### lmranks ###
compare_for_tests <- function(i,j,v,omega=1){
omega * (v[i] <= v[j]) + (1-omega) * (v[i] < v[j])
mtcars2 <- mtcars
G <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=nrow(mtcars) / 4))
mtcars2$G <- G
test_that("summary does not raise errors", {
mod <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(cyl) + disp):G, data=mtcars2)
test_that("print.summary.lmranks works", {
mod <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(cyl) + disp):G, data=mtcars2)
sumr <- summary(mod)
test_that("vcov passes shallow checks", {
model <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(cyl) + disp):G, data=mtcars2)
V <- vcov(model)
vals <- eigen(V, only.values = TRUE)
expect_true(all(vals$values> 0))
c("GA", "GB", "GC", "GD",
"r(cyl):GA", "r(cyl):GB", "r(cyl):GC", "r(cyl):GD",
"GA:disp", "GB:disp", "GC:disp", "GD:disp"))
c("GA", "GB", "GC", "GD",
"r(cyl):GA", "r(cyl):GB", "r(cyl):GC", "r(cyl):GD",
"GA:disp", "GB:disp", "GC:disp", "GD:disp"))
test_that("vcov works for singular model matrix", {
W <- cbind(mtcars$disp, mtcars$disp)
mod <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(cyl) + W):G, data=mtcars2)
cov_mat <- vcov(mod, complete=TRUE)
expect_true(all(!is.na(cov_mat[1:12, 1:12])))
test_that("vcov works for singular model matrix, complete=FALSE", {
W <- cbind(mtcars$disp, mtcars$disp)
mod <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(cyl) + W):G, data=mtcars2)
cov_mat <- vcov(mod, complete=FALSE)
expect_equal(c(nrow(cov_mat), ncol(cov_mat)),
test_that("get_projection_residual_matrix works in grouped case", {
X <- as.matrix(mtcars)
X <- X[,-((ncol(X) - 3):ncol(X))] # nonidentifiability
XX <- model.matrix(~X:G-1)
n_groups <- length(levels(mtcars2$G))
expected <- matrix(0,nrow = ncol(XX),
expected_resids <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=ncol(XX))
for(j in 1:ncol(X)){
jj <- j
for(k in 1:n_groups){
g <- levels(mtcars2$G)[k]
X_minusj <- X[mtcars2$G == g,-j]
Y <- X[mtcars2$G == g,j]
m <- lm(Y~X_minusj-1)
coef_vector <- numeric(ncol(X)) # Filled with 0s
coef_vector[-j] <- -coef(m)
coef_vector[j] <- 1
group_indices <- 1:ncol(X) + ncol(X)*(k-1)
expected[group_indices, jj] <- coef_vector
expected_resids[mtcars2$G == g, jj] <- resid(m)
jj <- jj + ncol(X)
object <- list(qr=qr(XX))
actual <- get_projection_residual_matrix(object)
expect_equivalent(expected, actual)
expect_equivalent(expected_resids, XX %*% actual)
# got: p1:g1, p2:g1,...,pn:g1,p1:g2:,...
# want: p1:g1, p1:g2,...,p1:gm,p2:g1,...
rearranging_perm <- as.vector(matrix(1:ncol(XX), ncol=ncol(X), byrow=TRUE))
expected_2 <- expected[rearranging_perm, rearranging_perm]
object_2 <- list(qr=qr(XX[,rearranging_perm]))
actual_2 <- get_projection_residual_matrix(object_2)
expect_equivalent(expected_2, actual_2)
test_that("get_projection_residual_matrix works for singular matrix in grouped case", {
X <- as.matrix(mtcars)
X <- X[,-((ncol(X) - 3):ncol(X))] # nonidentifiability
X[G=="A",2] <- X[G=="A",1]
XX <- model.matrix(~X:G-1)
n_groups <- length(levels(mtcars2$G))
expected <- matrix(0,nrow = ncol(XX),
expected[,2] <- NA
for(j in 1:ncol(X)){
jj <- j
for(k in 1:n_groups){
if(j==2 && k==1){
jj <- jj + ncol(X)
g <- levels(mtcars2$G)[k]
X_minusj <- X[mtcars2$G == g,-c(2,j)]
} else {
X_minusj <- X[mtcars2$G == g,-j]
Y <- X[mtcars2$G == g,j]
m <- lm(Y~X_minusj-1)
coef_vector <- numeric(ncol(X))
coef_vector[-c(2,j)] <- -coef(m)
coef_vector[j] <- 1
coef_vector[2] <- 0
} else {
coef_vector[-j] <- -coef(m)
coef_vector[j] <- 1
group_indices <- 1:ncol(X) + ncol(X)*(k-1)
expected[group_indices, jj] <- coef_vector
jj <- jj + ncol(X)
Y <- mtcars[,1]
object <- lm(Y~XX-1)
actual <- get_projection_residual_matrix(object)
expect_equivalent(expected, actual)
test_that("get_and_separate_regressors works with grouping",{
mtcars2 <- mtcars
mtcars2$cyl <- factor(mtcars2$cyl)
n_groups <- length(levels(mtcars2$cyl))
model_1 <- lm(mpg ~ disp:cyl, data=mtcars2)
model_1$rank_terms_indices <- 1
expected_RX <- model.matrix(model_1)[,1:n_groups + 1] # Intercept
expected_out_1 <- list(RX = expected_RX,
rank_column_index = 1:n_groups+1, # Intercept
global_RX = rowSums(expected_RX))
test_that("get_coef_groups works",{
nasty_df <- mtcars2
nasty_df$G <- factor(c("AB", "AC", "AD", "AE")[as.integer(G)])
nasty_df$GA <- sample(G)
m1 <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ r(disp):G + GA:G - 1, data=nasty_df)
m2 <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ GA:G + r(disp):G - 1, data=nasty_df)
m3 <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(disp) + .):G, data=nasty_df[,c("mpg", "disp", "GA", "hp", "G")])
expected_1 <- c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
expected_2 <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,1,2,3,4)
expected_3 <- rep(1:4, times=7)
actual <- get_coef_groups(m1)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected_1)
actual <- get_coef_groups(m2)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected_2)
actual <- get_coef_groups(m3)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected_3)
test_that("prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var works",{
nasty_df <- mtcars2
nasty_df$G <- factor(c("AB", "AC", "AD", "AE")[as.integer(G)])
nasty_df$GA <- sample(G)
m1 <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ GA:G + r(disp):G - 1, data=nasty_df)
m2 <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ G:r(disp) + G:GA - 1, data=nasty_df)
expected_1 <- "^G(?<group>.*):r\\(disp\\).*$"
expected_2 <- "^GA.*:G(?<group>.*)$"
expected_3 <- "^G(?<group>.*):GA.*$"
actual <- prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var(m1, 17)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected_1)
actual <- prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var(m1, 5)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected_2)
actual <- prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var(m2, 5)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected_3)
test_that("get_original_resid_times_grouping_indicators works", {
m <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ (r(disp) + cyl):G, data=mtcars2)
G <- mtcars2$G
res <- resid(m)
expected <- sapply(levels(G), function(g) res * (G == g))
actual <- get_original_resid_times_grouping_indicators(m)
expect_equivalent(actual, expected)
m2 <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ r(disp) + cyl, data=mtcars)
res <- resid(m2)
expected <- matrix(res, ncol = 1)
actual <- get_original_resid_times_grouping_indicators(m2)
expect_equal(actual, expected)
test_that("findIntervalIncreasing works with no duplicates", {
v <- c(10, 7, 4, 3, 1)
expected <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
actual <- findIntervalIncreasing(v, left.open=TRUE)
expect_equal(actual, expected-1)
actual <- findIntervalIncreasing(v, left.open=FALSE)
expect_equal(actual, expected)
test_that("findIntervalIncreasing works with duplicates", {
v <- c(10, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 3, 1)
expected <- c(1,3,3,6,6,6,7,8)
actual <- findIntervalIncreasing(v, left.open=FALSE)
expect_equal(actual, expected)
expected <- c(0,1,1,3,3,3,6,7)
actual <- findIntervalIncreasing(v, left.open=TRUE)
expect_equal(actual, expected)
### High-level checks ###
test_that("h1 works for ranked regressor with no covariates with grouping", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_FALSE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X):G, omega=1)
proj_residuals <- model.matrix(res) %*% get_projection_residual_matrix(res)
h1_lmranks <- calculate_H1(res, proj_residuals)
h11_lmranks <- h1_lmranks[,3]
h12_lmranks <- h1_lmranks[,4]
expect_equivalent(h11_lmranks, H11)
expect_equivalent(h12_lmranks, H12)
test_that("h2 works for ranked regressor with no covariates with grouping", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_FALSE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X):G, omega=1)
proj_residuals <- model.matrix(res) %*% get_projection_residual_matrix(res)
h2_lmranks <- calculate_H2(res, proj_residuals)
h21_lmranks <- h2_lmranks[,3]
h22_lmranks <- h2_lmranks[,4]
expect_equivalent(h21_lmranks, H21)
expect_equivalent(h22_lmranks, H22)
test_that("h3 works for ranked regressor with no covariates with grouping", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_FALSE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X):G, omega=1)
proj_residual_matrix <- get_projection_residual_matrix(res)
H1 <- calculate_H1(res, model.matrix(res) %*% proj_residual_matrix)
H1_mean <- colMeans(H1)
h3_lmranks <- calculate_H3(res, proj_residual_matrix, H1_mean)
h31_lmranks <- h3_lmranks[,3]
h32_lmranks <- h3_lmranks[,4]
expect_equivalent(h31_lmranks, H31)
expect_equivalent(h32_lmranks, H32)
test_that("vcov produces correct asymptotic variance estimate of rank-rank slope with no covariates", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_FALSE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X):G, omega=1)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[3,3]*n, cov_mat[4,4]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
test_that("h1 works for ranked regressor with covariates and grouping", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_TRUE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=1)
proj_residuals <- model.matrix(res) %*% get_projection_residual_matrix(res)
h1_lmranks <- calculate_H1(res, proj_residuals)
h11_lmranks <- h1_lmranks[,1]
h12_lmranks <- h1_lmranks[,2]
expect_equivalent(h11_lmranks, H11)
expect_equivalent(h12_lmranks, H12)
test_that("h2 works for ranked regressor with covariates and grouping", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_TRUE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=1)
proj_residuals <- model.matrix(res) %*% get_projection_residual_matrix(res)
h2_lmranks <- calculate_H2(res, proj_residuals)
h21_lmranks <- h2_lmranks[,1]
h22_lmranks <- h2_lmranks[,2]
expect_equivalent(h21_lmranks, H21)
expect_equivalent(h22_lmranks, H22)
test_that("h3 works for ranked regressor with covariates and grouping", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_TRUE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=1)
proj_residual_matrix <- get_projection_residual_matrix(res)
H1 <- calculate_H1(res, model.matrix(res) %*% proj_residual_matrix)
H1_mean <- colMeans(H1)
h3_lmranks <- calculate_H3(res, proj_residual_matrix, H1_mean)
h31_lmranks <- h3_lmranks[,1]
h32_lmranks <- h3_lmranks[,2]
expect_equivalent(h31_lmranks, H31)
expect_equivalent(h32_lmranks, H32)
test_that("vcov produces correct asymptotic variance estimate of rank-rank slope with covariates", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_covariates_TRUE.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=1)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[1,1]*n, cov_mat[2,2]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
W_no_intercept <- W[,-1]
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W_no_intercept):G, omega=1)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[3,3]*n, cov_mat[4,4]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
test_that("vcov produces correct asymptotic variance estimate of rank-rank slope with different omega values", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_omega_0.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=0)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[1,1]*n, cov_mat[2,2]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_omega_0.4.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=0.4)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[1,1]*n, cov_mat[2,2]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
test_that("vcov produces correct asymptotic variance estimate of rank-rank slope with smaller datasets", {
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_n_10.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=0.4)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[1,1]*n, cov_mat[2,2]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_n_50.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=0.4)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[1,1]*n, cov_mat[2,2]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
load(test_path("testdata", "grouped_lmranks_cov_sigmahat_n_100.rda"))
G <- factor(G)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ (r(X)+W):G-1, omega=0.4)
cov_mat <- vcov(res)
sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks <- c(cov_mat[1,1]*n, cov_mat[2,2]*n)
expect_equal(sigma2hat, sigma2hat.grouped_lmranks)
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