
Defines functions threespace.plot

Documented in threespace.plot

#' threespace.plot, A plot that compares the environmental distribution of presence points, background points, and the set of supplied environmental layers.
#' @param model An enmtools.model object
#' @param env A set of environment layers
#' @param maxpts Maximum number of points to plot from env layers
#' @return A ggplot2 object that plots the distribution of environments in the climate layers to the distribution of environments at background and presence localities.
#' @keywords pca environment presence background comparison extrapolation
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' my.model<- enmtools.gam(iberolacerta.clade$species$monticola, euro.worldclim)
#' threespace.plot(my.model, euro.worldclim)
#' }

threespace.plot <- function(model, env, maxpts = NA){

  # Check classes of inputs
  if(!inherits(model, "enmtools.model")){
    stop("The supplied model is not an enmtools.model object!")
  if(!inherits(env, c("raster", "RasterBrick", "SpatRaster"))){
    stop("The supplied environmental layers were not recognized as raster objects!")

  if(inherits(model, "enmtools.maxent")){
    model$analysis.df <- cbind(model$analysis.df, terra::extract(env, model$analysis.df[,1:2], ID = FALSE))

  if(inherits(model, c("enmtools.bc", "enmtools.dm"))){
    model$analysis.df <- cbind(model$analysis.df, terra::extract(env, model$analysis.df[,1:2], ID = FALSE))
    model$analysis.df$presence <- rep(1, nrow(model$analysis.df))

  if(inherits(model, "enmtools.ppmlasso")){
    model$analysis.df <- model$analysis.df[,c(names(env), "presence")]

  # Chuck out X and Y and stop on any unmatched env variables
  model.df <- model$analysis.df[,c(names(env), "presence")]
  model.df <- model.df[complete.cases(model.df),]

  if(any(is.na(match(colnames(model.df), c(names(env), "presence"))))){
    stop("Mismatch in column names between model analysis.df and env layer names")

  if(any(is.na(match(c(names(env), "presence"), colnames(model.df))))){
    stop("Mismatch in column names between model analysis.df and env layer names")

  # Extract data from env layers
  allpoints <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints2(env))
  allpoints$presence <- rep(2, nrow(allpoints))
  allpoints <- allpoints[,-c(1,2)]
    allpoints <- allpoints[sample(nrow(allpoints), maxpts),]

  # Combine model and env data frames
  allpoints <- rbind(allpoints, model.df)
  allpoints <- allpoints[complete.cases(allpoints),]

  # Run PCA
  allpoints.pca <- princomp(allpoints[,1:ncol(allpoints) - 1,], cor = T)

  # Stitch everything together
  allpoints.pca <- data.frame(PC1 = allpoints.pca$scores[,1],
                              PC2 = allpoints.pca$scores[,2],
                              source = allpoints$presence)

  if(inherits(model, c("enmtools.bc", "enmtools.dm"))){
    # Plot layers in order
    output <- ggplot(allpoints.pca, aes_string("PC1", "PC2")) +
      layer(geom = "point", stat = "identity", position = "identity",
            data = allpoints.pca[allpoints.pca$source == 2,], aes(color = "Env Layers")) +
      layer(geom = "point", stat = "identity", position = "identity",
            data = allpoints.pca[allpoints.pca$source == 1,], aes(color = "Presence"))
  } else {
    # Plot layers in order
    output <- ggplot(allpoints.pca, aes_string("PC1", "PC2")) +
      layer(geom = "point", stat = "identity", position = "identity",
            data = allpoints.pca[allpoints.pca$source == 2,], aes(color = "Env Layers")) +
      layer(geom = "point", stat = "identity", position = "identity",
            data = allpoints.pca[allpoints.pca$source == 0,], aes(color = "Background")) +
      layer(geom = "point", stat = "identity", position = "identity",
            data = allpoints.pca[allpoints.pca$source == 1,], aes(color = "Presence"))

danlwarren/ENMTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 11:26 p.m.