
#' A variable-resolution heat map generator
#' This function creates variable resolution heat maps accroding to a stopping rule
#' @param dataset data frame with spatial data: x-coordinates (x), y coordinates (y), and Bernoulli responses at those locations (res)
#' @param cutoff Box subdivisions cease when a box sample size drops below the cutoff
#' @param fun Function to apply to responses in each box

#' @param max The maximum number of subdivision iterations the algorithm will perform
#' @return A list containing a data frame for each iteration of the subdivision algorithm; and a vector of the number of boxes eligible for subdivision at each iteration.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hitter)
#' data <- varyres(hitter, mean, cutoff = 200, max = 6)
#' mapit(data[[4]])

varyres <- function(dataset, cutoff, fun = mean,  max = 6){
  vars <- names(dataset)
  if(!("x" %in% vars & "y" %in% vars & "res" %in% vars)){stop("One or more of the required variables does not exist")}

info_list <- list()       # list of information, for return()
iter <- 0                 # subdivision iterations
# elig_boxes <- numeric()   # eligible boxes (count > cutoff)

info <- with(dataset,
               x = (max(x)+min(x))/2,          # center
               y = (max(y)+min(y))/2,          # center
               statistic = fun(res),
               count = dim(dataset)[1],        # obs
               width = max(x) - min(x),        # box width
               height = max(y) - min(y),       # box height
               xlb = min(x), xub = max(x),     # box x lower/upper bound
               ylb = min(y), yub = max(y)      # box y lower/upper bound

info_list[[iter + 1]] <- info

while(sum(info$count > cutoff) > 0 & iter < max) {

  iter <- iter + 1             # Count "while" loops (iterations)
  counter <- 0                 # Count box fatalities
  loop_data <- data.frame()    # Record within-loop data

  for(r in 1:dim(info)[1]){    # (r)ows of "info" data frame

    if(info$count[r] > cutoff){

      counter <- counter + 1

      # Create box to subdivide
      box_r <- with(info, dplyr::filter(dataset,
                                 x >= xlb[r] & x <= xub[r],
                                 y >= ylb[r] & y <= yub[r]))

      # x/y box centers for as.image
      xbc <- with(info, seq(xlb[r] - (1e-6), xub[r] + (1e-6), , 5)[c(2,4)]) # x
      ybc <- with(info, seq(ylb[r] - (1e-6), yub[r] + (1e-6), , 5)[c(2,4)]) # y

      # as.image(...), for p_b
      box_r_image <- with(box_r,
                        fields::as.image(res, FUN = fun,
                                 cbind.data.frame(x, y),
                                 grid = list(x = xbc, y = ybc)

      # Organize, save box data to add back
      box_r_info <- with(box_r_image,
                         cbind(expand.grid(x = x, y = y),
                               statistic = as.vector(z),
                               count = as.vector(weights),
                               width = rep(info$width[r]/2, 4),
                               height = rep(info$height[r]/2, 4)

      # Remove zero count boxes (gray zero boxes)
      box_r_info <- dplyr::filter(box_r_info,
                                  count != "NA",
                                  statistic != "NA")

      # Add x/y lower/upper bounds for next round
      box_r_info <- dplyr::mutate(box_r_info,
                           xlb = x - width/2,
                           xub = x + width/2,
                           ylb = y - height/2,
                           yub = y + height/2

      loop_data <- rbind.data.frame(loop_data, box_r_info)

      } # "if" statement
    }   # "for" loop

  info <- rbind.data.frame(dplyr::filter(info, count <= cutoff),

  info_list[[iter + 1]] <- info
#  elig_boxes[iter] <- counter

  } # "while" loop

# info_list[[iter+2]] <- elig_boxes
cwcomiskey/varyres documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:19 a.m.