related_to: A relation of a person

View source: R/converter-related-to.R

related_toR Documentation

A relation of a person


For an existing disco engine list definition, get relations of those entities. Not entering any relationship type codes results in finding all relations (brothers, sisters, colleagues, spouses, etc.).


related_to(savedlist, ..., comment = NULL)



A discoveryengine definition


Relationship type codes (relation_type_code). Leave empty to search for all relationships.


Many relationship types in CADS have multiple codes, to represent each side of the relationship type. For instance, "Mother" is encoded by both "SM" (presumably for "Son-Mother") and "DM" ("Daughter-Mother"). This can lead to confusion and frustration, so be sure that you're including all relevant codes. You can do so by using synonym lookup or just using synonyms in your definition (see examples).

See Also

parent_of, child_of


## say we want to identify siblings of founders
## start by identifying founders, via the founders pledge
founder = has_affiliation(founders_pledge)

## brother and sister each have two different codes (see details above)
founder_sibling = related_to(founder, brother, sister)

cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.