
#' Method to allocate units per population domain
#' @param object Object upon which the allocation is to be computed.
#' @param Param Parameters to allocate the units in each domain.
#' @return Integer vector with the number of allocated units per domain.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' UnitAllocParam <- new(Class = 'UnitAllocParam',
#'                       MaxAlloc = as.integer(c(23, 23, 45, 23, 12, 23, 26, 76, 12, 1, 1, 1)),
#'                       MinAlloc = rep(2L, length = 12),
#'                       AllocFactors = list(c(0.43, 0.12, 0.234, 0.123, 0.934, 0.23, 0.754, 0.423, 0.923, 0.345, 0.512, 0.623),
#'                                           c(0.43, 0.123, 0.34, 0.3, 0.34, 0.13, 0.954, 0.523, 0.223, 0.445, 0.522, 0.323)),
#'                       DomainWeights = c(0.34, 0.12, 0.1, 1, 123, 0.12, 56, 123, 98, 12, 23, 87),
#'                       MaxUnits = 265L )
#' AllocateUnits(PriorUnits, UnitAllocParam)
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("AllocateUnits", function(object, Param){standardGeneric("AllocateUnits")})

#' @rdname AllocateUnits
#' @include UnitAllocParam-class.R
#' @import SelEditUnitPriorit
#' @export
  f = "AllocateUnits",
  signature = c("UnitPrioritization", "UnitAllocParam"),
  function(object, Param){

    Units <- object@Units
    ExcUnits <- Param@ExcUnits
    setkeyv(ExcUnits, names(ExcUnits))
    if (!all(unique(unlist(lapply(Units, names))) == names(ExcUnits))) stop('[SelEditUnitAllocation:AllocateUnits] Statistical units in object and Param are specified in the same way.\n')

    Units <- lapply(seq(along = Units), function(i){

      DT <- copy(Units[[i]])[, Priority := object@UnitPriority[[i]]]
      DT <- DT[, Score := object@UnitScores[[i]]]
      setkeyv(DT, names(DT))
      out <- DT[!ExcUnits]
      setkeyv(out, 'Priority')
      out[, NewPriority := seq(along = Priority)][, Priority := NULL]
      setnames(out, 'NewPriority', 'Priority')
      setkeyv(out, setdiff(names(out), c('Score', 'Priority')))

    Priority <- lapply(seq(along = Units), function(index){

      out <- Units[[index]][['Priority']]
      Units[[index]][, Priority := NULL]

    ScoreNoZero <- lapply(seq(along = Units), function(index){

      out <- Units[[index]][Score > 0]
      out <- dim(out)[1]
      Units[[index]][, Score := NULL]

    CellSize <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(Units, function(x){dim(x)[[1]]})))
    nCells <- length(CellSize)

    if (Param@MaxUnits == 0) {

      output <- integer(nCells)


    nmin <- Param@MinAlloc
    nmax <- Param@MaxAlloc
    ndep <- Param@MaxUnits

    if (length(nmin) == 1) nmin <- rep(nmin, times = nCells)
    if (length(nmin) != nCells) stop('[SelEditUnitAllocation::AllocateUnits] MinAlloc slot of Param must have the same number of domains as object.')
    if (length(nmax) == 1) nmax <- rep(nmax, times = nCells)
    if (length(nmax) != nCells) stop('[SelEditUnitAllocation::AllocateUnits] MaxAlloc slot of Param must have the same number of domains as object.')

    nmin[nmin > CellSize] <- CellSize[nmin > CellSize]

    FactorList <- lapply(Param@AllocFactors, function(x){return(x / sum(x))})

    Weights <- Param@DomainWeights / sum(Param@DomainWeights)

    geo.mean <- function(x){

      if (any(abs(x) < .Machine$double.eps)) {


      } else {

        return(exp(sum(Weights * log(x)) / sum(Weights)))

    nFactors <- length(FactorList)

    if (sum(nmin) > ndep) stop("[SelEditUnitAllocation::AllocateUnits] The sum of AllocMin exceeds the maximum number of units to allocate MaxUnits.")

    Allocation <- nmin

    CellSize <- pmin(CellSize, nmax)
    if (any(nmin >= CellSize)) Allocation[nmin >= CellSize] <- CellSize[nmin >= CellSize]

    remainder <- ndep - sum(Allocation)
    complete <- which(Allocation == CellSize)
    incomplete <- which(Allocation != CellSize)
    increment <- integer(nCells)

    Factors.matrix <- matrix(unlist(FactorList), ncol = nFactors)

    PropConst <- apply(Factors.matrix, 1, geo.mean)
    increment[incomplete] <- as.integer(floor(PropConst[incomplete] * remainder))
    increment[increment < 0] <- 0L
    Allocation <- Allocation + increment
    Order.dt <- data.table(PropConst = PropConst, ScoreNoZero = ScoreNoZero, Cell = paste0('Dom', seq(along = PropConst)))

    Allocation[Allocation >= Order.dt$ScoreNoZero] <- unlist(Order.dt$ScoreNoZero[Allocation >= Order.dt$ScoreNoZero])
    remainder <- ndep - sum(Allocation)
    while (any(increment > 0)){
      complete <- which(Allocation == Order.dt$ScoreNoZero)
      incomplete <- which(Allocation != Order.dt$ScoreNoZero)
      increment <- integer(nCells)
      increment[incomplete] <- as.integer(floor(PropConst[incomplete] * remainder))
      increment[increment < 0] <- 0L
      Allocation <- Allocation + increment
      Allocation[Allocation > Order.dt$ScoreNoZero] <- unlist(Order.dt$ScoreNoZero[Allocation > Order.dt$ScoreNoZero])
      remainder <- ndep - sum(Allocation)
    if (remainder == 0) return(Allocation)

    names(Allocation) <- paste0('Dom', seq(along = Allocation))
    setkeyv(Order.dt, 'PropConst')
    Order.dt[, Order := rev(seq(along = PropConst))]

    Order.Cells <- Order.dt$Cell[Order.dt$Order]
    ScoreNoZero.Cells <- unlist(Order.dt$ScoreNoZero[Order.dt$Order])
    Counter <- 1L
    while (remainder > 0){
      increment <- integer(nCells)
      names(increment) <- names(Allocation)
      if (ScoreNoZero.Cells[Counter] > Allocation[Order.Cells[Counter]]) increment[Order.Cells[Counter]] <- 1L
      Allocation <- Allocation + increment
      remainder <- ndep - sum(Allocation)

      if (Counter == length(Allocation)) {

        Counter <- 1L

      } else Counter <- Counter + 1L
    names(Allocation) <- NULL

    outputUnits <- lapply(seq(along = Units), function(indexDomain){

      indexSelectedUnits <- which(Priority[[indexDomain]] <= Allocation[indexDomain])
      outLocal <- Units[[indexDomain]][indexSelectedUnits]


    output <- new(Class = 'AllocatedUnits', Domains = object@Domains, Units = outputUnits)

david-salgado/SelEditUnitAllocation documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:32 p.m.