
context("Postcalc for Mixlike")

test_that("post_mix_dist.normalnormal", {
    gpi <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
    gmean <- c(0, 0, 1)
    gsd <- c(0, 1, 2)
    g <- normalmix(pi = gpi, mean = gmean, sd = gsd)

    epi <- c(0.3, 0.7)
    emean <- c(0, 0)
    esd <- c(2, 3)
    n <- 11
    errordist <- list()
    for (index in 1:n) {
        errordist[[index]] <- normalmix(pi = epi, mean = emean, sd = esd)

    betahat <- rnorm(n)

    postout <- post_mix_dist.normalnormal(g = g, betahat = betahat, errordist = errordist)
    expect_true(all(abs(apply(postout$weights, 1, sum) - 1) < 10 ^ -14))
    meanout      <- mix_mean_array(postout)
    probzero_out <- mix_probzero_array(postout)
    expect_true(all(probzero_out >= 0 & probzero_out <= 1))
    sdout        <- mix_sd_array(postout)
    pless        <- mix_cdf_array(postout, 0)
    expect_true(all(pless >= 0 & pless <= 1))

test_that("post_mix_dist.normaluni", {
    gpi <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
    gmean <- c(0, 0, 1)
    gsd <- c(0, 1, 2)
    g <- normalmix(pi = gpi, mean = gmean, sd = gsd)

    epi    <- c(0.3, 0.7)
    elower <- c(-2, -1)
    eupper <- c(2, 1)
    n <- 11
    errordist <- list()
    for (index in 1:n) {
        errordist[[index]] <- unimix(pi = epi, a = elower, b = eupper)

    betahat <- rnorm(n)

    postout <- post_mix_dist.normaluni(g = g, betahat = betahat, errordist = errordist)

    expect_true(all(abs(apply(postout$weights, 1, sum) - 1) < 10 ^ -14))
    meanout <- mix_mean_array(postout)

    ## truncnorm way to calculate means
    tpostmeans <- truncnorm::etruncnorm(a = postout$lower, b = postout$upper,
                                        mean = postout$means, sd = sqrt(postout$variances))
    tpostmeans <- array(tpostmeans, dim = dim(postout$means))
    tpostmeans[, 1, ] <- 0
    tmeanout <- apply(tpostmeans * postout$weights, 1, sum)
    expect_equal(meanout, tmeanout)

    probzero_out <- mix_probzero_array(postout)
    expect_true(all(probzero_out >= 0 & probzero_out <= 1))
    sdout        <- mix_sd_array(postout)

    ## truncnorm method
    tpostvars <- truncnorm::vtruncnorm(a = postout$lower, b = postout$upper,
                                       mean = postout$means, sd = sqrt(postout$variances))
    tpostvars <- array(tpostvars, dim = dim(postout$means))
    tpostvars[, 1, ] <- 0
    second_moment <- apply(postout$weights * (tpostmeans ^ 2 + tpostvars), 1, sum)
    first_moment2 <- apply(postout$weights * tpostmeans, 1, sum) ^ 2
    tsdout <- sqrt(second_moment - first_moment2)
    expect_equal(sdout, tsdout)

    pless        <- mix_cdf_array(postout, 0)
    expect_true(all(pless >= 0 & pless <= 1))

test_that("post_mix_dist.uninormal", {
    gpi <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
    ga  <- c(-5, -2, 0)
    gb <- c(7, 3, 0)
    g <- unimix(pi = gpi, a = ga, b = gb)

    epi <- c(0.3, 0.7)
    emean <- c(0, 0)
    esd <- c(2, 3)
    n <- 11
    errordist <- list()
    for (index in 1:n) {
        errordist[[index]] <- normalmix(pi = epi, mean = emean, sd = esd)

    betahat <- rnorm(n)

    postout <- post_mix_dist.uninormal(g = g, betahat = betahat, errordist = errordist)

    expect_true(all(abs(apply(postout$weights, 1, sum) - 1) < 10 ^ -14))

    meanout      <- mix_mean_array(postout)

    ## truncnorm way to calculate means
    tpostmeans <- truncnorm::etruncnorm(a = postout$lower, b = postout$upper,
                                        mean = postout$means, sd = sqrt(postout$variances))
    tpostmeans <- array(tpostmeans, dim = dim(postout$means))
    tpostmeans[, 3, ] <- 0
    tmeanout <- apply(tpostmeans * postout$weights, 1, sum)
    expect_equal(meanout, tmeanout)

    probzero_out <- mix_probzero_array(postout)
    expect_true(all(probzero_out >= 0 & probzero_out <= 1))

    sdout        <- mix_sd_array(postout)

    ## truncnorm method
    tpostvars <- truncnorm::vtruncnorm(a = postout$lower, b = postout$upper,
                                       mean = postout$means, sd = sqrt(postout$variances))
    tpostvars <- array(tpostvars, dim = dim(postout$means))
    tpostvars[, 3, ] <- 0
    second_moment <- apply(postout$weights * (tpostmeans ^ 2 + tpostvars), 1, sum)
    first_moment2 <- apply(postout$weights * tpostmeans, 1, sum) ^ 2
    tsdout <- sqrt(second_moment - first_moment2)
    expect_equal(sdout, tsdout)

    pless        <- mix_cdf_array(postout, 0)
    expect_true(all(pless >= 0 & pless <= 1))

test_that("post_mix_dist.uniuni", {
    gpi <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
    ga  <- c(-5, -2, 0)
    gb <- c(7, 3, 0)
    g <- unimix(pi = gpi, a = ga, b = gb)

    epi    <- c(0.3, 0.7)
    elower <- c(-2, -1)
    eupper <- c(2, 1)
    n <- 11
    errordist <- list()
    for (index in 1:n) {
        errordist[[index]] <- unimix(pi = epi, a = elower, b = eupper)

    betahat <- rnorm(n)

    postout <- post_mix_dist.uniuni(g = g, betahat = betahat, errordist = errordist)

    expect_true(all(abs(apply(postout$weights, 1, sum) - 1) < 10 ^ -14))
    meanout      <- mix_mean_array(postout)
    probzero_out <- mix_probzero_array(postout)
    expect_true(all(probzero_out >= 0 & probzero_out <= 1))
    sdout        <- mix_sd_array(postout)
    pless        <- mix_cdf_array(postout, 0)
    expect_true(all(pless >= 0 & pless <= 1))

    g <- data_list$g
    betahat <- data_list$betahat
    errordist <- data_list$errordist
    pout <- post_mix_dist.uniuni(g = g, betahat = betahat, errordist = errordist)

test_that("mix_mean_array.truncnormalmix_array is stable", {
    ## Generate Data
    n <- 100
    beta <- rnorm(n)
    df <- 4
    sig  <- sqrt(rchisq(n, 5) / 5)
    y <- beta + sig * rt(n, df = df)

    errordist <- list()
    for (index in 1:n) {
        errordist[[index]] <- t_to_mix(mu = 0, sig = sig[index], df = df, gridsize = 70)

    mixout <- stramash.workhorse(betahat = y, errordist = errordist)

dcgerard/stramash documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:24 a.m.