
#' Deviation-Coded Contrast Matrices
#' Return a matrix of deviation-coded contrasts.
#' @param n a vector of levels for a factor, or the number of levels.
#' @param base an integer specifying which group is considered the
#' baseline group. Ignored if 'contrasts' is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param contrasts a logical indicating whether contrasts should be computed.
#' @export 
contr.dev <- function(n, base = 1, contrasts = TRUE) {
  if (length(n) <= 1L) {
    if (is.numeric(n) && (length(n) == 1L) && (n > 1L))
      levels <- seq_len(n)
    else stop("not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts")
  } else {
    levels <- n
  ctreat <- contr.treatment(levels, base, contrasts)
  mx <- apply(ctreat, 2, scale, scale = FALSE)
  dimnames(mx) <- dimnames(ctreat)

#' Calculate marginal and cell counts for factorially-designed data
#' @param iv_names Names of independent variables in data.frame given by \code{dat}.
#' @param dat A data frame
#' @param unit_names Names of the fields containing sampling units (subjects, items)
#' @return a list, the elements of which have the marginal/cell counts for each factor in the design
#' @export
fac_counts <- function(iv_names, dat, unit_names = c("subj_id", "item_id")) {    
  fac_info <- attr(terms(as.formula(paste0("~", paste(iv_names, collapse = "*")))), "factors")
  rfx <- sapply(unit_names, function(this_unit) {
    ## figure out how many things are replicated by unit, how many times
    rep_mx <- xtabs(paste0("~", paste(iv_names, collapse = "+"), "+", this_unit), dat)
    lvec <- lapply(colnames(fac_info), function(cx) {
      x <- fac_info[, cx, drop = FALSE]
      ix <- seq_along(x)[as.logical(x)]
      ## create margin table
      marg_mx <- apply(rep_mx, c(ix, length(dim(rep_mx))), sum)
      mmx <- apply(marg_mx, length(dim(marg_mx)), c)
    names(lvec) <- colnames(fac_info)
    ## lvec <- apply(fac_info, 2, function(x) {
    ##     ix <- seq_along(x)[as.logical(x)]
    ##     ## create margin table
    ##     marg_mx <- apply(rep_mx, c(ix, length(dim(rep_mx))), sum)
    ##     mmx <- apply(marg_mx, length(dim(marg_mx)), c)
    ## })
  }, simplify = FALSE)

#' Generate numerical deviation-coded predictors
#' Add deviation-coded predictors to data frame.
#' @param dat A data frame with columns containing factors to be converted.
#' @param iv_names Names of the variables to be converted.
#' @return A data frame including additional deviation coded predictors.
#' @examples
#' with_dev_pred(stim_lists(list(ivs = c(A = 3))), "A")
#' @export
with_dev_pred <- function(dat, iv_names = NULL) {
  if (is.null(iv_names)) {
    iv_names <- names(dat)
  } else {}
  mform <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste(iv_names, collapse = "+")))

  cont <- lapply(iv_names, function(.x) {
    if (is.factor(dat[[.x]])) {
    } else {
  names(cont) <- iv_names

  mmx <- model.matrix(mform, dat, contrasts.arg = cont)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  cbind(dat, mmx)

check_design_args <- function(design_args) {
  ## TODO check integrity of design args
  required_elements <- c("ivs")
  missing_elements <- setdiff(required_elements, names(design_args))
  if (length(missing_elements) > 0) {
    stop("'design_args' missing element(s): ",
         paste(missing_elements, collapse = ", "))
  } else {}

#' Get names for predictors in factorial design
#' Get the names for the numerical predictors corresponding to all
#' main effects and interactions of categorical IVs in a factorial
#' design.
#' @param design_args A list with experimental design information (see \code{link{stim_lists}})
#' @param design_formula A formula (default NULL, constructs from \code{design_args})
#' @param contr_type Name of formula for generating contrasts (default "contr.dev")
#' @return A character vector with names of all the terms
#' @export 
term_names <- function(design_args,
                       design_formula = NULL,
                       contr_type = "contr.dev") {
  plists <- stim_lists(design_args)

  cont <- lapply(design_args[["ivs"]], function(.x) {
    do.call(contr_type, list(.x))
  names(cont) <- names(design_args[["ivs"]])
  if (is.null(design_formula))
    design_formula <- as.formula(paste0("~",
                                              collapse = " * ")))
  suppressWarnings(mmx <- model.matrix(design_formula, plists,
                                       contrasts.arg = cont))

#' Get the GLM formula for a factorially-designed experiment
#' Get the formula corresponding to the general linear model for a
#' factorially designed experiment, with maximal random effects.
#' @param design_args A list with experimental design information (see \code{link{stim_lists}})
#' @param n_subj Number of subjects
#' @param dv_name Name of dependent variable; \code{NULL} (default) for one-sided formula
#' @param lme4_format Do you want the results combined as the model formula for a \code{lme4} model? (default \code{TRUE})
#' @return A formula, character string, or list, depending
#' @export
design_formula <- function(design_args,
                           n_subj = NULL,
                           dv_name = NULL,
                           lme4_format = TRUE) {
  iv_names <- names(design_args[["ivs"]])

  fixed <- paste(iv_names, collapse = " * ")

  fac_cnts <- fac_counts(iv_names, trial_lists(design_args, subjects = n_subj))
  fac_info <- attr(terms(as.formula(paste0("~", paste(iv_names, collapse = "*")))), "factors")

  ## figure out whether data are multilevel
  is_unit_ml <- sapply(fac_cnts, function(lx) {
    is_multilevel <- FALSE
    ## first condition: more than one subject? (item?)
    ranfac_has_multiple_levels <- any(sapply(lx, ncol) > 1) 
    if (ranfac_has_multiple_levels) {
      is_fac_multilevel <- sapply(lx, function(fx) {
        any(apply(fx, 2, function(.x) any(.x > 1L)))
      is_multilevel <- any(is_fac_multilevel)

  if (!any(is_unit_ml)) {
    ## data are not multilevel
    rfx <- NULL
  } else {
    ## data are multilevel  
    rfx <- lapply(fac_cnts[is_unit_ml], function(lx) {
      lvec <- sapply(lx, function(mx) {
        as.logical(prod(apply(mx, 2, function(xx) all(xx > 1))))
      res <- fac_info[, lvec, drop = FALSE]        
      keep_term <- rep(TRUE, ncol(res))
      ## try to simplify the formula
      for (cx in rev(seq_len(ncol(res))[-1])) {
        drop_term <- sapply(seq_len(cx - 1), function(ccx) {
          identical(as.logical(res[, ccx, drop = FALSE]) | as.logical(res[, cx, drop = FALSE]),
                    as.logical(res[, cx, drop = FALSE]))
        keep_term[seq_len(cx - 1)] <- keep_term[seq_len(cx - 1)] & (!drop_term)
      fterms <- apply(res[, keep_term, drop = FALSE], 2, function(llx) {
        paste(names(llx)[as.logical(llx)], collapse = " * ")
      need_int <- any(apply(lx[[1]], 2, sum) > 1)
      fterms2 <- if (need_int) c("1", fterms) else fterms
      paste(fterms2, collapse = " + ")

  form_list <- c(list(fixed = fixed), rfx)

  if (lme4_format) {
    form_str <- paste0(dv_name, " ~ ", form_list[["fixed"]])
    if (length(form_list) > 1L) {
      form_str <- paste0(form_str, " + ",
                                      function(nx) paste0("(", rfx[[nx]], " | ", nx, ")")),
                               collapse = " + "))
    result <- as.formula(form_str)
  } else {
    result <- lapply(form_list, function(x) formula(paste0("~", x)))
dalejbarr/funfact documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:31 p.m.