## Setup
# Load packages
devtools::install_github("daniel1noble/orchaRd", force = TRUE)
# Function for rounding tables
round_df <- function(df, digits) {
nums <- vapply(df, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
df[,nums] <- round(df[,nums], digits = digits)
# Load the data
# Load the phylogenetic correlation matrix
# Load the sampling variance matrix
# Heteroscedasticity modeled at the effect size level
mod.habitat_het <- rma.mv(yi=dARR, V=VCV_dARR,mods= ~habitat,method="REML",test="t",dfs="contain",
random=list(~1|species_ID,~1|phylogeny,~habitat|es_ID),struct="HCS", rho=0, R =list(phylogeny = phylo_matrix),data=pottier)
mod.habitat_hom <- rma.mv(yi=dARR, V=VCV_dARR,mods= ~habitat,method="REML",test="t",dfs="contain",
random=list(~1|species_ID,~1|phylogeny,~1|es_ID),R =list(phylogeny = phylo_matrix),data=pottier)
## Figure 1
# Figure for het model
#dev.size() just find right sizing
fig1a <-orchard_plot(mod.habitat_het, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", mod = "habitat", xlab = "Developmental Acclimation Response Ratio (dARR)", angle = 45)
#ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig1A.pdf", width = 5.137255, height = 4.086274)
# Homogen. Variance
fig1b <- orchard_plot(mod.habitat_hom, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", mod = "habitat", xlab = "Developmental Acclimation Response Ratio (dARR)", angle = 45)
#ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig1B.pdf", width = 5.137255, height = 4.086274)
# Write the mod_table
form_tab_a <- round_df(mod_results(mod.habitat_hom, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", mod = "habitat")$mod_table, 2)
form_tab_b <- round_df(mod_results(mod.habitat_het, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", mod = "habitat")$mod_table, 2)
fig1_tab_a <- flextable::flextable(form_tab_a) %>% flextable::mk_par(part = "header", value = flextable::as_paragraph(c("Name", "Mean", "L 95% CI", "U 95% CI", "L 95% PI", "U 95% PI"))) %>% autofit()
#save_as_image(fig1_tab_a, "./figures/fig1a_tab.png")
fig1_tab_b <- flextable::flextable(form_tab_b) %>% flextable::mk_par(part = "header", value = flextable::as_paragraph(c("Name", "Mean", "L 95% CI", "U 95% CI", "L 95% PI", "U 95% PI"))) %>% autofit()
#save_as_image(fig1_tab_b, "./figures/fig1b_tab.png")
## Figure 2
prop <- mod_results(mod.habitat_hom, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", weights = "prop")
equal <- mod_results(mod.habitat_hom, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", weights = "equal")
k <- dim(pottier)[1]
stdy <- pottier %>% summarise(stdy = length(unique(study_ID)))
anno <- annotate("text", x = 1.2, y = 0.75, label = TeX(paste0("\\textit{k} = ", k, " (", stdy, ")")))
fig2a <- orchard_plot(mod.habitat_hom, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", xlab = "Developmental Acclimation Response Ratio (dARR)", angle = 45, weights = "prop") + ylim(c(-1,1)) + annotate("text", x = 1.5, y = 0, label = TeX(paste0("$\\mu$ = ", round(prop$mod_table[1,2], 2), ", 95% CI = ", round(prop$mod_table[1,3], 2), " to ", round(prop$mod_table[1,4], 2)))) + #annotate("text", x = 1.5, y = 0, label = TeX("\\textbf{Proportional}")) +
ggtitle(TeX("\\textbf{Proportional}")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.text.y = element_blank()) + anno
fig2b <- orchard_plot(mod.habitat_hom, data = pottier, group = "species_ID", xlab = "Developmental Acclimation Response Ratio (dARR)", angle = 45, weights = "equal") + ylim(c(-1,1)) + annotate("text", x = 1.5, y = -0.1, label = TeX(paste0("$\\mu$ = ", round(equal$mod_table[1,2], 2), ", 95% CI = ", round(equal$mod_table[1,3], 2), " to ", round(equal$mod_table[1,4], 2)))) + #annotate("text", x = 1.5, y = 0, label = TeX("\\textbf{Equal}"))
ggtitle(TeX("\\textbf{Equal}")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.text.y = element_blank()) + anno
(fig2a | fig2b) + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", tag_suffix = ")") & theme(plot.tag = element_text(family = "Palatino", size = 24, face = "bold"))
ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig2.pdf", width = 8.839216, height = 3.929412)
## Figure 3
# Load the dataset that comes with orchaRd
# Subset data for demonstration purposes.
warm_dat <- fish
# Fit the metaregerssion model
model_fish <- metafor::rma.mv(yi = lnrr, V = lnrr_vi,
mods = ~ experimental_design + trait.type + deg_dif + treat_end_days,
method = "REML", test = "t",
random = list(~1 | group_ID, ~1 + trait.type| es_ID),
rho = 0, struc = "HCS",
data = warm_dat,
control=list(optimizer="optim", optmethod="Nelder-Mead"))
fig3a <- orchaRd::orchard_plot(model_fish, group = "group_ID", mod = "trait.type", weights = "prop", data = warm_dat, xlab = "log Response Ratio (lnRR)", angle = 45, g = TRUE, legend.pos = "top.left", condition.lab = "Temperature Difference") + theme(legend.direction = "vertical", panel.grid = element_blank())
#ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig4a.pdf", width = 4.337255, height = 4.258823)
fig3b <- orchaRd::orchard_plot(model_fish, group = "group_ID", mod = "trait.type", at = list(deg_dif = c(5, 10, 15)), by = "deg_dif", weights = "prop", data = warm_dat, xlab = "log Response Ratio (lnRR)", angle = 45, g = TRUE, legend.pos = "top.left", condition.lab = "Temperature Difference") + theme(legend.direction = "vertical", panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())
#ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig4b.pdf", width = 4.337255, height = 4.258823)
(fig3a | fig3b) + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", tag_suffix = ")") & theme(plot.tag = element_text(family = "Palatino", size = 24, face = "bold"))
ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig3.pdf", width = 10.22745, height = 4.92549)
## Figure 4
lim[, "year"] <- as.numeric(lim$year)
lim$vi<- 1/(lim$N - 3)
lim$si <- sqrt(lim$vi)
model<-metafor::rma.mv(yi=yi, V=vi, mods= ~Environment*year,
random=list(~1|Article,~1|Datapoint), data=na.omit(lim))
lim2 <- lim %>% filter(!Reproduction == "?")
lim2 <- lim2 %>% mutate(rep_prop = paste(Environment, Propagule, sep = "."))
model2<-metafor::rma.mv(yi=yi, V=vi, mods= ~rep_prop,
random=list(~1|Article,~1|Datapoint), data=na.omit(lim2))
model3<-metafor::rma.mv(yi=yi, V=vi, mods= ~si*year,
random=list(~1|Article,~1|Datapoint), data=na.omit(lim))
fig4a <- orchaRd::orchard_plot(model2, group = "Article", mod = "rep_prop", legend.pos = "top.left", xlab = "Fisher's Z-transformed Correlation Coefficient (Zr)", data = lim2, angle = 45) + ggtitle(TeX("\\textbf{Categorical x Categorical}")) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
lim_bubble <- orchaRd::mod_results(model, mod = "year", group = "Article",
data = lim, weights = "prop", by = "Environment")
fig4b <- orchaRd::bubble_plot(lim_bubble, data = lim, group = "Article", mod = "year", xlab = "Year", legend.pos = "top.left", ylab = "Fisher's Z-transformed Correlation Coefficient (Zr)", g = TRUE) + ggtitle(TeX("\\textbf{Continuous x Categorical}")) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
lim_bubble2 <- orchaRd::mod_results(model3, mod = "si", group = "Article", at=list(year = c(1972, 2012)), data = lim, weights = "prop", by = "year")
fig4c <- orchaRd::bubble_plot(lim_bubble2, data = lim, group = "Article", mod = "vi", legend.pos = "top.left", ylab = "Fisher's Z-transformed Correlation Coefficient (Zr)", xlab = "Sampling Standard Error", k = FALSE, g = FALSE) + ggtitle(TeX("\\textbf{Continuous x Continuous}")) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
(fig4a | fig4b | fig4c) + plot_layout(widths = unit(c(10,12,7), c("cm", "cm", "cm"))) + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", tag_suffix = ")") & theme(plot.tag = element_text(family = "Palatino", size = 24, face = "bold"))
ggsave(filename = "./figures/fig4.pdf", width = 15.968627, height = 6.509804)
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