rated_by: Search by capacity rating researcher(s) and/or date(s)

View source: R/widget-rated-by.R

rated_byR Documentation

Search by capacity rating researcher(s) and/or date(s)


This widget allows you to search for entities who have been rated, by the researcher who rated them and/or the date range during which the entity was rated. If no researcher IDs are entered, then the widget will look for anyone who was rated (or, if from and to dates are entered, just those rated during the specified daterange).


rated_by(..., from = NULL, to = NULL, include_inactive = FALSE, comment = NULL)



(optional) One or more entity IDs of researcher(s). If no researchers are entered, then the widget will look for anyone who was rated (during the given dates).


(optional) date, Enter as an integer of the form YYYYMMDD


(optional) date, Enter as an integer of the form YYYYMMDD


TRUE or FALSE: Should widget look through just active ratings (FALSE), or all ratings (TRUE)?


(Optional) Supply one or more search terms to search through the comment field


A definition of type entity_id


## find anyone ever rated by Lucila

## find anyone rated by Lucila since 1/1/2017
rated_by(3221525, from = 20170101)

## find anyone rated by Lucila during calendar year 2016
rated_by(3221525, from = 20160101, to = 20161231)

## find anyone rated by Lucila or Mallory on or before June 30, 2016
## including ratings that are no longer active
rated_by(3221525, 923406, to = 20160630, include_inactive = TRUE)

cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.