# restrict.mix <- function(gpt, restrictions){
# eta.repar <- eta.repar.new <- gpt$eta.repar
# eta.names <- eta.names.new <- gpt$eta.names
# # P2 <- length(eta.names)
# P2 <- length(eta.repar)
# eta.idx.old <- eta.idx.new <- 1:P2
# # old coding:
# # 1,2,... = free parameter: eta[eta.idx]
# # -1,-2,... = constant parameter: const[-eta.idx]
# # new coding:
# # constants are replaced in the eta.repar:
# # eta.repar = c("10", "2*mu")
# if(!is.null(restrictions)){
# for(i in 1:length(restrictions)){
# restrictions[[i]] <- gsub(" ", "", restrictions[[i]], fixed = TRUE)
# vec <- unlist(strsplit(restrictions[[i]], "="))
# for(k in 1:(length(vec) - 1)){
# eta.repar.new <- gsub(vec[k], vec[length(vec)], eta.repar.new, fixed = TRUE) # replaced by last value: x=y=z= 4
# eta.names.new <- eta.names.new[eta.names.new != vec[k]]
# }
# }
# }
# # # constant parameters (due to naming, e.g., "0.4"):
# # suppressWarnings(eta.const <- as.numeric(eta.names))
# # sel <- !is.na(eta.const)
# # num.const <- sum(sel)
# # const <- eta.const[sel]
# # if(any(sel)){
# # eta.idx.new[sel] <- - (1:num.const)
# # }
# #
# #
# # # check list with restrictions:
# # if(!is.null(restrictions)){
# #
# # for(i in 1:length(restrictions)){
# #
# # restrictions[[i]] <- gsub(" ", "", restrictions[[i]], fixed = TRUE)
# # vec <- unlist(strsplit(restrictions[[i]], "="))
# # vec.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(vec))
# #
# # if(length(vec) >1){
# # # constant parameters
# # if(any(!is.na(vec.num))){
# # num.const <- num.const + 1
# # new.const <- vec.num[!is.na(vec.num)]
# # if(length(new.const)>1)
# # stop("Restrictions contain more than a single constant!")
# # eta.idx.new[eta.names %in% vec[is.na(vec.num)]] <- - num.const
# # const[num.const] <- new.const
# # # equal parameters
# # }else{
# # free.idx <- eta.idx.old[eta.names == vec[1]]
# # for(rr in 2:length(vec))
# # eta.idx.new[eta.names == vec[rr]] <- free.idx
# # }
# # }
# #
# # }
# # }
# # ## CHECK:
# # ## restrictions; eta.names; const; eta.idx.old; eta.idx.new
# #
# # # re-ordering of the remaining free parameters:
# # reduced.idx <- unique(eta.idx.new[eta.idx.new > 0]) # remaining free parameters (old indices)
# # reduced.names <- eta.names[reduced.idx] # remaining free parameters (labels)
# # for(i in seq_along(reduced.idx)){
# # eta.idx.new[eta.idx.new == reduced.idx[i]] <- i # new indices complete!
# # }
# # eta.idx.new <- as.integer(eta.idx.new)
# #
# # # replace old by new indices in distributions:
# # distr <- gpt$distr
# # for(bb in seq_along(distr)){
# # for(cc in seq_along(distr[[bb]])){
# # distr[[bb]][[cc]]@eta.idx <- eta.idx.new[distr[[bb]][[cc]]@eta.idx]
# # }
# # }
# #
# # # eliminate identical base distributions (for speed)
# # map.vec <- gpt$map.vec
# # cnt <- 1
# # while (max(map.vec) > cnt){
# # for (cc in length(distr):(cnt+1)){
# # ident <- mapply(identical, distr[[cnt]], distr[[cc]])
# # if (all(ident)){
# # distr[[cc]] <- NULL
# # map.vec <- replace(map.vec, map.vec == cc, cnt)
# # map.vec[map.vec > cc] <- map.vec[map.vec > cc] - 1
# # }
# # }
# # cnt <- cnt + 1
# # }
# # names(distr) <- paste0("base", seq_along(distr))
# #
# # res <- list(distr=distr,
# # eta.names=reduced.names,
# # const=const,
# # map.vec = map.vec)
# map.vec <- gpt$map.vec
# distr <- gpt$distr
# const <- numeric(0)
# list(distr=distr,
# eta.names=eta.names.new, # TODO: eliminate redundant base distributions after constraints!
# eta.repar=eta.repar.new,
# const=const,
# map.vec = map.vec)
# }
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