
Defines functions hd_calc

Documented in hd_calc

#' For HD algorithm., the constructed variable is based on a malhanobis distance statistic, which is theoretically the distance between observations and a hypothetically healthy, young cohort. You need to train separately for men and women who are between the ages of 20 and 30 and not pregnant, and have observe biomarker data within clinically accpetable distributions.
#' @title hd_calc
#' @description Project HD algorithm onto new data.
#' @param data A projection dataset.
#' @param reference A training dataset.
#' @param biomarkers A character vector indicating the names of the biomarkers included in the HD algorithm.
#' @return An object of class "hd". This object is a list with two elements (data and fit). The dataset can be drawn by typing 'data'. The model can be drawn by typing 'fit'.
#' @examples
#' #HD using NHANES
#' hd = hd_calc(NHANES4, NHANES3,
#'              biomarkers=c("albumin_gL","lymph","mcv","glucose_mmol",
#'              "rdw","creat_umol","lncrp","alp","wbc"))
#' #Extract HD dataset
#' data = hd$data
#' @export
#' @import dplyr

hd_calc = function(data, reference, biomarkers){

  ref = as.matrix(reference[, biomarkers])
  dat = as.matrix(data[, biomarkers])

  #standardize variables by mean and sd of reference population
  for (j in 1:ncol(dat)){
    dat[,j] <- (dat[,j] - mean(ref[,j], na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(ref[,j], na.rm = TRUE)

  for (j in 1:ncol(ref)){
    ref[,j] <- (ref[,j] - mean(ref[,j], na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(ref[,j], na.rm = TRUE)

  dat = na.omit(dat)
  ref = na.omit(ref)

  if(nrow(ref) == 1){
    warning("The reference matrix must have more than one row")

  else {

    means = colMeans(ref)
    cv_mat = var(ref)


  if(nrow(dat) == 1){
    warning("The function does not work with single-row data")

  else {

    dat = as.matrix(dat)
    hd = rep(NA, nrow(dat))

    for (x in 1:nrow(dat)){
      hd[x] <- sqrt((dat[x,] - means) %*% solve(cv_mat) %*% (dat[x,] - means))


  dat = data %>%
    select(sampleID,all_of(biomarkers)) %>%

  dat$hd = hd/sd(hd)
  dat$hd_log = log(hd)/sd(log(hd))
  nobs = sum(!is.na(dat$hd))

  dat = left_join(data, dat[,c("sampleID","hd","hd_log")], by = "sampleID")
  fit = list(mcov = means, cov_mat = cv_mat, nobs = nobs)
  hd = list(data = as.data.frame(dat),fit = fit)

  class(hd) = append(class(hd),'hd')

dayoonkwon/BioAge documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:33 a.m.