
Defines functions sigma.lmranks findIntervalIncreasing prepare_mat_om1 prepare_mat_om0 ineq_indicator_matmult get_original_resid_times_grouping_indicators escape_special_characters prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var get_coef_groups get_rowwise_rho get_and_separate_regressors calculate_H3 calculate_H2 calculate_H1 get_projection_residual_matrix vcov.lmranks confint.lmranks print.summary.lmranks summary.lmranks

Documented in summary.lmranks vcov.lmranks

#' @describeIn lmranks Summarizing fits of rank-rank regressions
#' @param object A \code{lmranks} object.
#' @inheritParams stats::summary.lm
#' @export
summary.lmranks <- function(object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, ...){
    cli::cli_abort("{.var symbolic.cor} are not yet implemented for {.class lmranks}.")
  # call summary.lm
  object$df.residual <- stats::nobs(object) - length(coef(object))
  outcome <- NextMethod()
  object$df.residual <- NA
  # Mark what is unknown (for now)
  outcome$coefficients[,2:4] <- NA
  outcome$sigma <- NA
  # This one causes errors in print.summary.lm
  # If needed, we could Ctrl-C Ctrl-V and adapt the method
  outcome$naive_df <- outcome$df
  outcome$df <- c(NA, NA, NA)
  outcome$fstatistic <- NULL
  # Remember to handle this, once fstatistic is known
  outcome$adj.r.squared <- NA
  cov_matrix <- vcov(object, complete=FALSE)
  outcome$cov.unscaled <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(outcome$cov.unscaled),
                                 ncol = ncol(outcome$cov.unscaled))
  outcome$coefficients[, 2] <- sqrt(diag(cov_matrix))
  outcome$coefficients[, 3] <- outcome$coefficients[, 1] / outcome$coefficients[, 2]
  outcome$coefficients[, 4] <- 2*stats::pnorm(-abs(outcome$coefficients[, 3]))
  colnames(outcome$coefficients)[3:4] <- c("z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
    outcome$correlation <- stats::cov2cor(cov_matrix)
  class(outcome) <- c("summary.lmranks", class(outcome))

#' @export 
print.summary.lmranks <- function(x, ...){
  x$df <- x$naive_df
  text <- utils::capture.output(NextMethod())
  x$df <- c(NA, NA, NA)
  # remove the line about Residual standard error
  text <- text[!grepl("^Residual standard error: NA on [0-9]+ degrees of freedom$", text)]
  text <- as.list(text)
  text$sep <- "\n"
  concatenated_text <- do.call(paste, text)

#' @export
confint.lmranks <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...){
  # As is the case with confint.lm, this method returns *marginal* CIs for coefficients
  # not simultaneous
    stats::confint.default(object=object, level=level, ...)
    stats::confint.default(object=object, parm=parm, level=level, ...)

#' @describeIn lmranks Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted \code{lmranks} object
#' Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients 
#' (main parameters) of a fitted \code{lmranks} object. Its result is theoretically valid 
#' and asymptotically consistent, in contrast to naively running \code{vcov(lm(...))}.
#' @param complete logical indicating if the full variance-covariance matrix 
#' should be returned also in case of an over-determined system where 
#' some coefficients are undefined and \code{coef(.)} contains NAs correspondingly. 
#' When \code{complete = TRUE}, \code{vcov()} is compatible with \code{coef()} also in this singular case.
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @export
vcov.lmranks <- function(object, complete = TRUE, ...){
  projection_residual_matrix <- get_projection_residual_matrix(object)
  X <- stats::model.matrix(object)
  projection_residuals <- X %*% projection_residual_matrix
  H1 <- calculate_H1(object, projection_residuals)
  H1_mean <- colMeans(H1)
  H2 <- calculate_H2(object, projection_residuals, H1_mean)
  H3 <- calculate_H3(object, projection_residual_matrix, H1_mean)
  projection_variances <- colMeans(projection_residuals^2)
  psi <- t(t(H1 + H2 + H3) / projection_variances)
  sigmahat <- (t(psi) %*% psi) / (nrow(psi) ^ 2)
  colnames(sigmahat) <- names(coef(object))
  rownames(sigmahat) <- colnames(sigmahat)
    sigmahat <- sigmahat[!is.na(coef(object)),

#' Calculate matrix giving projection residuals
#' Projections are linear models where one of X's columns is a response in terms
#' of the remaining columns.
#' @return Matrix M s.t.
#' M[i,j] = negative ith coefficient in jth projection if i != j
#' M[i,j] = 1 if i == j
#' Note, that X %*% M gives n x p matrix with residuals of jth projection in jth column.
#' Turns out, that M is closely related to V=(X^T %*% X)⁻¹:
#' M = V / diag(V), division row-wise. Proof via block matrix inverse.
#' @noRd
get_projection_residual_matrix <- function(object){
  regressor_dropped <- is.na(coef(object))
    X <- stats::model.matrix(object)[,!regressor_dropped]
    R <- qr.R(qr(X))
  } else if(is.null(object$qr)){
    R <- qr.R(qr(stats::model.matrix(object)))
  } else {
    R <- qr.R(object$qr)
  XTX_inv <- chol2inv(R)
  diagonal <- diag(XTX_inv)
  out <- t(t(XTX_inv) / diagonal)
  full_out <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(coef(object)),
  full_out[!regressor_dropped, !regressor_dropped] <- out
  full_out[regressor_dropped, !regressor_dropped] <- 0

#' Calculate H1 component for covariance estimation
#' Originally defined as h_1(x,y) = (R_Y(Y)-rhoR_X(X)-Wbeta)(R_X(X) - Wgamma)
#' @return n x p matrix
#' @noRd

calculate_H1 <- function(object, projection_residuals){
  original_resids <- resid(object)
  projection_residuals * original_resids

#' Calculate H2 component for covariance estimation
#' Originally defined as h_2(x,y) = E[(I(y,Y)-rhoI(x,X)-Wbeta)(R_X(X) - Wgamma)]
#' Estymator in matrix notation:
#' (I_Y-rhoI_X-(Wbeta)') %*% (R_X(X)-Wgamma) / n
#' Equal to
#' I_Y %*% (R_X(X)-Wgamma) / n - 
#' rho \* I_X %*% (R_X(X)-Wgamma) / n - 
#' (Wbeta)' %*% (R_X(X)-Wgamma) / n
#' @noRd
calculate_H2 <- function(object, projection_residuals, H1_mean=NULL){
    H1_mean <- colMeans(calculate_H1(object, projection_residuals))
  l <- get_and_separate_regressors(object)
  rank_column_index <- l$rank_column_index; RX <- l$RX
  global_RX <- l$global_RX
  RY <- stats::model.response(stats::model.frame(object))
  if(length(rank_column_index) > 0){
    I_X_times_proj_resids <- ineq_indicator_matmult(global_RX, projection_residuals,omega=object$omega)
    RX_times_proj_resids <- as.vector(global_RX %*% projection_residuals)
    rowwise_rho <- get_rowwise_rho(object, rank_column_index)
    delta_X_times_proj_resids <- t(I_X_times_proj_resids) - RX_times_proj_resids
    delta_X_times_proj_resids <- t(delta_X_times_proj_resids * rowwise_rho)
  } else {
    delta_X_times_proj_resids <- 0
    I_Y_times_proj_resids <- ineq_indicator_matmult(RY, projection_residuals,omega=object$omega)
    RY_times_proj_resids <- as.vector(RY %*% projection_residuals)
    delta_Y_times_proj_resids <- t(t(I_Y_times_proj_resids) -  RY_times_proj_resids)
    delta_Y_times_proj_resids <- 0
  H2_minus_H1_mean <- (delta_Y_times_proj_resids - delta_X_times_proj_resids) / 
  t(t(H2_minus_H1_mean) + H1_mean)

#' Calculate H3 component for covariance estimation
#' Originally defined as h_3(x) = E[(R_Y(Y)-rhoR_X(X)-Wbeta)(I_X(x,X) - Wgamma)];
#' The second component depends on which projection model is considered
#' Estimator in matrix notation:
#' h_3(x) = (R_Y(Y)-rhoR_X(X)-Wbeta)' %*% [I_(x,X); W] %*% R_S / n
#' Where R_S is the projection residual matrix.
#' For a given x this higly resembles colMeans(H1).
#' The difference H3(x) - colMeans(H1)is
#'  (R_Y(Y)-rhoR_X(X)-Wbeta)'%*%(I_X(x,X) - RX)%*%R_S[r,] / n
#' (last element is a row vector from R_S matrix corresponding to ranked regressor)
#' In the grouped case, the last element is a matrix with g rows, each corresponding
#' to regressor times indicator of grouping variable
#' And the left element is also a matrix with g rows, each with original residuals
#' times indicator of grouping variable
#' @noRd
calculate_H3 <- function(object, projection_residual_matrix, H1_mean){
  l <- get_and_separate_regressors(object)
  rank_column_index <- l$rank_column_index; RX <- l$RX
  global_RX <- l$global_RX
  X_projection_coef <- projection_residual_matrix[rank_column_index,,drop=FALSE] # g columns
  original_resids <- get_original_resid_times_grouping_indicators(object)
  I_X_times_orig_resids <- ineq_indicator_matmult(global_RX, 
                                                omega=object$omega) # size n x g
  RX_times_orig_resids <- as.vector(global_RX %*% original_resids) # size g
  delta_X_times_orig_resids <- t(I_X_times_orig_resids) -  RX_times_orig_resids
  H3_minus_H1_mean <- t(delta_X_times_orig_resids) %*% X_projection_coef / 
  t(t(H3_minus_H1_mean) + H1_mean)

#' Extract regressors from a model object and separate rank- from usual ones
#' @return a list with entries:
#' - RX: vector of ranks of ranked regressor. May be empty.
#' - rank_column_index: which column in model.matrix corresponds to ranked regressor?
#' @noRd
get_and_separate_regressors <- function(model){
  if(length(model$rank_terms_indices) > 1) cli::cli_abort("Not implemented yet")
  rank_column_index <- which(model$assign %in% model$rank_terms_indices)
  if(length(rank_column_index) > 0){
    RX <- stats::model.matrix(model)[,rank_column_index]
  } else {
    RX <- integer(0)
    global_RX <- rowSums(RX)
  } else {
    global_RX <- RX
              global_RX = global_RX))

#' Each column of model.matrix(object) AKA coefficient belongs to a certain group.
#' And for each group we have 1 coefficient corresponding to ranked regressor.
#' @return a numeric vector of length same as number of coefficients 
#' (number of regressor variables times number of groups) with corresponding
#' ranked coefficient (element of rho vector).
#' @noRd
get_rowwise_rho <- function(object, rank_column_index){
  rho <- coef(object)[rank_column_index]
  coef_groups <- get_coef_groups(object)

#' To which group do the regression coefficients belong?
#' @noRd
get_coef_groups <- function(object){
  grouping_variable_index <- get_grouping_var_index(object)
  if(length(grouping_variable_index) == 0){
    return(rep(1, length(coef(object))))
  group_levels <- levels(stats::model.frame(object)[,grouping_variable_index])
  group_indices <- sapply(1:length(coef(object)), function(i){
    coef_name <- names(coef(object))[i]
    regex <- prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var(object, i)
    matches <- regexec(regex, coef_name, perl=TRUE)
    var_values <- regmatches(coef_name, matches)
    grouping_var_value <- var_values[[1]]["group"]
    group_idx <- which(group_levels == grouping_var_value)

#' @param object lmranks object
#' @param i a single integer. Index of term (regression coefficient) of interest
#' @return A single character with a regular expression (regex).
#' This expression will be used later to capture the group name
#' of the ith term.
prepare_regex_capturing_grouping_var <- function(object, i){
  variable_table <- attr(stats::terms(object), "factors")
  grouping_variable_index <- get_grouping_var_index(object)
  var_table_column <- variable_table[,object$assign[i]]
  grouping_var_local_index <- which(var_table_column != 0) == grouping_variable_index
  var_names <- rownames(variable_table)[var_table_column != 0]
  var_names <- escape_special_characters(var_names)
  var_names[grouping_var_local_index] <- paste0(var_names[grouping_var_local_index], "(?<group>.*)")
  var_names[!grouping_var_local_index] <- paste0(var_names[!grouping_var_local_index], ".*")
  regex <- paste(var_names, collapse = ":")
  regex <- paste0("^", regex, "$")

#' @noRd 
escape_special_characters <- function(v){
  regex_special_characters <- c("\\","$", "(", ")", "*", "+", ".", "?", "[", "^", "{", "|")
  escaped_v <- v
  for(spec_character in regex_special_characters){
    escaped_v <- gsub(spec_character, paste0("\\", spec_character),
                      escaped_v, fixed=TRUE)

#' @noRd
get_original_resid_times_grouping_indicators <- function(object){
  original_resids <- resid(object)
  grouping_var_index <- get_grouping_var_index(object)
  if(length(grouping_var_index) > 0){
    grouping_var <- as.vector(stats::model.frame(object)[,grouping_var_index])
    return(stats::model.matrix(~original_resids:grouping_var - 1))
  } else {
    return(matrix(original_resids, ncol=1))

#' Calculate inequality indicators and multiply with a matrix
#' @param v numeric vector
#' @param mat A matrix s.t. nrow(mat) == length(v)
#' @param omega single number
#' Inequality indicator: A matrix I_v, s.t.
#' I_v[i,j] = 1 if v[i] < v[j];
#' I_v[i,j] = omega if v[i] == v[j]; and
#' I_v[i,j] = 0 if v[i] > v[j].
#' @return I_v %*% mat
#' The trick is we do not have to do this naively (first calc I_v, then multiply).
#' And we don't want to, cause 
#' a) I_v needs O(n²) memory and 
#' b) Whole operation would take O(n²p) compute, but we repeat a lot of (simple) calculations.
#' Start with simple case: v is ordered decreasingly and has no repeating elements.
#' Then I_v is an lower triangular matrix with ones below the diagonal, 
#' omegas on diagonal and zeroes above.
#' I_v %*% mat is equivalent to taking cumsum() columnwise,
#' and then correcting for omegas on the diagonal: 
#' for C in columns of mat: 
#'    C=cumsum(omega*C + (1-omega)*c(0, C[-n]))
#' Now for a single column instead of doing O(n²) operations, we do O(n). 
#' For more general case(v ordered, with duplicates), we can use the definition of I:
#' I(a,b) = omega*i(a<=b) + (1-omega)*i(a<b)
#' And prepare the `mat` by summing entries corresponding to equal values in v.
#' Finally, if v is not ordered, all we have to do is 
#' 1) permute the v and rows of mat with sorting (decrasingly) permutation of v
#' 2) proceed as in former case
#' 3) permute the rows of the result with *inverse* of sorting permutation of v
#' @noRd
ineq_indicator_matmult <- function(v, mat, omega){
  v_order <- order(v, decreasing = TRUE)
  v_ordered <- v[v_order]
  mat <- mat[v_order,,drop=FALSE]
  if(omega == 0){
    mat <- prepare_mat_om0(mat, v_ordered)
  } else if(omega == 1){
    mat <- prepare_mat_om1(mat, v_ordered)  
  } else {
    mat_om0 <- prepare_mat_om0(mat, v_ordered)  
    mat_om1 <- prepare_mat_om1(mat, v_ordered)
    mat <- omega*mat_om1 + (1-omega)*mat_om0
  mat <- apply(mat, 2, cumsum)
  inverse_v_order <- order(v_order)
  colnames(mat) <- NULL; rownames(mat) <- NULL

#' @param mat Matrix s.t. nrow(mat) == length(v)
#' @param v numeric vector, sorted decreasingly
#' @return Matrix M s.t.
#' apply(M,2,cumsum) == I_v %*% mat
#' Where I_v is the inequality indicator matrix for omega = 0
#' If the v vector had no duplicates, we could just return `mat`.
#' Unfortunately it can. Implementation is optimized for the case
#' when the duplicates are few.
#' The strategy is to identify rows of `mat` corresponding to equal 
#' entries in `v` and to replace them. The last row will carry sums of 
#' previous rows (column-wise) and the rest will have zeroes.
#' That's for omega=0; for omega=1 the first row will have the sums.
#' @noRd
prepare_mat_om0 <- function(mat, v){
  equal_block_sizes <- diff(findIntervalIncreasing(v, TRUE))
  # 1 if the value is unique, 0 if not the last equal, k>1 if last of k equal values
  orig_mat <- mat
  mat[-1,] <- mat[-nrow(mat),] # shift 1 row, because of 0s on diagonal of I_v
  mat[1, ] <- 0 # first row of I_v is always 0
  if(all(equal_block_sizes==1)) return(mat)
  mat[which(equal_block_sizes==0)+1,] <- 0 
  om0_eq_sums <- sapply(which(equal_block_sizes>1), function(i){
  mat[which(equal_block_sizes>1)+1,] <- t(om0_eq_sums)

#' @param mat Matrix s.t. nrow(mat) == length(v)
#' @param v numeric vector, sorted decreasingly
#' @return Matrix M s.t.
#' apply(M,2,cumsum) == I_v %*% mat
#' Where I_v is the inequality indicator matrix for omega = 1
#' @noRd
prepare_mat_om1 <- function(mat, v){
  equal_block_sizes <- diff(c(0, findIntervalIncreasing(v, FALSE)))
  if(all(equal_block_sizes==1)) return(mat)
  om1_eq_sums <- sapply((1:nrow(mat))[equal_block_sizes>1], function(i){
  mat[equal_block_sizes==0,] <- 0
  mat[equal_block_sizes>1,] <- t(om1_eq_sums)

#' Find Interval indices
#' Given a vector of non-increasing breakpoints, find the interval containing each element;
#' If i <- findIntervalIncreasing(v), for each index j in v
#' v_{i_j} >= v_j > v_{i_{j+1}}
#' @param left.open If true, the intervals are open at left and closed at right
#' @seealso [findInterval()]
findIntervalIncreasing <- function(v, left.open){
  length(v) - rev(findInterval(rev(v), rev(v), left.open = !left.open))

#' @importFrom stats sigma
#' @export
sigma.lmranks <- function(object, ...){
  cli::cli_abort("Not theoretically developped yet.")
danielwilhelm/R-CS-ranks documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 4:18 p.m.