

#simply to trigger the test functions, as the below tests may be only relevant to the SangerTableSchemaList, may need to define other tests as different types of DBs become available.
alignments <- function(x) x
sanger.genotypes <- function(x) x

test.alignments <- function()
{"extdata", "@DB_NAME@", package="@PKGNAME@")
    limit.chr <- @LIMIT_CHR@
    bs.genome <- @GENOME_PACKAGE@
    db.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT * FROM probe_info")
    #write to a fastq file
    temp <- strsplit($fasta_name, ";")
    fasta.vec <- sapply(temp, "[[", 3)
    names(fasta.vec) <-$probe_ind
    probe.set <- DNAStringSet(fasta.vec, use.names=TRUE)
    use.probe.fa <- tempfile()
    writeXStringSet(probe.set, filepath=use.probe.fa)
    use.file <- tempfile()
    system(paste("@BOWTIE_PATH@ -f -v @NUM_MISMATCH@ -M 1 --best -S -p 10 @GENOME_PATH@", use.probe.fa, paste0(use.file, ".sam")))
    asBam(file=paste0(use.file, ".sam"), destination=use.file, overwrite=TRUE)
    sortBam(file=paste0(use.file, ".bam"), destination=use.file, overwrite=TRUE)
    indexBam(paste0(use.file, ".bam"), overwrite=TRUE)
    use.param <- ScanBamParam(flag = scanBamFlag(), simpleCigar = FALSE,
         reverseComplement = FALSE, tag = "XM",
         what = scanBamWhat())
    scanned.bam <- scanBam(paste0(use.file, ".bam"), param=use.param)
    unique.mapped <- which([[1]]$tag$XM))
    multi.mapped <- which([[1]]$tag$XM) == FALSE & scanned.bam[[1]]$tag$XM == 2)
    non.mapped <- which([[1]]$tag$XM) == FALSE & scanned.bam[[1]]$tag$XM == 0)
    #check to make sure those unique alignments found in the bowtie alignments only are due to unique mapping to alternative haplotypes/contigs
    bwt.diff.uniqs <- setdiff(scanned.bam[[1]]$qname[unique.mapped],$probe_ind[$align_status %in% c("UniqueMapped", "UniqueMappedNotGeno")])
    bwt.diff.chrs <- as.character(scanned.bam[[1]]$rname)[scanned.bam[[1]]$qname %in% bwt.diff.uniqs]
    checkTrue(any(bwt.diff.chrs %in% limit.chr) == FALSE)
    #check to make sure those unique alignments found in the snp mask only are due to alignments to multimappings with non-included chromosomes (really just a sanity check by examining whether they are multimapping)
    om.diff.uniqs <- setdiff($probe_ind[$align_status %in% c("UniqueMapped", "UniqueMappedNotGeno")], scanned.bam[[1]]$qname[unique.mapped])
    om.diff.tags <- scanned.bam[[1]]$tag$XM[scanned.bam[[1]]$qname %in% om.diff.uniqs]
    checkTrue(all(om.diff.tags == 2))
    #now for those that are unique and in common, check the sanity of the coordinates
    probe.aln <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT probe_ind, probe_chr, probe_start, probe_end FROM probe_info NATURAL JOIN probe_align")
    bwt.chr.pos <- with(scanned.bam[[1]], data.frame(probe_ind=qname, probe_chr=as.character(rname), probe_start=pos, probe_end=pos+24, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
    bwt.chr.pos <- bwt.chr.pos[unique.mapped,]
    bwt.chr.pos <- bwt.chr.pos[bwt.chr.pos$probe_ind %in% probe.aln$probe_ind,]
    probe.aln <- probe.aln[probe.aln$probe_ind %in% bwt.chr.pos$probe_ind,]
    bwt.chr.pos$probe_ind <- as.integer(bwt.chr.pos$probe_ind)
    #remove those with chromosomes not used in the original probe alignments for additional analysis
    bwt.oob.chrs <- bwt.chr.pos[bwt.chr.pos$probe_chr %in% limit.chr == FALSE,]
    probe.aln.oob.chrs <- probe.aln[probe.aln$probe_ind %in% bwt.oob.chrs$probe_ind,]
    bwt.chr.pos <- bwt.chr.pos[bwt.chr.pos$probe_chr %in% limit.chr,]
    probe.aln <- probe.aln[probe.aln$probe_ind %in% bwt.oob.chrs$probe_ind == FALSE,]
    #this should take care of most
    bwt.chr.pos <- bwt.chr.pos["order", bwt.chr.pos),]
    probe.aln <- probe.aln["order", probe.aln),]
    rownames(bwt.chr.pos) <- NULL
    rownames(probe.aln) <- NULL
    checkEquals(probe.aln, bwt.chr.pos)
    #can actually implement checks if this is the case, but isn't for this example
    checkTrue(nrow(bwt.oob.chrs) == 0)

test.sanger.genotypes <- function()
    base.cmd <- "@VCF_QUERY_CMD@ -f '%CHROM:%POS\t%REF[\t%SAMPLE=%TGT]\n' -r $$REGION -s $$SAMPLES $$VCF_FILE"
    #in practice, the vcf file and will be placed in the template upon creation..
    vcf.files <- @VAR_TYPE@"extdata", "@DB_NAME@", package="@PKGNAME@")
    db.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),
    probe.aligns <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT * FROM probe_align NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN probe_to_snp") <- probe.aligns[$ref_id),]
    use.cols <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT DISTINCT(strain) FROM genotype")[,1] 
    pipe.cmd <- sub("$$SAMPLES", paste(use.cols, collapse=","), base.cmd, fixed=TRUE)
    #first retrieve those probes not expected to overlap anything
    is.homozyg.lines <- function(res)
        temp.res <- data.frame(t(sapply(1:nrow(res), function(x)
                        paste(use.cols, "=", paste(rep(res[x,2],2), collapse="/"), sep="")
                   })), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            res <- res[,3:ncol(res)]
            names(res) <- names(temp.res)
            return(sapply(1:nrow(temp.res), function(x) all(t(temp.res)[,x] == t(res)[,x])))
    for (i in 1:nrow(
        use.interval <- paste0([i,2], ":", paste([i,3:4], collapse="-"))
        #if no interval exists, it will throw an error about not finding any lines, catch this and test it appropriately
        for (j in vcf.files)
   <- sub("$$VCF_FILE",j, pipe.cmd, fixed=TRUE)
            print (
            checkTrue(tryCatch(all(is.homozyg.lines(read.delim(pipe(sub("$$REGION", use.interval ,, fixed=TRUE)), colClasses = "character",sep="\t", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))), error = function(e) any(grepl("no lines available in input", e$message) )))
    #then do the rest
    probe.with.genos <- probe.aligns[$ref_id) == FALSE,]
    #seperate those probes that overlap multiple variants from the rest
    dup.probes <- probe.with.genos$probe_ind[duplicated(probe.with.genos$probe_ind)]
    dup.probes.with.genos <- probe.with.genos[probe.with.genos$probe_ind %in% dup.probes,]
    nd.probes.with.genos <- probe.with.genos[probe.with.genos$probe_ind %in% dup.probes == FALSE,]
    all.geno.refs <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT * FROM reference NATURAL JOIN genotype NATURAL JOIN allele NATURAL JOIN vcf_annot")
    split.geno.refs <- split(all.geno.refs, as.character(all.geno.refs$ref_id))
    #deal with the non-duplicated probes first
    .check.single.probes.geno <- function(, db.genos)
        use.interval <- paste0([1,2], ":", paste([1,3:4], collapse="-"))
        split.db.genos <- split(db.genos, db.genos$type)
        for (z in names(split.db.genos))
   <- sub("$$VCF_FILE",vcf.files[[z]], pipe.cmd, fixed=TRUE)
            genos <- read.delim(pipe(sub("$$REGION", use.interval ,, fixed=TRUE)), colClasses = "character",sep="\t", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            keep.rows <- genos[is.homozyg.lines(genos)==FALSE,]
            temp.melt.vcf <- melt(keep.rows, id.vars=c("V1", "V2"))
            split.samp.genos <- strsplit(temp.melt.vcf$value, "=|\\/")
            temp.melt.vcf$strain <- sapply(split.samp.genos, "[", 1)
            temp.geno.ind.list <- unlist(lapply(1:length(split.samp.genos), function(x) rep(x, length(split.samp.genos[[x]])-1)))
            temp.geno.list <- unlist(lapply(1:length(split.samp.genos), function(x) split.samp.genos[[x]][2:length(split.samp.genos[[x]])]))
            temp.melt.vcf <- cbind(temp.melt.vcf[temp.geno.ind.list,], genos=temp.geno.list)
            temp.melt.vcf$genos <- as.character(temp.melt.vcf$genos)
            temp.melt.vcf <- temp.melt.vcf[,c("V1", "strain", "genos")]
            names(temp.melt.vcf) <- c("ref", "strain", "alleles")
            temp.melt.vcf <- temp.melt.vcf[!duplicated(temp.melt.vcf),]
            temp.melt.vcf <- temp.melt.vcf["order", temp.melt.vcf),]
            rownames(temp.melt.vcf) <- NULL
            temp.db.genos <- split.db.genos[[z]][,c("seqnames", "start", "strain", "alleles")]
            temp.db.genos$ref <- paste(temp.db.genos$seqnames, temp.db.genos$start, sep=":")
            temp.db.genos <- temp.db.genos[,c("ref", "strain", "alleles")]
            temp.db.genos <- temp.db.genos[!duplicated(temp.db.genos),]
            temp.db.genos <- temp.db.genos["order", temp.db.genos),]
            rownames(temp.db.genos) <- NULL
            checkEquals(temp.melt.vcf, temp.db.genos)
    for (i in 1:nrow(nd.probes.with.genos))
        .check.single.probes.geno(nd.probes.with.genos[i,], split.geno.refs[[as.character(nd.probes.with.genos$ref_id[i])]])
    split.dups <- split(dup.probes.with.genos, dup.probes.with.genos$probe_ind)
    for (i in 1:length(split.dups))
        cur.dups <- split.dups[[i]]
        .check.single.probes.geno([1,],"rbind", split.geno.refs[as.character(cur.dups$ref_id)]))
dbottomly/oligoMask documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:22 a.m.