#' @title locator_mD
#' @description Wrapper function for locator, with more control over point size etc
#' @param nPoints number of points in a sequence
#' @param line logical; plot lines between points
#' @param col colour of points
#' @param cex size of points
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Plots clicked points, and returns their x.y coordinates as a data.frame
locator_mD <- function(nPoints=1,line=TRUE,cex=1,col="red",...){
clicked <- NULL
for(i in 1:nPoints){
clicked <- rbind(clicked,as.data.frame(graphics::locator(1), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
if(line & i>1) graphics::lines(clicked$x[c(i-1,i)],clicked$y[c(i-1,i)],col=col,lwd=2*cex)
#' @title is.wholenumber
#' @description Checks whether value is a whole number
#' @param x object to be tested
#' @param tol tolerance
#' @return Logical value (TRUE or FALSE)
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
#' @title isNumeric
#' @description Checks whether a character is a number
#' @param x character to be tested
#' @return Logical (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether value is numeric or not
isNumeric <- function(x) !suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(x)))
#' @title is.even
#' @description Checks whether a integer is even
#' @param x integer value
#' @return Logical (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether value is an even number or not
is.even <- function(x) x %% 2 == 0
#' @title filename
#' @description extracts filename from filepath
#' @param x filepath
filename <- function(x) {
y <- strsplit(x,"/")
sapply(y, function(z) z[length(z)], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
#' @title user_options
#' @description asks user for option from specified list
#' @param question question
#' @param allowed_answers allowed answers
user_options <- function(question, allowed_answers) {
input_bad <- TRUE
input <- readline(paste(question,"\n"))
input_bad <- !input %in% allowed_answers
if(input_bad) cat("\n**** Invalid response ****\n")
#' @title user_unique
#' @description asks user for option from specified list
#' @param question question
#' @param previous_answers allowed answers
user_unique <- function(question, previous_answers) {
input_bad <- TRUE
input <- readline(paste(question,"\n"))
input_bad <- input %in% previous_answers
if(input_bad) cat("\n**** Response must be unique ****\n")
#' @title user_numeric
#' @description asks user for numeric
#' @param question question
user_numeric <- function(question) {
input_bad <- TRUE
input <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(paste(question,"\n"))))
input_bad <- is.na(input)
if(input_bad) cat("\n**** Input must be numeric ****\n")
#' @title user_count
#' @description asks user for count
#' @param question question
user_count <- function(question) {
input_bad <- TRUE
input <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(paste(question,"\n"))))
input_bad <- is.na(input)| input<1 | !is.wholenumber(input)
if(input_bad) cat("\n**** Input must be an integer above 0 ****\n")
#' @title user_base
#' @description asks user for base of logarithm, accept numeric or "e"
#' @param ... arguments passed to other functions
user_base <- function(...) {
input_bad <- TRUE
input <- readline("\nTo what base? Enter e for LN or a numeric\n")
input_bad <- !(input == "e" | isNumeric(input) )
if(input_bad) cat("\n**** Input must be 'e' or numeric ****\n")
#' @title ask_variable
#' @description asks user what variable(s) is depending on plot type
#' @param plot_type plot_type
ask_variable <- function(plot_type){
if(plot_type == "scatterplot"){
y_variable <- readline("\nWhat is the y variable? \n")
x_variable <- readline("\nWhat is the x variable? \n")
variable <- c(y=y_variable,x=x_variable)
}else if(plot_type == "histogram"){
variable <- c(readline("\nWhat is the x variable? \n"))
variable <- c(readline("\nWhat is the y variable? \n"))
#' @title cat_matrix
#' @description prints a vector as a number list of items with a certain number of columns
#' @param x vector
#' @param cols number of columns
cat_matrix<- function(x, cols){
rows <- ceiling(length(x)/cols)
files_print<- c(paste(1:length(x), x, sep = ". ") ,rep("",rows*cols - length(x)))
rows_print <- apply(matrix(files_print, nrow=rows, byrow=TRUE),1,paste,collapse = "\t")
#' @title knownN
#' @description prints a vector as a number list of items with a certain number of columns
#' @param plot_type plot type
#' @param processed_data raw_data
#' @param knownN previously entered N
#' @param ... arguments from other calls
knownN <- function(plot_type, processed_data, knownN = NULL,...){
ids <- unique(processed_data$id)
cat("\nThe estimated samples sizes for each group are:\n\n")
print(if(plot_type=="histogram") sum(processed_data$frequency) else table(processed_data$id))
cat(paste("\nThe known sample size may differ from that in the extracted data\n",ifelse(plot_type=="histogram", "(e.g. with slight error in clicking)","(e.g. if there are overlaying points)") ))
trueN <- user_options( "\nDo you want to enter a different sample size from that estimated? (y/n) ", c("y","n") )
cat("\nPreviously entered known sample sizes for each group are:\n\n")
cat("\nThe known samples sizes need to be updated.\n\n")
trueN <- user_options( "\nEnter 'y' to re-enter, or 'n' to use estimated sample sizes (y/n) ", c("y","n") )
trueN <- user_options( "\nEnter 'y' to re-enter, 'c' to continue using entered N, or 'n' to use estimated sample sizes (y/c/n) ", c("y","c","n") )
knownN = NULL
for (i in ids) knownN[i] <- user_count(paste("Group \"", i,"\": Enter sample size "))
}else if(trueN=="c"){
knownN <- knownN
knownN <- NULL
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