
Defines functions split_catchment_divide trace_upstream flowpath_filter collect_upstream find_upstream get_neighbor_df

Documented in split_catchment_divide trace_upstream

get_neighbor_df <- function(row, col, nrow_mat, ncol_mat) {
  # Starting east going clockwise
  neighbors <- matrix(c(row,     col + 1, 16,
                        row + 1, col + 1, 32,
                        row + 1, col,     64,
                        row + 1, col - 1, 128,
                        row,     col - 1, 1,
                        row - 1, col - 1, 2,
                        row - 1, col,     4,
                        row - 1, col + 1, 8), nrow = 8, byrow = TRUE)

  neighbors <- data.frame(neighbors)
  names(neighbors) <- c("row", "col", "flow_to_test")
  rownames(neighbors) <- c("east", "southeast", "south", "southwest", "west", "northwest", "north", "northeast")

  if (row == nrow_mat) neighbors <- neighbors[!rownames(neighbors) %in% c("southeast", "south", "southwest"), ]
  if (col == ncol_mat) neighbors <- neighbors[!rownames(neighbors) %in% c("northeast", "east", "southeast"), ]
  if (row == 0) neighbors <- neighbors[!rownames(neighbors) %in% c("northwest", "north", "northeast"), ]
  if (col == 0) neighbors <- neighbors[!rownames(neighbors) %in% c("southwest", "west", "northwest"), ]


find_upstream <- function(row_col, fdr_matrix) {

  row <- row_col[1]
  col <- row_col[2]

  # Hacking around the stop conditions in these three if statements.
  if (is.na(row) | is.na(col)) {

  if (row <= 0 | row > nrow(fdr_matrix) | col <= 0 | col > ncol(fdr_matrix)) {

  if (is.na(fdr_matrix[row, col])) {

  neighbors <- get_neighbor_df(row, col, nrow(fdr_matrix), ncol(fdr_matrix))

  neighbor_ind <- cbind(neighbors$row, neighbors$col)
  if(any(neighbor_ind == 0)) {
    keep <- neighbor_ind[, 1] != 0 &  neighbor_ind[, 2] != 0
    neighbor_ind <- neighbor_ind[keep, ]
    flow_to_val <- neighbors$flow_to_test[keep]
  } else {
    flow_to_val <- neighbors$flow_to_test

  return(neighbor_ind[which(fdr_matrix[neighbor_ind] == flow_to_val), , drop = FALSE])

collect_upstream <- function(row_col, fdr_matrix, fac_matrix = NULL, flowpath_mode = FALSE) {

  m_size <- nrow(fdr_matrix) * ncol(fdr_matrix)
  out_cells <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = m_size, ncol = 2)
  check_cell_counter <- 1
  out_cell_counter <- 2
  out_cells[check_cell_counter, ] <- row_col
  row_col <- out_cells[check_cell_counter, ]
  while(!is.na(row_col[1])) {
    us <- find_upstream(row_col, fdr_matrix)
    if(flowpath_mode) {
      us <- flowpath_filter(us, fac_matrix)
    new_rows <- nrow(us)
    if(!is.null(new_rows) && nrow(us) > 0) {
      out_cells[out_cell_counter:(out_cell_counter + new_rows - 1), ] <- us
      out_cell_counter <- out_cell_counter + new_rows
    check_cell_counter <- check_cell_counter + 1
    row_col <- out_cells[check_cell_counter, ]
    if(check_cell_counter > 2000000) {
      stop("runaway loop in collect upstream")

  return(out_cells[1:check_cell_counter, ])

flowpath_filter <- function(us, fac_matrix) {
  fac_vals <- apply(us, 1, function(x, mat) {
    mat[x[1], x[2]]
  }, mat = fac_matrix)
  if(any(fac_vals > 0)) {
    us <- us[which(fac_vals == max(fac_vals)), , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    us <- us[1, ]

#' Trace Upstream
#' @param start_point row col index
#' @param cat catchment
#' @param fdr flow direction grid
#' @param fac_matrix flow accumulation matrix
#' @param fdr_matrix flow direction matrix
#' @importFrom terra xFromCol yFromRow
#' @importFrom sf st_sfc st_linestring st_crs
#' @importFrom utils capture.output str
#' @return sfc

trace_upstream <- function(start_point, cat, fdr, fac_matrix, fdr_matrix) {

  s_p <- st_coordinates(start_point)
  suppressWarnings(row_col <- get_row_col(fdr, s_p, fac_matrix))
    us_flowpath <- collect_upstream(row_col, fdr_matrix, fac_matrix, flowpath_mode = TRUE)
  }, error = function(e) {
    stop(paste0("Error with: ", 
                                         give.attr = FALSE, 
                                         drop.deparse.attr = TRUE)), 
                      collapse = "\n"), " original error was: \n", e))
  us_flowpath <- us_flowpath[!is.na(us_flowpath[, 1]), ]
  xy_nodes <- matrix(c(terra::xFromCol(fdr, col = us_flowpath[, 2]),
                       terra::yFromRow(fdr, row = us_flowpath[, 1])), 
                     ncol = 2)

  xy_nodes <- rbind(start_point[[1]], xy_nodes)
  st_sfc(st_linestring(xy_nodes[nrow(xy_nodes):1, ]), crs = st_crs(start_point))

#' @title Split Catchment Divides
#' @description A catchment-divide splitting algorithm that works with a D8
#' flow direction grid and the output of nhdplus_refactor. See Vignette
#' for examples.
#' @param catchment sf data.frame with one catchment divide
#' @param fline sf data.frame with one or more flowline segments in
#' upstream downstream order.
#' @param fdr character path to flow direction that fully covers the catchment
#' @param fac character path to flow accumulation that fuller covers the catchment
#' @param lr boolean should catchments be split along the left/right bank?
#' @param min_area_m minimum area in m^2 to filter out slivers (caution, use with care!!)
#' @param snap_distance_m distance in meters to snap SpatRaster generated geometry to polygon geometry
#' @param simplify_tolerance_m dTolerance in meters for simplification of grid-cell based polygons
#' @param vector_crs any object compatible with sf::st_crs. Used for vector-based calculations in case that 
#' fdr projection is not suitable (e.g. lon/lat) -- must result in units of meters.
#' @return Split catchment divides as an sfc geometry.
#' @importFrom terra rast setValues as.polygons
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup filter select mutate lead n
#' @importFrom sf st_crs st_coordinates as_Spatial st_buffer st_combine
#' st_as_sf st_as_sfc st_sfc st_geometry st_simplify st_snap
#' st_difference st_cast st_sf st_area st_distance st_within st_point `st_crs<-`
#' st_make_valid st_segmentize st_nearest_feature st_linestring
#' @importFrom nhdplusTools get_node
#' @importFrom dplyr `%>%`
#' @export
split_catchment_divide <- function(catchment, fline, fdr, fac, lr = FALSE, 
                                   min_area_m = 800, snap_distance_m = 100,
                                   simplify_tolerance_m = 40, vector_crs = NULL) {

  #check_proj(catchment, fline, fdr)
  if(!inherits(fdr, "SpatRaster")){
    fdr = terra::rast(fdr)
  if(!inherits(fac, "SpatRaster")){
    fac = terra::rast(fac)

  cat_crs <- sf::st_crs(catchment)
  outlets <- st_coordinates(fline) %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    group_by(L1) %>%
    filter(dplyr::row_number() == n()) %>%

  suppressWarnings(fdr_matrix <- prep_cat_fdr_fac(catchment, fdr, fac))
  fdr <- fdr_matrix$fdr
  fac <- fdr_matrix$fac
  fac_matrix <- fdr_matrix$fac_matrix
  fdr_matrix <- fdr_matrix$fdr_matrix
  return_cats <- list()

  if (nrow(fdr_matrix) != nrow(fac_matrix) | ncol(fdr_matrix) != ncol(fac_matrix)) {
    stop("flow direction and flow accumulation must be the same size")

  for (cat in seq_len(nrow(outlets) - 1)) {
    in_out <- st_within(st_sfc(st_point(c(outlets$X[cat], outlets$Y[cat])),
                                       crs = st_crs(fline)),
                            catchment, prepared = FALSE)[[1]]
    if (length(in_out) > 0 && in_out == 1) {
      suppressWarnings(row_col <- get_row_col(fdr, start = cbind(outlets$X[cat], outlets$Y[cat]), fac_matrix))
        us_cells <- collect_upstream(row_col, fdr_matrix)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stop(paste0("Error with: ", 
                                             give.attr = FALSE, 
                                             drop.deparse.attr = TRUE)), 
                          collapse = "\n"), " original error was: \n", e))
      vals <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(fdr_matrix), ncol = ncol(fdr_matrix))

      vals[us_cells] <- 1

      out = terra::setValues(fdr, vals)
      names(out) = "cats"
      raster_function <- function(x) x == 1

      out = st_as_sf(terra::as.polygons(out)) |> 
        filter(.data$cats == 1)

      smaller_than_one_pixel <- units::set_units(min_area_m, "m^2")
      snap_distance          <- units::set_units(snap_distance_m, "m")
      if(!is.null(vector_crs)) {
        out <- sf::st_transform(out, vector_crs)
        catchment <- sf::st_transform(catchment, vector_crs)
      ds_catchment <- st_geometry(out) %>%
        st_simplify(dTolerance = simplify_tolerance_m) %>%
        st_snap(st_geometry(catchment), tolerance = snap_distance)

      retry_cat_fun <- function(catchment, ds_catchment, smaller_than_one_pixel) {
        st_difference(st_geometry(catchment), ds_catchment) %>%
          st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
          st_sf() %>%
          mutate(area = st_area(.)) %>%
          filter(area > smaller_than_one_pixel) %>%

      suppressWarnings(st_crs(catchment) <- st_crs(ds_catchment))
      ds_catchment <- retry_cat_fun(st_make_valid(catchment),

      us_catchment <- st_difference(st_geometry(st_make_valid(catchment)),
      catchment <- ds_catchment

      if(sf::st_crs(catchment) != cat_crs) {
        catchment <- sf::st_transform(catchment, cat_crs)
        us_catchment <- sf::st_transform(us_catchment, cat_crs)
      return_cats <- c(return_cats, us_catchment)
    } else {
  if(sf::st_is_empty(st_geometry(catchment))) {
    stop("Nothing left over. Split too small?")
  } else {
    out <- c(return_cats, st_geometry(catchment))

  out <- st_as_sfc(out, crs = st_crs(catchment))
  if(lr) {
    return(split_lr(cat = out, fline, fdr, fac_matrix, fdr_matrix))

split_lr <- function(cat, fline, fdr, fac_matrix, fdr_matrix) {
  out <- lapply(c(1:nrow(fline)), function(x, cat, fline, fdr, fac_matrix, fdr_matrix) {
    line <- st_cast(st_geometry(fline[x, ]), "LINESTRING")
    cat <- st_sfc(st_segmentize(cat[[x]], dfMaxLength = 100), crs = st_crs(cat))
    un <- st_geometry(get_node(line, position = "start"))
    dn <- st_geometry(get_node(line, position = "end"))
    coords <- st_cast(cat, "POINT")
    snap_un <- coords[st_nearest_feature(un, coords)]
    snap_dn <- coords[st_nearest_feature(dn, coords)]
    if(as.numeric(st_distance(un, snap_un)) > 100) {
      extra_line <- trace_upstream(un, cat, fdr, fac_matrix, fdr_matrix)
      extra_line <- st_simplify(extra_line, dTolerance = 50)
      line[[1]] <- st_linestring(rbind(extra_line[[1]], line[[1]]))
      un <- st_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_node(line, position = "start"))
      snap_un <- coords[st_nearest_feature(un, coords)]
    line[[1]][1, ] <- st_coordinates(snap_un)
    line[[1]][nrow(line[[1]]), ] <- st_coordinates(snap_dn)
    split_cat <- lwgeom::st_split(cat, line)
    split_1 <- st_sfc(st_geometry(split_cat)[[1]][[1]], crs = st_crs(split_cat))
    split_2 <- st_sfc(st_geometry(split_cat)[[1]][[2]], crs = st_crs(split_cat))
    st_combine(c(split_1, split_2))
  }, fline = fline, cat = cat, fdr = fdr, fac_matrix = fac_matrix, fdr_matrix = fdr_matrix)
  do.call(c, out)

#' Get Row and Column
#' @param fdr flow direction grid
#' @param start matrix (row, col)
#' @param fac_matrix flow accumulation matrix
#' @importFrom terra cellFromXY rowColFromCell

get_row_col <- function(fdr, start, fac_matrix) {
  cell    <- terra::cellFromXY(fdr, start)
  row_col <- terra::rowColFromCell(fdr, cell)
  neighbors <- get_neighbor_df(row_col[1], row_col[2],
                               nrow(fac_matrix), ncol(fac_matrix))
  neighbor_fac <- fac_matrix[cbind(neighbors$row, neighbors$col)]
  # Some flowline outlets don't hit the right raster cell.
  # This grabs a neighbor that is more than twice the flow accumulation
  # to avoid just going 1 cell in the downstream direction.
  if (any(neighbor_fac > (fac_matrix[row_col[1], row_col[2]]) * 2)) {
    new_rc <- neighbors[which(neighbor_fac == max(neighbor_fac)), 1:2]
    row_col[1] <- new_rc$row
    row_col[2] <- new_rc$col

#' Prep catchment with FDR/FAC
#' @param cat catchment (sf object)
#' @param fdr flow direction grid
#' @param fac flow accumulation grid
#' @importFrom terra vect crop mask as.matrix
#' @importFrom sf st_is_longlat st_buffer

prep_cat_fdr_fac <- function(cat, fdr, fac) {
  sp_cat_buffer <- terra::vect(
    if(sf::st_is_longlat(cat)) {
    c = st_make_valid(st_buffer(cat, 0.002))
  } else {
    st_make_valid(st_buffer(cat, 200))

  fdr <- terra::crop(fdr, sp_cat_buffer, snap = "out")
  fdr <- terra::mask(fdr, sp_cat_buffer)
  fac <- terra::crop(fac, sp_cat_buffer, snap = "out")
  fac <- terra::mask(fac, sp_cat_buffer)
  fdr_matrix <- terra::as.matrix(fdr, wide=TRUE)
  fac_matrix <- terra::as.matrix(fac, wide=TRUE)
  return(list(fdr_matrix = fdr_matrix, 
              fac_matrix = fac_matrix,
              fdr = fdr,
              fac = fac))

check_proj <- function(catchment, fline, fdr = NULL) {

  er <- "All inputs must have the same projection."

  if(st_crs(fline) != st_crs(catchment)) {

  if(!is.null(fdr)) {

    proj <- st_crs(fdr)
    if (st_crs(catchment) != st_crs(proj) |
        st_crs(fline) != st_crs(proj)) {

#' trace downstream (raindrop trace)
#' @description proof of concept raindrop trace. 
#' Example shown works but not tested beyond happy path
#' Stop condition is distance or NA flow direction.
#' Set edge of fdr and river path to NA to control stop.
#' @noRd
#' @param start_point sfc point where trace should start
#' @param fdr SpatRaster flow direction grid
#' @param distance numeric max distance in number of grid cells
#' @return sfc linestring path traced along flow direction in crs of fdr grid
#' @importFrom terra rast crs rowColFromCell cellFromXY as.matrix xyFromCell cellFromRowCol
#' @importFrom sf st_transform st_coordinates st_linestring st_sfc st_crs
#' @examples 
#' source(system.file("extdata", "walker_data.R", package = "hyRefactor"))
#' start_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-122.7, 38.126)), crs = 4326)
#' distance <- 100
#' line <- sf::st_transform(dplyr::filter(walker_flowline,
#'                                        COMID == 5329435),
#'                          sf::st_crs(walker_fdr))
#' fdr <- terra::mask(walker_fdr, line, inverse = TRUE)
#' xy <- trace_downstream(start_point, fdr, distance)

trace_downstream <- function(start_point, fdr, distance = 10000) {

  if(!inherits(fdr, "SpatRaster")){
    fdr = terra::rast(fdr)
  lookup_rowcol <- rep(list(list()), 128)
  lookup_rowcol[[1]] <- c(0, 1)
  lookup_rowcol[[2]] <- c(1, 1)
  lookup_rowcol[[4]] <- c(1, 0)
  lookup_rowcol[[8]] <- c(1, -1)
  lookup_rowcol[[16]] <- c(0, -1)
  lookup_rowcol[[32]] <- c(-1, -1)
  lookup_rowcol[[64]] <- c(-1, 0)
  lookup_rowcol[[128]] <- c(-1, 1)
  # start point in raster projection
  stp <- sf::st_transform(start_point, terra::crs(fdr))

  # 1X2 matrix giving start row and col in raster
  sti <- terra::rowColFromCell(fdr, terra::cellFromXY(fdr, st_coordinates(stp)))  
  fdr_matrix <- terra::as.matrix(fdr, wide = TRUE)
  # empty max distance X 2 matrix 
  track <- matrix(nrow = distance, ncol = 2)
  # distance counter
  d <- 1

  # starting local flow direction
  local_dir <- fdr_matrix[sti]
  # stop if at distance or local direction is NA
  while(d <= distance & !is.na(local_dir)) {

    # add row col to track
    track[d, ] <- sti
    d <- d + 1
    # next row col based on local flow direction
    sti <- sti + lookup_rowcol[[local_dir]]
    # next local flow direction from matrix
    local_dir <- fdr_matrix[sti]
  # truncate track in case of NA stop
  track <- track[!is.na(track[,1]), ]
  # get xy for all row/col from track and fddr
  xy <- terra::xyFromCell(fdr, terra::cellFromRowCol(fdr, track[, 1], track[, 2]))
  # return sfc linestring in projection of fdr
  sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(xy), crs = sf::st_crs(fdr))
dblodgett-usgs/hyRefactor documentation built on June 6, 2024, 2 a.m.