context("Testing experimental features")
test_that("TESTS namespace::function in statistical functions", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none') #shut down all superb-generated messages
# whatever data set dta
dta2 <- GRD( WSFactors = c("Moment(W1,W2,W3)") )
# Superb throws a message if namespaces do not match
expect_message( plt1 <- superb(cbind(DV.W1, DV.W2, DV.W3) ~ ., dta2,
WSFactors = "Moment(3)",
statistic = "base::mean",
errorbar = "toto::CI"
) )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt1), TRUE)
# throws an error if the function does not exists
expect_error( plt2 <- superb(cbind(DV.W1, DV.W2, DV.W3) ~ ., dta2,
WSFactors = "Moment(3)",
statistic = "calisson::mean",
errorbar = "CI"
) )
# using functions located in a namespace specifically
# REMOVED: too sensitive
# require(rlang)
# rlang::env_unlock(asNamespace("superb"))
# assign('fctXXX', function(x) mean(x), asNamespace("superb") )
# assign('init.fctXXX', function(x) return(0), asNamespace("superb") )
# assign('CI.fctXXX', function(x, gamma) CI.mean(x, gamma = .95), asNamespace("superb") )
# expect_message( plt3 <- superb(cbind(DV.W1, DV.W2, DV.W3) ~ ., dta2,
# WSFactors = "Moment(3)",
# statistic = "superb::fctXXX",
# errorbar = "CI",
# gamma = 0.66
# ) )
# expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt3), TRUE)
# detach("package:rlang", unload = TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
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