
#' Binary digit.
#' @description Create objects of type binary.
#' @details The binary number is represented by a \emph{logical} vector.
#' The bit order usually follows the same endianess as the byte order.
#' How to read:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Little Endian    (LSB) ---> (MSB)
#' \item Big Endian       (MSB) <--- (LSB)
#' }
#' The Big Endian endianess stores its MSB at the lowest adress. 
#' The Little Endian endianess stores its MSB at the highest adress.
#' e.g. b <-binary(8).
#' \itemize{
#' \item "Little Endian" : MSB at b[1] and LSB at b[8].
#' \item "Big Endian" : LSB at b[1] and MSB at b[8].
#' }
#' No floating-point support.
#' @usage binary(n, signed=FALSE, littleEndian=FALSE)
#' @param n length of vector. Number of bits
#' @param signed  TRUE or FALSE. Unsigned by default. (two's complement)
#' @param littleEndian if TRUE. Big Endian if FALSE.
#' @return a vector of class binary of length n. By default filled with zeros(0).
#' @examples
#' b <- binary(8)
#' summary(b)
#' b <- binary(16, signed=TRUE)
#' summary(b)
#' b <- binary(32, littleEndian=TRUE)
#' summary(b)
#' @seealso \link{as.binary} and \link{is.binary}.
#' @export
binary <- function(n, signed=FALSE, littleEndian=FALSE) {
    x <- logical(n)
    class(x) <- c("binary", "logical")
    attr(x, "signed") <- signed
    attr(x, "littleEndian") <- littleEndian
    if (signed) { x <- fillUpToByte(x) }

#' as binary digit.
#' @description Converts an integer (Base10) 
#' to a binary (Base2) number. It also converts a logical vector 
#' to a binary (Base2) number (see examples).
#' @details The binary number is represented by a logical vector.
#' The bit order usually follows the same endianess as the byte order.
#' No floating-point support. If logic is set to TRUE an integer vector 
#' is intepreted as a logical vector (>0 becomes TRUE and 0 becomes FALSE)
#' \itemize{
#' \item Little Endian    (LSB) ---> (MSB)
#' \item Big Endian       (MSB) <--- (LSB)
#' }
#' Auto switch to signed if num < 0.
#' @usage as.binary(x, signed=FALSE, littleEndian=FALSE, size=2, n=0, logic=FALSE)
#' @param x integer or logical vector.
#' @param signed  TRUE or FALSE. Unsigned by default. (two's complement)
#' @param littleEndian if TRUE. Big Endian if FALSE.
#' @param size in Byte. Needed if \bold{signed} is set. (by default 2 Byte)
#' @param n in Bit. Can be set if \bold{unsigned} is set to TRUE. (by default 0 Bit = auto)
#' @param logic If set to TRUE, x is expected as logical vector.
#' @return a vector of class binary.
#' @examples
#' as.binary(0xAF)
#' as.binary(42)
#' as.binary(42, littleEndian=TRUE)
#' as.binary(c(0xAF, 0xBF, 0xFF))
#' as.binary(c(2,4,8,16,32), signed=TRUE, size=1)
#' as.binary(-1, signed=TRUE, size=1)
#' as.binary(1:7, n=3)
#' as.binary(sample(2^8,3),n=8)
#' as.binary(c(1,1,0), signed=TRUE, logic=TRUE)
#' as.binary(c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE), logic=TRUE)
#' @seealso \link{is.binary} and \link{binary}
#' @export
as.binary <- function(x, signed=FALSE, littleEndian=FALSE, size=2, n=0, logic=FALSE) {
    if (!inherits(x, "binary")) {
        if (logic == FALSE)
            x <- binSeq(x, signed=signed, littleEndian=littleEndian, size=size, n=n)
        } else {
            x <- as.logical(x)
            class(x) <- c("binary", "logical")
            attr(x, "signed") <- signed
            attr(x, "littleEndian") <- littleEndian
            if (signed) x <- fillUpToByte(x)
            else x <- fillUpToBit(x, n)
    } else {
        l <- saveAttributes(x)
        if (signed) {
            l$signed <- TRUE
            #attr(x, "signed") <- TRUE
            x <- fillUpToByte(x)
        } else {
            l$signed <- FALSE
            x <- fillUpToBit(x, n)
            #attr(x, "signed") <- FALSE
        if (littleEndian) {
            l$littleEndian <- TRUE
        } else {
            l$littleEndian <- FALSE
        x <- loadAttributes(x, l)

#' is Binary Vector
#' @description test for object "binary".
#' @usage is.binary(x)
#' @param x object to test.
#' @return TRUE or FALSE.
#' @seealso \link{as.binary} and \link{binary}
#' @export
is.binary <- function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, "binary"))

#' Print method for binary number.
#' @description This method prints the binary number.
#' @param x any binary number.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return Output in ones and zeros (binary vector).
#' @seealso \link{summary.binary} provides some additional information.
#' @method print binary
#' @export
print.binary <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- ifelse(x, as.integer(1), as.integer(0))
    attributes(x) <- NULL

#' Summary method for binary number.
#' @description This method provides information about the attributes of the binary number.
#' @param object binary number.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return Contains the following information:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Signedness : unsigned or signed
#' \item Endianess : Big-Endian or Little-Endian
#' \item value<0 : negative or positve number
#' \item Size[bit] : Size in bit
#' \item Base10 : Decimal(Base10) number.
#' }
#' @seealso \link{print.binary}
#' @method summary binary
#' @export
summary.binary <- function(object, ...) {
    #I'm not sure if this is the way to do it. just printing a dataframe.
    l <- saveAttributes(object)

    tableHead <- character(3)
    signedness <- character(1)
    endianess <- character(1)
    size <- length(object)
    neg <- logical(1)
    tableHead <- c("Signedness", "Endianess", "value<0", "Size[bit]", "Base10")
    if (l$signed) {
        signedness <- "signed"
        if (l$littleEndian) {
            if (object[length(object)]) neg <- TRUE else neg <- FALSE
        } else {
            if (object[1]) neg <- TRUE else neg <- FALSE
    } else {
        signedness <- "unsigned"
        neg <- FALSE
    if (l$littleEndian) { endianess <- "Little-Endian" } else { endianess <- "Big-Endian" }
    df <- data.frame(signedness, endianess, neg, size, bin2dec(object))
    colnames(df) <- tableHead

#' @export
as.raw.binary <- function(x) {
    #b <- as.binary(rawToBits(r)) from raw to binary
    l <- saveAttributes(x)
    x <- fillUpToByte(x, size=bytesNeeded(length(x)))
    xx <- logical(0)
    if (!l$littleEndian) x <- rev(x)
    if (l$littleEndian) {
        x <- as.logical(x)
        dim(x) <- c(4, (2 * bytesNeeded(length(x))))
        for(i in seq(1, (2*bytesNeeded(length(x)) - 1), by = 2)) xx <- c(xx, c(x[,i+1], x[,i]))
        x <- xx
    x <- packBits(x)
    if(!l$littleEndian) x <- rev(x)
} #rseq = function(x,to=1) NROW(x):to

##' @export
#as.hexmode.binary <- function(x) {
#    x <- bin2dec(x)
#    NextMethod(.Generic)

##' @export
#as.octmode.binary <- function(x) {
#    x <- bin2dec(x)
#    NextMethod(.Generic)

#' @export
as.character.binary <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- as.integer(as.logical(x))
    NextMethod(.Generic, ...)

#' @export
as.integer.binary <- function(x, ...) {
    #test for .Machine$integer.max
    x <- bin2dec(x)
    NextMethod(.Generic, ...)

#' @export
as.double.binary <- function(x, ...) {    
    x <- bin2dec(x)
    NextMethod(.Generic, ...)

#' Group Generic Ops
#' Group generic Ops operators
#' @param e1 e1
#' @param e2 e2
#' @method Ops binary
#' @export
Ops.binary <- function(e1, e2) {
    # Group Generic "Ops"
    boolean <- switch(.Generic,  '/' = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (boolean) {
        stop("Division is not supported. For the time being")
    boolean <- switch(.Generic,  '+' =, '-' = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (boolean) {
        l1 <- saveAttributes(e1)
        ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)
        x <- loadAttributes(ret,l1)
    boolean <- switch(.Generic,  '*' =, '^' =, '%%' =, '%/%' = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (boolean) {
        l1 <- saveAttributes(e1)
        l2 <- saveAttributes(e2)
        le1 <- length(e1)
        le2 <- length(e2)
        e1 <- as.numeric(e1)
        e2 <- as.numeric(e2)
        if (l1$signed || l2$signed)
            ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)
            ret <- as.binary(ret, signed=TRUE, size=(greater(le1, le2)/byte()))
            x <- loadAttributes(ret, l1)
        } else {
            ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)
            ret <- as.binary(ret)
            x <- loadAttributes(ret, l1)
    boolean <- switch(.Generic,  '&' =, '|' =, 'xor' = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (boolean) {
        l1 <- saveAttributes(e1)
        if (length(e1) < length(e2))
            e1 <- fillUpToBit(e1, value=FALSE, n=length(e2))
        } else if (length(e2) < length(e1)) {
            e2 <- fillUpToBit(e2, value=FALSE, n=length(e1))
        ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)
        x <- loadAttributes(ret, l1)
    boolean <- switch(.Generic,  '!' = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (boolean) {
        l1 <- saveAttributes(e1)
        ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)
        x <- loadAttributes(ret, l1)
    boolean <- switch(.Generic,  '<' =, '<=' =, '>' =, '>=' = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (boolean) {
        e1 <- as.numeric(e1)
        e2 <- as.numeric(e2)
        ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)

#' @export
'+.binary' <- function(x, y) {
    binAdd(x, y)

#' @export
'-.binary' <- function(x, y) {
    binAdd(x, negate(y))

#' @export
'==.binary' <- function(x, y) {
    # attributes are saved @ group generic Ops.  
    if (attributes(x)$littleEndian) x <- switchEndianess(x)
    if (attributes(y)$littleEndian) y <- switchEndianess(y)
    if (length(x) > length(y)) {
        delta <- bytesNeeded(length(x))
        if (attributes(y)$signed) {
            y <- fillUpToByte(y, value=TRUE, size=delta)
        } else {
            y <- fillUpToByte(y, value=FALSE, size=delta)
    } else if (length(x) < length(y)) {
        delta <- bytesNeeded(length(y))
        if (attributes(x)$signed) {
            x <- fillUpToByte(x, value=TRUE, size=delta)
        } else {
            x <- fillUpToByte(x, value=FALSE, size=delta)
    return(all(!xor(x, y)))

#' @export
'!=.binary' <- function(x, y) {
    # attributes are saved @ group generic Ops.
    !(x == y)

#' @export
'[.binary' <- function(x, i, j, drop=TRUE) {
    # this should not become a group generic. This function is an internal generic.
    l <- saveAttributes(x)
    ret <- NextMethod(.Generic, drop=drop)
    x <- loadAttributes(ret,l)

#' @export
rev.binary <- function(x) {
    # this should not become a group generic. This function is an internal generic.
    l <- saveAttributes(x)
    #x = x[rseq(x)] rseq = function(x,to=1) NROW(x):to
    x <- x[length(x):1]
    #ret <- NextMethod(.Generic)

    x <- loadAttributes(x,l)

#' saveAttributes
#' Helper function save Attributes
#' @usage saveAttributes(x)
#' @param x x
#' @export
saveAttributes <- function(x) {
    if(is.binary(x)) l <- list(class=c("binary","logical"),
    else l <- list(class=class(x))

#' loadAttributes
#' Helper function load Attributes
#' @usage loadAttributes(x, l)
#' @param x x
#' @param l l 
#' @export
loadAttributes <- function(x, l) {
    class(x) <- l$class
    attr(x, "signed") <- l$signed
    attr(x, "littleEndian") <- l$littleEndian

# Helper function
dec2bin <- function(num, signed=FALSE, littleEndian=FALSE, size=2, n=0) {
    # Very slow with negative numbers. (maybe binAdd)
    if (signed && (((num > ((2^(size*byte())/2)-1))) || 
                       (num < ((-1)*(2^(size*byte())/2)))))
        stop("Out of Range. Please increase the size[Byte]")
    if (signed == FALSE && n > 0 && 
        (((num > ((2^(n))-1))) || (num < (0))))
        stop("Out of Range. Please increase the size n [Bit], or set it to 0=auto")

    l <- list(class=c("binary","logical"),
    #needed for hex input
    num <- as.numeric(num)
    neg = FALSE
    if (num < 0) {
        l$signed <- TRUE
        neg = TRUE
        num = abs(num)
    #global read only for function h(num)
    ret <- h(num)
    if(l$signed) {
        b <- logical(size*byte()) 
        } else {
        if (n > 0) { 
            b <- logical(n)
        } else {
            b <- logical(max(ret)-1)
    #do some optimization here.
    for (i in seq(length(b))) b[i] <- any(ifelse((ret-1)==i, TRUE, FALSE))
    if (neg)
        b <- !rev(b)
        b <- rev(binAdd(as.binary(b, signed=TRUE, logic=TRUE), as.binary(1, signed=TRUE, logic=TRUE)))
    if(!l$littleEndian) b <- rev(b)
    loadAttributes(b, l)
    return(loadAttributes(b, l))

# Helper function to convert decimal to binary
h <- function(x) {
    # Basic error handling: function expects single positive integer
    if(x %% 1 != 0) { stop("Non-integer input to h()") }
    if(x < 0) { stop("Negative input to h()") }

    # Special case
    if(x == 0) { return(c(1, 0)) }

    # Only generate as many comparison digits as we need
    num_digits = floor(log2(x)) + 1

    # Get x %% each power of two; points in the vector where this
    # changes are active. Because my function has bit order reversed
    # versus the original h() function, we need to go num_digits -
    # the active bits. The +2 and append 0 are to match the original
    # h behavior
    c(num_digits + 2 - which(diff(x %% 2^(num_digits:0)) != 0), 0)

# Helper function
bin2dec <- function(bin) {
    #could be implemented in C. But it is not that slow.
    signed <- attributes(bin)$signed
    littleEndian <- attributes(bin)$littleEndian
    if(!littleEndian) { bin <- rev(bin) }
    bin <- as.integer(as.logical(bin))
    i = length(bin)-1
    numeric = 0
    first <- TRUE
    for(d in rev(bin))
        if ((signed) & (first)) {
            numeric <- (-1 * d * (2^i))
            i <- i - 1
            first <- FALSE
        } else {
            numeric = (numeric + d * (2^i))
            i <- i - 1

# Helper function
greater <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (e1 > e2)
    } else {
d4ndo/binaryLogic documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:05 p.m.