
#' OData service document for an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The OData response for the metadata of an ODK Central form.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format A tibble with one row per submission data endpoint.
#' @source OData service document for
#'   `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' @family included

#' OData metadata document for an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The OData response for the metadata of an ODK Central form.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format A list of lists
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' @family included

#' OData submission data for an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The OData response for the submissions of an ODK Central form.
#' This form represents a Flora Quadrat, which is a ca 50 by 50 m quadrat of
#' a uniform plant community.
#' The XML and .odkbuild versions for this form are available as
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' and `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.odkbuild", package = "ruODK")`,
#' respectively.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format A list of lists
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' @family included

#' OData submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The OData response for the subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' This subgroup represents vegetation strata as per the NVIS classification.
#' A vegetation stratum is a layer of plants with the same height, and dominated
#' by one or few plant taxa. Plant communities can be made of up to five strata,
#' with two to three being most common.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format A list of lists
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' @family included

#' OData submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The OData response for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' This subgroup represents an individual plant taxon which is encountered by
#' the enumerators. Typically, one voucher specimen is taken for each distinct
#' encountered plant taxon. A field name is allocated by the enumerators, which
#' can be the proper canonical name (if known) or any other moniker.
#' The voucher specimens are later determined by taxonomic experts, who then
#' provide the real, terminal taxonomic name for a given voucher specimen.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format A list of lists
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' @family included

#' Parsed submission data for an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The parsed OData response for the submissions of an ODK Central form.
#' This form represents a Flora Quadrat, which is a ca 50 by 50 m quadrat of
#' a uniform plant community.
#' The XML and .odkbuild versions for this form are available as
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' and `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.odkbuild", package = "ruODK")`,
#' respectively.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format The output of \code{\link{odata_submission_get}} for a set of example
#'   data. A tidy tibble referencing the attachments included in the vignettes
#'   and documentation at a relative path `attachments/media/<filename>.<ext>`.
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#'   and \code{\link{odata_submission_get}}.
#' @family included

#' Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The parsed OData response for the subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' This subgroup represents vegetation strata as per the NVIS classification.
#' A vegetation stratum is a layer of plants with the same height, and dominated
#' by one or few plant taxa. Plant communities can be made of up to five strata,
#' with two to three being most common.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format The output of \code{\link{odata_submission_get}} for a set of example
#'   data. A tidy tibble referencing the attachments included in the vignettes
#'   and documentation at a relative path `attachments/media/<filename>.<ext>`.
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#'   and \code{\link{odata_submission_get}}.
#' @family included

#' Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The parsed OData response for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
#' This subgroup represents an individual plant taxon which is encountered by
#' the enumerators. Typically, one voucher specimen is taken for each distinct
#' encountered plant taxon. A field name is allocated by the enumerators, which
#' can be the proper canonical name (if known) or any other moniker.
#' The voucher specimens are later determined by taxonomic experts, who then
#' provide the real, terminal taxonomic name for a given voucher specimen.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' @format The output of \code{\link{odata_submission_get}} for a set of example
#'   data. A tidy tibble referencing the attachments included in the vignettes
#'   and documentation at a relative path `attachments/media/<filename>.<ext>`.
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#'   and \code{\link{odata_submission_get}}.
#' @family included

#' A tibble of submission attachments.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of submission attachments.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{attachment_list}}
#' run on submissions of the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of form metadata.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of form metadata.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{form_detail}}
#' run on submissions of the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of forms.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of forms
#' @source The output of \code{\link{form_list}}.
#' run on the project.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' JSON form schema for an ODK Central form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The parsed form schema of an ODK Central form.
#' This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package
#' tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data.
#' The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world
#' forms.
#' This data is used to build vignettes offline and without the need for
#' credentials to an ODK Central server. The test suite ensures that the
#' "canned" data is identical to the "live" data.
#' @format The output of `ruODK::form_schema()`, a tibble with columns "type",
#'   "name" and "path" and one row per form field.
#' @source See `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#'   and `ruODK::form_schema()`.
#' @family included

#' A nested list of a form definition.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A nested list of a form definition.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{form_xml}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of project metadata.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of project metadata.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{project_detail}}
#' run on the project containing the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included

#' A tibble of project metadata.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of project metadata.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{project_list}}
#' run on all projects on the configured ODK Central server.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of submission metadata.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of submission metadata.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{submission_list}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A nested list of submission data.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A nested list of submission data.
#' @source The output of \code{\link{submission_get}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`
#' using submission instance IDs from \code{\link{submission_list}}.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of the main data table of records from a test form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of main records from a test form.
#' @source \code{\link{submission_export}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of a repeated sub-group of records from a test form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of repeated sub-group of records from a test form.
#' @source \code{\link{submission_export}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' A tibble of a repeated sub-group of records from a test form.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @format A tibble of repeated sub-group of records from a test form.
#' @source \code{\link{submission_export}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The form_schema of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{form_schema}}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The unparsed submissions of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{odata_submission_get}(wkt=FALSE, parse=FALSE)}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{odata_submission_get}(wkt=FALSE, parse=TRUE)}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON
#' with trailing empty coordinates present.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This issue was fixed in #88.
#' ODK Central versions 0.7 - 0.9 export geotraces and geoshapes with trailing
#' empty coordinates. ruODK has a patch to drop trailing empty coordinates.
#' This dataset is used to test the patch in ruODK.
#' @source \code{\link{odata_submission_get}(wkt=FALSE, parse=TRUE)}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The unparsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{odata_submission_get}(wkt=TRUE, parse=FALSE)}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{odata_submission_get}(wkt=TRUE, parse=TRUE)}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT
#' with trailing empty coordinates present.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This issue was fixed in #88.
#' ODK Central versions 0.7 - 0.9 export geotraces and geoshapes with trailing
#' empty coordinates. ruODK has a patch to drop trailing empty coordinates.
#' This dataset is used to test the patch in ruODK.
#' @source \code{\link{odata_submission_get}(wkt=TRUE, parse=TRUE)}
#' run on the test form
#' `system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK")`.
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The unparsed XML form_schema of a form from ODK Central v0.6 as nested list.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{form_schema}(odkc_version = 0.7, parse = FALSE)}
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8

#' The parsed XML form_schema of a form from ODK Central v0.6.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @source \code{\link{form_schema_parse}(fs_v7_raw)}
#' @family included
#' @encoding UTF-8
dbca-wa/ruODK documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 9:04 p.m.