# NOTE: user.defined overwrites the automatic search for boundaries (necessary for reparameterization)
get.eta.bound <- function (gpt, lower = TRUE, user.defined = NULL, warning = FALSE){
bnd <- rep(ifelse(lower, -Inf, Inf), length(gpt@eta))
names(bnd) <- gpt@eta
if (!all(gpt@eta.repar %in% gpt@eta)){
# only show warning once:
if (warning)
warning("Please make sure to define sensible bounds via 'eta.lower'/'eta.upper' \n",
" when using reparameterized functions for the component parameters eta!")
if (!missing(user.defined) && !is.null(user.defined))
bnd[names(user.defined)] <- user.defined #[gpt@eta]
} else {
for(base in gpt@distr){
for(cc in base){
eta.free <- cc@eta.idx > 0
if (any(eta.free)){
# eta.idx <- cc@eta.idx[eta.free] # old version without eta.repar
eta.idx <- gpt@eta.repar[cc@eta.idx[eta.free]]
if (lower)
bnd[eta.idx] <- pmax(bnd[eta.idx], cc@lower[eta.free])
bnd[eta.idx] <- pmin(bnd[eta.idx], cc@upper[eta.free])
# get vector of lower bounds for gpt model
get.eta.lower <- function(gpt){
lower <- rep(-Inf, length(gpt@eta))
for(base in gpt@distr){
for(cc in base){
eta.free <- cc@eta.idx > 0
if (any(eta.free)){
eta.idx <- cc@eta.idx[eta.free]
lower[eta.idx] <- pmax(lower[eta.idx], cc@lower[eta.free])
# extract bounds:
# mat <- sapply(gpt@distr,
# function(dlist) sapply(dlist,
# function(dd)
# dd@lower))
# # get indices:
# idx <- sapply(gpt@distr,
# function(dlist) sapply(dlist,
# function(dd)
# dd@eta.idx))
# # use maximum if bounds differ:
# lower <- as.vector(by(c(mat)[c(idx)>0],
# c(idx)[c(idx)>0], max))
get.eta.upper <- function(gpt){
upper <- rep(Inf, length(gpt@eta))
for(base in gpt@distr){
for(cc in base){
eta.free <- cc@eta.idx > 0
if (any(eta.free)){
eta.idx <- cc@eta.idx[eta.free]
upper[eta.idx] <- pmin(upper[eta.idx], cc@upper[eta.free])
# upper[cc@eta.idx] <- pmax(upper[cc@eta.idx], cc@upper)
# extract bounds:
# mat <- sapply(gpt@distr,
# function(dlist) sapply(dlist,
# function(dd)
# dd@upper))
# # get indices:
# idx <- sapply(gpt@distr,
# function(dlist) sapply(dlist,
# function(dd)
# dd@eta.idx))
# # use maximum if bounds differ:
# upper <- as.vector(by(c(mat)[c(idx)>0],
# c(idx)[c(idx)>0], min))
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