#' Call Java Classes and Methods
#' @description A low-level interface to Java and Spark. These functions
#' are exported for programmers who want to interact with Spark directly.
#' See https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/index.html?org/apache/spark/sql/Dataset.html.
#' @param jobj a valid \code{jobj} object
#' @param method character, the method being invoked
#' @param class character, the class being invoked
#' @param ... any other arguments to be passed on
#' @details The difference between \code{handled} calls and other calls is
#' that handled calls capture JVM exceptions more effectivly. They are used
#' in settings where the success of an operation is not assured. Practically
#' speaking, the handled calls are thin wrappers of the non-handled calls.
#' @rdname javacall
#' @export
call_method <- function(jobj, method, ...) {
stopifnot(class(jobj) == "jobj")
if (!validate_jobj(jobj)) {
stop("Invalid jobj ", jobj$id, ". If 'spark_session' was restarted,
Spark operations need to be re-executed.")
invokeJava(isStatic = FALSE, jobj$id, method, ...)
#' @rdname javacall
#' @export
call_static <- function(class, method, ...) {
invokeJava(isStatic = TRUE, class, method, ...)
#' @rdname javacall
#' @export
call_method_handled <- function(jobj, method, ...) {
tryCatch(call_method(jobj, method, ...),
error = function(e) captureJVMException(e, method))
#' @rdname javacall
#' @export
new_jobj <- function(class, ...) {
invokeJava(isStatic = TRUE, class, methodName = "<init>", ...)
#' @rdname javacall
#' @export
call_static_handled <- function(class, method, ...) {
tryCatch(call_static(class, method, ...),
error = function(e) captureJVMException(e, method))
#' Stop the Spark Session and Spark Context
#' @description Stop the Spark Session and Spark Context.
#' @details Also terminates the backend this R session is connected to.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_session_stop()
spark_session_stop <- function() {
#' @rdname spark_session
#' @export
spark_session_reset <- function(master = "", app_name = "SparkR",
spark_home = Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"),
spark_config = list(), spark_jars = "",
spark_packages = "", enable_hive_support = TRUE, ...) {
spark_session(master, appName = app_name, sparkHome = spark_home,
sparkConfig = spark_config, sparkJars = spark_jars,
sparkPackages = spark_packages,
enableHiveSupport = enable_hive_support, ...)
#' Get Spark Session
#' @return a SparkSession object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark <- get_spark_session()
#' }
get_spark_session <- function() {
jobj <- if (exists(".sparkRsession", envir = SparkR:::.sparkREnv)) {
get(".sparkRsession", envir = SparkR:::.sparkREnv)
} else stop("spark_session not initialized")
#' Get Spark Context
#' @return a SparkContext object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sc <- get_spark_context()
#' }
get_spark_context <- function () {
if (!exists(".sparkRjsc", envir = SparkR:::.sparkREnv)) {
stop("Spark has not been initialized. Please call spark_session()")
jobj <- get(".sparkRjsc", envir = SparkR:::.sparkREnv)
validate_jobj <- function (jobj) {
if (exists(".scStartTime", envir = SparkR:::.sparkREnv)) {
jobj$appId == get(".scStartTime", envir = SparkR:::.sparkREnv)
} else FALSE
#' Spark SQL
#' @description Execute Spark SQL queries directly on the spark session
#' @param expr a string, the SQL query
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_tbl(iris) %>% register_temp_view("iris")
#' iris_preview <- spark_sql("SELECT * FROM iris LIMIT 10")
#' iris_preview %>% collect
#' }
spark_sql <- function(expr) {
sdf <- call_method(get_spark_session()$jobj, "sql", expr)
#' Create or replace a temporary view
#' @description similar to Spark's \code{createOrReplaceTemporaryView} method,
#' this function registers the DAG at a given point in the lineage as a temp view
#' in the hive metastore. It does not cache the data, but the name supplied can
#' be used in future Spark SQL queries.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl} to be registered
#' @param name a \code{string} of the name to store the table as
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_tbl(iris) %>% register_temp_view("iris")
#' iris_preview <- spark_sql("SELECT * FROM iris LIMIT 10")
#' iris_preview %>% collect
#' }
register_temp_view <- function(.data, name) {
sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")
call_method(sdf, "createOrReplaceTempView", name)
#' Get Spark Class
#' @param x a \code{spark_tbl} or \code{jobj}
#' @param trunc whether to return a truncated class name
#' @return a character representing the spark object type
#' @export
spark_class <- function(x, trunc) {
#' @export
spark_class.jobj <- function(x, trunc = F) {
class <- call_method(
call_method(x, "getClass"),
if (trunc) sub(".*[.](.*)$", "\\1", class)
else class
#' @export
spark_class.Column <- function(x, trunc = F) {
class <- call_method(
call_method(x@jc, "expr"),
if (trunc) sub(".*[.](.*)$", "\\1", class)
else class
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