#' Confidence sets for vector of differences
#' @inheritParams csranks
#' @return Confidence intervals for diferences between feature values in x.
#' In a form of a list with two items, \code{L} and \code{U}.
#' Each is a matrix of size length(x) times length(x).
#' The confidence interval for a difference between feature from ith and jth
#' population is [out$L[i,j], out$U[i,j]].
#' NAs are returned whenever the value is not of interest (one-sided CI or
#' i,j not in indices)
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @noRd
csdiffmeans <- function(x, cov_mat, coverage = 0.95, indices = NA, cstype = "symmetric", stepdown = TRUE, R = 1000, seed = NA) {
# check arguments
cstype <- match.arg(cstype, c("symmetric", "upper", "lower"))
# initializations
p <- length(x)
if (any(is.na(indices))) indices <- 1:p
thetadiff <- outer(x, x, "-")
sigmadiff <- calculate_difference_sds(cov_mat)
anyrejections <- TRUE
# Bounds for confidence intervals of differences
ChatL <- matrix(0, p, p)
ChatU <- ChatL
maxabs <- function(x) max(abs(x))
mmax <- function(x) max(-x)
# which differences?
l <- initialize_I0(p=p, indices=indices, stepdown = stepdown, cstype=cstype)
I0 <- l$I0; cstype <- l$cstype
I1 <- I0
Istar <- I0
# beta-quantiles from Ln and Un
# using parametric bootstrap
LInv <- function(I, beta, fn){
reduced_I <- reduce_I(I)
needed_variables <- reduced_I$needed_variables
requested_differences <- reduced_I$requested_differences
# Marginal distribution of MVTNormal is MVTNormal
# with correct block of covariance matrix
needed_cov_mat <- cov_mat[needed_variables, needed_variables]
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(R, mu = rep(0, nrow(needed_cov_mat)),
Sigma = needed_cov_mat)
Zdiff_scaled <- calculate_scaled_differences_in_samples(Z, requested_differences,
bootstrap_estimates <- apply(Zdiff_scaled, 1, fn)
quantile(bootstrap_estimates, probs=beta)
LLowerInv <- function(I, beta) LInv(I, beta, max)
LUpperInv <- function(I, beta) LInv(I, beta, mmax)
LSymmInv <- function(I, beta) LInv(I, beta, maxabs)
# compute CS
if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)
while (anyrejections) {
# compute upper and lower confidence bounds
if (cstype == "lower") {
ChatL[I1] <- thetadiff[I1] - sigmadiff[I1] * LLowerInv(I1, coverage)
ChatU <- matrix(Inf, p, p)
if (cstype == "upper") {
ChatL <- matrix(-Inf, p, p)
ChatU[I1] <- thetadiff[I1] + sigmadiff[I1] * LUpperInv(I1, coverage)
if (cstype == "symmetric") {
z <- LSymmInv(I1, coverage)
ChatL[I1] <- thetadiff[I1] - sigmadiff[I1] * z
ChatU[I1] <- thetadiff[I1] + sigmadiff[I1] * z
# remove indices for which interval does not contain 0
I1[ChatU < 0 | ChatL > 0] <- FALSE
# stepdown improvements?
if (stepdown) {
# any new rejections?
if (sum(I1) == sum(I0) | sum(I1) == 0) {
anyrejections <- FALSE
} else {
I0 <- I1
} else {
anyrejections <- FALSE
ChatL[!Istar] <- NA
ChatU[!Istar] <- NA
return(list(L = ChatL, U = ChatU))
#' Calculate standard deviations of differences in an MVTNormal distribution
#' @param cov_mat a covariance matrix of multivariate normal distribution
#' @return matrix pxp with standard deviations of differences of variables
#' @noRd
calculate_difference_sds <- function(cov_mat){
# Var[X_1 - X_2] = Var[X_1] + Var[X_2] - 2Cov[X_1,X_2]
# And a difference of correlated Gaussians is still Gaussian
sqrt(outer(diag(cov_mat), diag(cov_mat), "+") - 2 * cov_mat)
initialize_I0 <- function(p, indices, stepdown, cstype){
I0 <- matrix(TRUE, p, p)
I0[-indices,] <- FALSE
if (stepdown & cstype == "symmetric") {
# for other cstypes, correction is unnecessary
I0[, indices] <- TRUE
cstype <- "lower"
diag(I0) <- FALSE
list(I0 = I0, cstype = cstype)
#' Convert information about needed differences
#' from a logical matrix to more useful form
#' @return a list with `needed_variables` - logical
#' and `requested differences` - matrix with 2 columns. Each row corresponds
#' to single TRUE entraince in I. Its contents are the indices of the entry.
#' @examples
#' I <- matrix(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
#' FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' r <- reduce_I(I)
#' r$needed_variables # c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
#' r$requested_differences # matrix(c(2,3), ncol = 2)
#' @noRd
reduce_I <- function(I){
needed_variables <- sapply(1:nrow(I), function(i){
any(I[i,]) || any(I[,i])
needed_I <- I[needed_variables, needed_variables]
requested_differences <- get_double_from_single_indices(which(needed_I),
list(needed_variables = needed_variables,
requested_differences = requested_differences)
#' @param Z sample from mvt normal with observations in rows
#' @param requested_differences matrix with 2 columns
#' we want to calculate differences between z_i and z_j variables
#' for i,j in rows of requested_differences
#' for each observation z in Z
#' And then scale them with
#' @param scales: numeric of length nrow(requested_differences)
#' @noRd
calculate_scaled_differences_in_samples <- function(Z, requested_differences, scales){
Zdiff <- Z[, requested_differences[, 1], drop=FALSE] - Z[, requested_differences[, 2], drop=FALSE]
# Vectorized division goes over rows
Zdiff_scaled <- t(t(Zdiff) / scales)
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