size and population
#' size (here referred to as the 'sample portion') affects the quality of
#' sample-based prevalence as an estimator of true prevalence.
#' This function calibrates sample-based prevalences by subtracting the
#' estimated estimation error and calculates the difference of the
#' estimated estimation error and the upper level of the prediction
#' interval for estimation error (\code{errorInt}). This value serves as a 
#' quality criterion for the exactness of the calibrated prevalence
#' estimate. Several methods for estimating estimation error exist.
#' Two thresholds can be specified for preventing prevelance estimation for
#' situations where material preservation is deemed inaccaptably
#' low. Estimation error increases with lower sample portions and estimates
#' will not be carried out for sample portions below the specified value
#' for parameter \code{sp_limit}. The difference between crude and 
#' sample-based prevalence, referred to as 'prevalence interval', has also 
#' proved a suitable predictor of estimation error. Estimations will not be 
#' carried out for prevalence intervals above the specified value for 
#' parameter \code{Pint_limit}. For calculations disqualified by these
#' two parameters, NA is returned for calibrated (Pcal) and sample-based
#' prevalence (\code{Ps}).
#' The parameters \code{n}, \code{s} and \code{c} can be specified as 
#' integers for one population or as vectors to perform calculations for a 
#' series of populations. Specification as matrices is also possible. 
#' Here, the matrix rows are interpreted to represent different populations 
#' while the columns are understood to represent skeletal segments for 
#' which data were collected separately. The parameter \code{segnames} 
#' can be used to provide the names of the segments as column names.
#' @param ID A vector containing identifiers of the investigations for which 
#'    prevalences are to be estimated. Vector length has to be identical with 
#'    the length of parameters \code{n}, \code{s} and \code{c}. Provision of 
#'    this item is optional.
#' @param segnames A vector containing names of bone segments for which 
#'    prevalences are to be estimated. This parameter can only be used if 
#'    parameters \code{n}, \code{s} and \code{c} are provided as matrices.
#' @param n An integer, a vector or a matrix of integers specifying the number 
#'    of individuals in the population or populations for which prevalences 
#'    are to be estimated. Vector length or matrix dimensions have to be 
#'    identical with those of parameters \code{s} and \code{c}.
#' @param s An integer, a vector or a matrix of integers specifying the number 
#'    of individuals in the sample of sufficiently preserved material drawn 
#'    from the population or populations for which prevalences are to be
#'    estimated. Vector length or matrix dimensions have to be identical with 
#'    those of parameters \code{n} and \code{c}.
#' @param c An integer, a vector or a matrix of integers specifying the number 
#'    of individuals in the sample with which the condition of interest was 
#'    observed (a.k.a. cases). Vector length or matrix dimensions have to be 
#'    identical with those of parameters \code{n} and \code{s}.
#' @param method Option from provided list of strings denoting the implemented 
#'    methods for prevalence calibration. Currently, the only option is "sp" 
#'    for calibration based on sample portion.
#' @param sp_limit Threshold specifying a value for sample portion below 
#'    which no estimation of prevalence is performed.
#' @param Pint_limit Threshold specifying a value for prevalence interval 
#'    (the difference between crude and sample-based prevalence) above which 
#'    no estimation of prevalence is performed.
#' @return Output are a number of data items approximating true prevalence.
#'    \code{Pc}: Crude prevalence, giving the certain minimum value for true
#'    prevalence.
#'    \code{Pcal}: Calibrated prevalence; the corrected sample-based prevalence
#'    after applying the specified method.
#'    \code{Ps}: Sample-based prevalence, estimating true prevalence by 
#'    assuming that the ratio of cases and unaffected individuals in the 
#'    population is identical to the one observed in the sample.
#'    \code{Pmax}: Maximum prevalence, giving the certain maximum value for true
#'    prevalence by assuming that all unobservable individuals are cases.
#'    \code{errorInt}: Difference between the predicted mean of estimation 
#'    errors and the upper limit of the 0.95 prediction interval.
#'    If paramters \code{n}, \code{s} and \code{c} are provided as vectors, 
#'    output will be a data frame with rows representing populations and 
#'    columns the output items. If the parameters are provided as matrices, 
#'    output will be a list of matrices, each providing the data for one 
#'    output item.
#' @examples
#' ## Evaluation of a single sample
#' Pcal(n=100, s=72, c=5)
#' ## Evaluation of three samples named 'fg1' to 'fg3'
#' Pcal(ID=c("fg1", "fg2", "fg3"), n=rep(100, 3), s=c(82, 41, 67), c=c(12, 6, 8))
#' ## Evaluation of data collected from three bone segments, 'frl', 'frm' and 'frr', 
#' ## in three samples named 'fg1' to 'fg3'
#' id_x <- c("fg1", "fg2", "fg3")
#' segnames_x <- c("frl", "frm", "frr")
#' n_x <- matrix(rep(100, 9), nrow=3, byrow =TRUE)
#' s_x <- matrix(c(82, 85, 78, 46, 52, 49, 72, 89, 68), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' c_x <- matrix(c(0, 0, 5, 1, 3, 2, 12, 3, 0), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' Pcal(ID=id_x, segnames=segnames_x, n=n_x, s=s_x, c=c_x)
#' @seealso \code{\link{sp_Pserrabs.mod1}}
#' @export

Pcal <- function(ID = NULL, segnames = NULL, n, s, c, method = c("sp"), sp_limit = 0.2, Pint_limit = 0.8){

    if(length(which(s > n)) > 0) stop("Some sample sizes are higher than the respective population sizes.")
    if(length(which(c > s)) > 0) stop("Some case counts are higher than the respective sample sizes.")
        if(!(is.matrix(s) && is.matrix(c))) stop("Data types of n, s and c are not identical.")
        if(!identical(dim(n), dim(s), dim(s))) stop("Dimensions of n, s and c are not identical.")
            if(!length(ID) == dim(n)[1]) stop("Length of ID does not match number of data rows.")
            if(!length(segnames) == dim(n)[2]) stop("Length of segnames does not match number of data columns.")
        if(!(is.vector(s) && is.vector(c))) stop("Data types of n, s and c are not identical.")
        if(!(length(n) == length(s) && length(s) == length(c))) stop("Lengths of n, s, and c are not identical.")
            if(!length(ID) == length(n)) stop("Length of ID does not match lengths of data vectors.")
        if(!is.null(segnames)) warning("Parameter segnames only makes sense if data is provided as matrices. It was ignored, here.")
    sp <- s / n # sample portion
    Pc <- c / n # crude prevalence
    Ps <- c / s # sample-based prevalence
    Pint <- Ps - Pc # prevalence interval
    Pmax <- (c + n - s) / n # maximum prevalence

    if(is.matrix(n)){ ########## INPUT as MATRICES

        if(method == "sp"){

            errorFit <- c() # predicted estimation error
            errorUpr <- c() # upper limit of prediction interval

            for(i in seq_along(sp[1, ])){

                predictedData <- stats::predict(deadpop::sp_Pserrabs.mod1, newdata = data.frame(sp_dat = sp[ ,i]), interval = "prediction", weights = sp[ ,i]^2)
                errorFit <- cbind(errorFit, predictedData[ ,"fit"])
                errorUpr <- cbind(errorUpr, predictedData[ ,"upr"])


    }else{ ########## INPUT as VECTORS

        if(method == "sp"){

            predictedData <- stats::predict(deadpop::sp_Pserrabs.mod1, newdata = data.frame(sp_dat = sp), interval = "prediction", weights = sp^2)
            errorFit <- predictedData[ ,"fit"] # predicted estimation error
            errorUpr <- predictedData[ ,"upr"] # upper limit of prediction interval



    Pcal <- Ps - errorFit # calibrate prevalence estimates
    Pcal[Pcal < Pc] <- Pc[Pcal < Pc] # make sure that Pcal does not drop below Pcal

    Pcal[which(sp < sp_limit | Pint > Pint_limit)] <- NA
    Ps[which(sp < sp_limit | Pint > Pint_limit)] <- NA
    errorInt <- errorUpr - errorFit

    if(is.matrix(n)){ ########## INPUT as MATRICES


            rownames(Pc) <- ID
            rownames(Pcal) <- ID
            rownames(Ps) <- ID
            rownames(Pmax) <- ID
            rownames(errorInt) <- ID



            colnames(Pc) <- segnames
            colnames(Pcal) <- segnames
            colnames(Ps) <- segnames
            colnames(Pmax) <- segnames
            colnames(errorInt) <- segnames

        output <- list(Pc, Pcal, Ps, Pmax, errorInt)
        names(output) <- c("Pc", "Pcal", "Ps", "Pmax", "errorInt")

    } else{ ########## INPUT as VECTORS

        output <- data.frame(Pc, Pcal, Ps, Pmax, errorInt)


            row.names(output) <- ID


            names(output) <- segnames

cuboideum/deadpop documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 11:21 p.m.