
#' Catch-MSY method
#' Apply the catch-MSY method from Martell and Froese (2013).
#' @param yr Numeric vector of years
#' @param ct Numeric vector of catch
#' @param sig_r Standard deviation of process noise
#' @param bio_step Step size between lower and upper biomass limits in the iterim year
#' @param start_r A numeric vector of length 2 giving the lower and upper
#'   bounds on the population growth rate parameter. This can either be
#'   specified manually or by translating resiliency categories via the function
#'   \code{\link{resilience}}
#' @param startbio Starting biomass depletion
#' @param start_k Numeric vector of length 2 giving the lower and upper starting
#'   bounds on stock biomass at carrying capacity
#' @param interyr_index Index of the interim year within time series for which
#'   biomass estimate is available
#' @param interbio A numeric vector that gives the lower and upper biomass
#'   limits in the interim year
#' @param reps Number of repititions to run the sampling
#' @param revise_bounds Should the bounds on r and k be revised after fitting
#'   the algorithm once? The algorithm will then fit a second time with the
#'   revised bounds.
#' @param finalbio Maximum and minimum biomass depletion in the final year
#' @return A list containing a matrix \code{biomass}; \code{bmsy}, \code{msy},
#' and \code{mean_ln_msy} management quantities; and a data frame \code{theta}
#' with the intrinsic population growth rate \code{r}, carrying capacity
#' \code{k}, binomial likelihood \code{ell} (filtered to include only those with
#' a value of \code{1}, and the starting biomass depletion \code{J}. In the
#' biomass matrix, each row contains an iteration and each column contains a
#' year.
#' @useDynLib datalimited
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats coef dlnorm dnorm lm predict qnorm quantile runif sd
#'   setNames
#' @references
#' Martell, S., & Froese, R. (2013). A simple method for estimating MSY from
#' catch and resilience. Fish and Fisheries, 14(4), 504-514.
#' \url{http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00485.x}
#' @name cmsy

#' @rdname cmsy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # An example using cmsy() with a stock from the RAM Legacy database:
#' # The stock is "BGRDRSE" (Blue Grenadier Southeast Australia)
#' x <- cmsy(blue_gren$yr, ct = blue_gren$ct, reps = 2e4)
#' head(x$theta)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' plot(blue_gren$yr, blue_gren$ct, type = "o", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Catch (t)")
#' plot(blue_gren$yr,  apply(x$biomass, 2, median)[-1], type = "o",
#'   ylab = "Estimated biomass", xlab = "Year")
#' hist(x$bmsy)
#' plot(x$theta$r, x$theta$k)
#' library("ggplot2")
#' ggplot(x$bbmsy, aes(year, bbmsy_q50)) + geom_line()  +
#'     geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = bbmsy_q25, ymax = bbmsy_q75), alpha = 0.2) +
#'     geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = bbmsy_q2.5, ymax = bbmsy_q97.5), alpha = 0.1) +
#'     geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2)

cmsy <- function(
  interyr_index    = 2L,
  interbio         = c(0, 1),
  bio_step         = 0.05,
  start_r          = resilience(NA),
  start_k          = c(max(ct), 50 * max(ct)),
  startbio         = if (ct[1] / max(ct) < 0.2) c(0.5, 0.9) else c(0.2, 0.6),
  sig_r            = 0.05,
  reps             = 1e5,
  revise_bounds     = TRUE,
  finalbio = if(ct[length(ct)]/max(ct) > 0.5) c(0.3,0.7) else c(0.01,0.4)) {

  if (!identical(length(interbio), 2L))
    stop("interbio must be a vector of length 2")
  if (!identical(length(start_k), 2L))
    stop("start_k must be a vector of length 2")
  if (!identical(length(yr), length(ct)))
    stop("yr and ct must be the same length")

  schaefer_out <- schaefer_cmsy(
    r_lim          = start_r,
    k_lim          = start_k,
    sig_r          = sig_r,
    startbio       = seq(startbio[1], startbio[2], by = bio_step),
    yr             = yr,
    ct             = ct,
    interyr_index  = interyr_index,
    interbio       = interbio,
    reps           = reps,
    finalbio       = finalbio)

  ell_ones <- which(schaefer_out$theta$ell > 0)
  schaefer_out$theta <- schaefer_out$theta[ell_ones, ]
  schaefer_out$biomass <- schaefer_out$biomass[ell_ones, ]

  if (revise_bounds) {
    # Repeat with revised bounds
    # use for batch processing   ****THIS IS AN UPDATE FROM RAINER--Oct 12, 2012:
    # finalbio <- if(ct[length(yr)]/max(ct) > 0.5) {c(0.3,0.7)} else {c(0.01,0.4)}
    # parbound <- list(r = start_r, k = start_k, lambda = finalbio, sig_r=sig_r)
    parbound <- list(r = start_r, k = start_k)
    r1 	<- schaefer_out$theta$r
    k1 	<- schaefer_out$theta$k
    j1  <- schaefer_out$theta$J
    msy1 <- r1*k1/4
    mean_msy1 <- exp(mean(log(msy1)))
    if (sum(r1<1.1*parbound$r[1]) > 1) {
      max_k1a <- min(k1[r1<1.1*parbound$r[1]]) ## smallest k1 near initial lower bound of r
    } else {
      max_k1a <- Inf
    max_k1b <- max(k1[r1*k1/4<mean_msy1]) ## largest k1 that gives mean MSY
    max_k1 <- if(max_k1a < max_k1b) {max_k1a} else {max_k1b}
    if (length(r1)<10) {
      warning(paste0("Too few (", length(r1), ") possible r-k combinations, ",
        "check input parameters"))
    } else {
      # set new upper bound of r to 1.2 max r1
      parbound$r[2] <- 1.2 * max(r1)
      # set new lower bound for k to 0.9 min k1 and upper bound to max_k1
      parbound$k <- c(0.9 * min(k1), max_k1)
      # Repeat analysis with new r-k bounds
      schaefer_out <- schaefer_cmsy(
        r_lim          = parbound$r,
        k_lim          = parbound$k,
        sig_r          = sig_r,
        startbio       = seq(startbio[1], startbio[2], by = bio_step),
        yr             = yr,
        ct             = ct,
        interyr_index  = interyr_index,
        interbio       = interbio,
        reps           = reps,
        finalbio = finalbio)
      ell_ones <- which(schaefer_out$theta$ell > 0)
      schaefer_out$theta <- schaefer_out$theta[ell_ones, ]
      schaefer_out$biomass <- schaefer_out$biomass[ell_ones, ]

  schaefer_out$bmsy <- schaefer_out$theta$k * 0.5
  schaefer_out$msy  <- schaefer_out$theta$r * schaefer_out$theta$k / 4
  schaefer_out$mean_ln_msy <- mean(log(schaefer_out$msy))

  bbmsy <- schaefer_out$biomass[, -ncol(schaefer_out$biomass)] / schaefer_out$bmsy
  bbmsy <- data.frame(year = yr, catch = ct, summarize_bbmsy(bbmsy))
  schaefer_out$bbmsy <- bbmsy

datalimited/datalimited documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:44 p.m.