
Defines functions rescale.CPST ADF.test

Documented in ADF.test rescale.CPST

#' @title
#' A simple implementation of ADF test
#' @description
#' A function for ADF test with the ability to select the number of lags.
#' Lags are selected by informational criterions which can be modified as in
#' Ng and Perron (2001) and Cavaliere et al. (2015).
#' @details
#' Due to the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell theorem we first detrend `y` and then apply
#' the test to the detrended series.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param const,trend Whether a constand and trend are to be included.
#' @param max.lag Maximum lag number.
#' @param criterion A criterion used to select number of lags.
#' If lag selection is not needed keep this NULL.
#' @param modified.criterion Whether the unit-root test modificaton is needed.
#' @param rescale.criterion Whether the rescaling informational criterion
#' is needed. Designed to cope with heteroscedasticity in residuals.
#' @return A list containing:
#' * y,
#' * const,
#' * trend,
#' * residuals,
#' * coefficient estimates,
#' * t-statistic value,
#' * critical value,
#' * Number of lags,
#' * indicator of stationarity.
#' @references
#' Cavaliere, Giuseppe, Peter C. B. Phillips, Stephan Smeekes,
#' and A. M. Robert Taylor. “Lag Length Selection for Unit Root Tests
#' in the Presence of Nonstationary Volatility.”
#' Econometric Reviews 34, no. 4 (April 21, 2015): 512–36.
#' https://doi.org/10.1080/07474938.2013.808065.
#' Ng, Serena, and Pierre Perron. “Lag Length Selection and the Construction of
#' Unit Root Tests with Good Size and Power.”
#' Econometrica 69, no. 6 (2001): 1519–54.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0262.00256.
#' @export
ADF.test <- function(y,
                     const = TRUE,
                     trend = FALSE,
                     max.lag = 0,
                     criterion = NULL,
                     modified.criterion = FALSE,
                     rescale.criterion = FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(criterion)) {
        if (!criterion %in% c("bic", "aic", "lwz", "hq")) {
            stop("ERROR! Unknown criterion, none is used")

    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    deter <- NULL
    if (const) {
        deter <- cbind(deter, rep(1, n.obs))
    if (trend) {
        deter <- cbind(deter, 1:n.obs)

    ## Detrending
    if (!is.null(deter)) {
        yd <- OLS(y, deter)$residuals
    } else {
        yd <- y

    d.y <- as.matrix(c(yd[1], diff(yd)))

    x <- lagn(yd, 1, na = 0)
    if (max.lag > 0) {
        for (l in 1:max.lag) {
            x <- cbind(x, lagn(d.y, l, na = 0))

    if (is.null(criterion)) {
        res.lag <- max.lag
    } else {
        if (rescale.criterion) {
            tmp.rescale <- rescale.CPST(d.y, x, deter, 0, max.lag)
            d.yr <- tmp.rescale$d.y
            xr <- tmp.rescale$x
        } else {
            d.yr <- d.y
            xr <- x

        tmp.ols <- OLS(
            d.yr[(2 + max.lag):n.obs, , drop = FALSE],
            xr[(2 + max.lag):n.obs, 1, drop = FALSE]
        b <- tmp.ols$beta
        e <- tmp.ols$residuals

        res.ic <- info.criterion(
            e, 0,
            modification = modified.criterion,
            alpha = b[1], y = xr[(2 + max.lag):n.obs, 1, drop = FALSE]
        res.lag <- 0

        for (l in 1:max.lag) {
            if (max.lag == 0) break

            if (rescale.criterion) {
                tmp.rescale <- rescale.CPST(d.y, x, deter, l, max.lag)
                d.yr <- tmp.rescale$d.y
                xr <- tmp.rescale$x
            } else {
                d.yr <- d.y
                xr <- x

            tmp.ols <- OLS(
                d.yr[(2 + max.lag):n.obs, , drop = FALSE],
                xr[(2 + max.lag):n.obs, 1:(1 + l), drop = FALSE]
            b <- tmp.ols$beta
            e <- tmp.ols$residuals

            tmp.ic <- info.criterion(
                e, l,
                modification = modified.criterion,
                alpha = b[1], y = xr[(2 + max.lag):n.obs, 1, drop = FALSE]

            if (tmp.ic < res.ic) {
                res.ic <- tmp.ic
                res.lag <- l

    res.OLS <- OLS(
        d.y[(2 + res.lag):n.obs, , drop = FALSE],
        x[(2 + res.lag):n.obs, 1:(1 + res.lag), drop = FALSE]

    Z.stat <- (n.obs - res.lag - 1) * drop(res.OLS$beta[1] - 1)

            y = drop(y),
            yd = drop(yd),
            const = const,
            trend = trend,
            beta = res.OLS$beta,
            t.beta = drop(res.OLS$t.beta),
            alpha = drop(res.OLS$beta[1]),
            t.alpha = drop(res.OLS$t.beta[1]),
            Z.stat = Z.stat,
            residuals = res.OLS$residuals,
            lag = res.lag

#' @title
#' Generating rescaled series as in Cavaliere et al. (2015)
#' @description
#' This rescaling procedure is needed to cope with possible heteroscedasticity
#' in the data. Simply it's achieved by taking a cumulative sum of the
#' first difference normalized by the non-parametric local estimate of the
#' variance.
#' @param d.y A series of first differences.
#' @param x A matrix of ADF variables.
#' @param deter A matrix of deterministic variables for detrending.
#' @param adf.lag A lag of the corresponding ADF model.
#' @param max.lag The maximum possible lag.
#' @return A rescaled series.
#' @references
#' Cavaliere, Giuseppe, Peter C. B. Phillips, Stephan Smeekes,
#' and A. M. Robert Taylor. “Lag Length Selection for Unit Root Tests
#' in the Presence of Nonstationary Volatility.”
#' Econometric Reviews 34, no. 4 (April 21, 2015): 512–36.
#' https://doi.org/10.1080/07474938.2013.808065.
#' @keywords internal
rescale.CPST <- function(d.y,
                         max.lag) {
    e <- OLS(d.y, x[, 1:(1 + adf.lag), drop = FALSE])$residuals

    NW.se <- NW.volatility(
        NW.loocv(e^2, rep(1, nrow(e)))$h

    yr <- cumsum(d.y / NW.se)

    if (!is.null(deter)) {
        yr <- OLS(yr, deter)$residuals

    d.yr <- as.matrix(c(0, diff(yr)))

    xr <- lagn(yr, 1, na = 0)
    if (max.lag > 0) {
        for (l in 1:max.lag) {
            xr <- cbind(xr, lagn(d.yr, l, na = 0))

    return(list(d.y = d.yr, x = xr))
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