
urODK - You, R, and ODK: A sing-along ruODK workshop

This document contains the outline of a workshop where within about one hour, we’ll build an electronic data capture pipeline from form design to data analysis and dissemination using ODK and ruODK.

Before we start, read the brief overview of electronic data capture using ODK, and how ruODK fits into that picture.

Build a form

There are many ways to create a valid XForm. The friendliest way is to use ODK Build, a drag-and-drop online form designer.

Reference: ODK Build docs

Dirty tricks:

Fail-safe: Use any of the ruODK example forms.

Distribute form

The Xform is distributed via ODK Central.

Reference: ODK Central docs

Fail-safe: The presenter can show the QR code for an example project on a ODK Central server.

Collect data

Data collection happens on an Android device using ODK Collect.

Reference: ODK Collect docs

Data can now be captured and sent via WiFi or cellular network (see ODK Collect settings). (10 min)

Fail-safe: The presenter can bring a few pre-configured Android devices. The example forms already contain collected data.

Analyse data

Run through the steps shown in the first part of the README:

Install ruODK

You can install the latest release of ruODK from the rOpenSci R-Universe:

# Enable the rOpenSci universe
options(repos = c(ropensci = '',
                  CRAN = ''))

See the ruODK README for other installation options.

Configure ruODK

Add your ODK Central credentials to .Renviron via usethis::edit_r_environ() (with your own un and pw):


Create a report

Start with a colour-by-numbers workflow example: If using RStudio, create a new RMarkdown workbook “from template” and select ruODK’s template “ODK Central via OData”, or run the next chunk with a file name of your choice:

rmarkdown::draft("my_example.Rmd", "odata", package="ruODK")

Follow the instructions in the workbook to explore the data. Now u r ODK!

dbca-wa/ruODK documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 9:04 p.m.