NZ_coast <- hm_get_test("coast")
NZ_buffer30 <- hm_get_test("buffer")
NZ_Buller_buffer40 <- hm_get_test("nofly")
NZ_grid <- hm_get_test("grid")
NZ_routes <- hm_get_test("route")
# given some solaris CMD Check errors (old GDAl?)
# redefine crs_Pacific
#same as Robinson, but centred on long +180
# crs_Pacific <- sf::st_crs("+proj=robin +lon_0=180 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
# quick summary for test purposes
summarise_routes_for_test <- function(r){
r |>
# wkt is machine-dependent so just extract length/area
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(gc, crow), st_length),
gc_length = gc) |>
dplyr::mutate(envelope = sf::st_area(envelope)) |>
sf::st_drop_geometry() |>
dplyr::group_by(fullRouteID) |>
# test on key outputs, not on detail of table
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(c(time_h, gc_length, crow, envelope), \(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))) |>
# and round to 3 sig figs
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(time_h, gc_length, crow, envelope), \(x) signif(x, 3)))
test_that("Route envelope", {
ac <- make_aircraft(warn = FALSE)
ap <- make_airports(warn = FALSE)
z <- make_route_envelope(ac[1,], make_AP2("EGLL","KJFK", ap),
envelope_points = 50)
expect_type(z, "list")
expect_s3_class(z, "sfc_POLYGON")
expect_gte(nrow(as.matrix(z[[1]])), 50)
# avoid testing against stored result, since that's sensitive to
# adding fields later, which is likely
# so - add fields but don't fiddle with the list of test routes ;-)
test_that("Route summary", {
ap <- make_airports(crs=crs_Pacific, warn = FALSE)
rs1 <- summarise_routes(NZ_routes, ap)
expect_equal(rs1[1, ]$refuel_ap, "NZWN")
expect_equal(rs1[2, ]$M084_h, 1.69)
expect_equal(rs1[2, ]$advantage_h, -0.87)
expect_equal(rs1[3, ]$sea_dist_frac, 0.70)
expect_equal(rs1[4, ]$n_phases, 5)
expect_equal(rs1[2, ]$n_accel, 2)
expect_equal(rs1[2, ]$ave_fly_speed_M, 0.80)
expect_equal(rs1[1, ]$fly_time_h, 1.67)
expect_equal(rs1[4, ]$circuity, 0.21)
expect_true(rs1[5, ]$best)
expect_true([6, ]$time_h))
# parameter behaviour?
rs2 <- summarise_routes(NZ_routes, ap, arrdep_h = 1.0)
expect_equal(rs2[1, ]$advantage_h - rs1[1, ]$advantage_h, 0.5)
test_that("find_leg catches input error",{
old_quiet <- getOption("quiet", default=0)
options("quiet" = 0) #for no reporting
hm_clean_cache() #start without cache
# need to load some of the built-in data
aircraft <- make_aircraft(warn = FALSE)
# airports <- make_airports()
airports <- make_airports(crs = crs_Pacific, warn = FALSE)
options("quiet" = old_quiet)
# for visual check:
# ggplot(NZ_buffer30) + geom_sf() + geom_sf(data = routes$gc)
# fail nicely with bad aircraft index
fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
route_grid = NZ_grid,
ap_loc = airports),
"Aircraft invalid")
test_that("find_route works with subsonic option",{
old_quiet <- getOption("quiet", default = 0)
options("quiet" = 3) #for full reporting
hm_clean_cache() #start without cache
# need to load some of the built-in data
aircraft <- make_aircraft(warn = FALSE)
airports <- make_airports(crs = crs_Pacific, warn = FALSE)
# test with parallel subsonic aircraft
# just ditch the output
routes <- find_route(aircraft[1, ],
make_AP2("NZGS", "NZDN", airports),
fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
route_grid = NZ_grid,
ap_loc = airports,
cf_subsonic = aircraft[3, ]) |>
# test a couple of rows
expect_snapshot_value(routes, style = "serialize",
tolerance = 0.05)
# and test saving of cache
tmp_dir <- tempdir()
full_filename <- hm_save_cache("test_that", NZ_grid, aircraft, path = tmp_dir)
hm_clean_cache() #empty cache
expect_true(length(.hm_cache) == 2)
expect_true(length(.hm_cache$route_cache) == 2)
expect_true(length(.hm_cache$star_cache) == 4)
unlink(full_filename) # remove the temporary cache file to pass CRAN test
options("quiet" = old_quiet)
test_that("Find multiple routes for multiple aircraft",{
old_quiet <- getOption("quiet", default=0)
options("quiet" = 0) #for no reporting
hm_clean_cache() #start without cache
# need to load some of the built-in data
aircraft <- make_aircraft(warn = FALSE)
airports <- make_airports(crs = crs_Pacific, warn = FALSE)
refuel_ap <- airports |>
filter(APICAO == "NZWN")
ap2 <-"NZAA","NZCH","NZAA","NZDN"),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ac <- aircraft[c(1,4), ]$id
routes <- find_routes(ac, ap2, aircraft, airports,
fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
route_grid = NZ_grid,
refuel = refuel_ap) |>
# just test a sample
expect_snapshot_value(routes, style = "serialize",
tolerance = 0.05)
# and again with a no-fly zone - and just one AP2
routes <- find_routes(ac, ap2[1, ], aircraft, airports,
fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
route_grid = NZ_grid,
refuel = refuel_ap,
avoid = NZ_Buller_buffer40) |>
# check one row from each route
expect_snapshot_value(routes, style = "serialize",
tolerance = 0.05)
# check for faulty airports
ap2 <-"ZZZZ", "NZAA", "NZCH", "NZAA"),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
expect_error(find_routes(ac, ap2, aircraft, airports,
fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
route_grid = NZ_grid),
options("quiet" = old_quiet)
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