## ---- knit_config
## Tell knitr to insert its preamble after \input{preamble.tex},
## since it won't find \documentclass{<stuff>} in the .Rnw
knitr::knit_patterns$set(header.begin = "(^|\n)[^%]*\\s*\\\\input\\{preamble.tex\\}")
## Make some substitutions in the .tex output in order to:
## * Prevent lineno from messing up breaking of chunks over pages.
## * Prevent automatic indentation after chunks.
## * Dispense with compile errors due to knitr-xcolor interaction.
## See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/148188/.
knitr::knit_hooks$set(document = function(x) {
x <- gsub("\\begin{knitrout}", "\\nolinenumbers\\begin{knitrout}", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\\end{knitrout}", "\\end{knitrout}\\linenumbers\\noindent", x, fixed = TRUE)
gsub("\\usepackage[]{color}", "\\usepackage{xcolor}", x, fixed = TRUE)
## Set number of digits printed in chunk output with chunk option `digits`
knitr::knit_hooks$set(digits = function(before, options, envir) {
if (before) {
options(digits = options$digits)
## Use custom palette for syntax highlighting
## Set default values of chunk options
## if FALSE, chunk is evaluated from scratch with compile
cache = TRUE,
## if FALSE, chunk is not displayed
echo = TRUE,
## if FALSE, chunk is not evaluated
eval = TRUE,
## if FALSE, chunk output is not displayed and `error <- FALSE`
include = TRUE,
## if FALSE, evaluation stops on errors
error = TRUE,
## if FALSE, warnings printed in console, not document
warning = TRUE,
## if FALSE, messages printed in console, not document
message = TRUE,
## number of digits printed in chunk output
digits = 7,
## column width of chunk text
column.width = 74,
## figure position in document
fig.pos = "H",
## figure alignment on page
fig.align = "center",
## graphics device
dev = "pdf",
## base point size in graphics device
dev.args = list(pointsize = 10),
## chunk options to be evaluated after chunk text
eval.after = "fig.cap",
## if TRUE, white space around chunks is reduced
strip.white = TRUE
## Set values of global options
## column width of chunk line
width = 70,
## directional quotes
useFancyQuotes = FALSE
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